Bed Rest.

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Short chapter for a quick update. School is killing my time and I'm on my fucking period which makes it worse.

Okay that's not something I should share.

Bae's in the picture...

Bed Rest


I don't know why, but I did. I was mad. I don't know what came over me, but when she fainted in the middle of the brawl, I immediately picked her and ran to my truck, setting her in the passenger seat. I drove out of that place before anyone could register what I was doing. I might've been mad, but I wasn't gonna let her die.

What the hell was I thinking? I don't know. All I know is that I didn't like the idea of someone else raising my kids, but she's right. I'm not fit to be a father, I mean look what happen to the plan I had of not messing up with their mom, and not putting pressure. I fucked it up pretty bad and in this moment, I felt like owed it to her.

I arrived at the hospital and quickly took her out, as an ambulance arrived, having a patient moved out of it in a stretcher. One of the nurses sees me and rushes up.

"We need a stretcher over here!" She yells to one of the men. She turns to Lesley and then to me. "What's the diagnosis?" She asks opening her eyelids once she's set down on the stretcher.

"She fainted when me and some of her family members were arguing." She hums to herself and looks up at me as we go through the emergency entrance. "Is she pregnant?"


"How far along?"

"Around four or five months."

"Are you the father?" I hesitate a bit before answering, "yes." After they take her in they ask me to stay in the lobby till they get her to remain consciousness. I take the time to buy some roses from a man going by and asking if anyone would like to buy.

I hear a huge commotion and snap my head towards the elevators. Dozens of people emerge and I see the group of people I was arguing with. Bobi's head snaps to me and she runs, or speed walks, to me with a worried look.

"How is she, Austin?" I stand and look towards the doors she went off on. "I don't know. They took her in and told me to wait till she regained consciousness. I've been waiting for about fifteen minutes." She sighs and and hugs me.

"I hope she's fine..." she mumbles. I nod. "I do too." I pull away and everyone behind her is staring at me. Both Harry and Bryce come up to me and before they can say anything, I hear my name.

"Austin Mahone?" I turn around and the nurse I saw earlier approaches me as I do the same. "She's gonna be fine. She can go home tomorrow, just so we can keep on checking on the three little ones she's carrying. We're gonna have to give her bed rest so her energy will come back and absolutely no pressure or stress from now on."

"Can we see her?" Asks Bobi. The nurse nods. "Only two at a time. Follow me." Bobi grabs my arm and pulls me along with her. I gulp. We enter a room the nurse leads us too and we see Lesley on her side, facing us, staring at nothing in particular.

"Lesley?"calls Bobi. She rushes to her and sits down beside her. Lesley stares at me the whole entire time, as she looks at the gifts in my hands. Bobi notices, and says, "I'll be by the door." She leaves and closes the door behind her, and I find myself stepping forward.

"Sorry won't fix anything and neither will this. I've cause you enough harm and I think I'll need to stay aways from you." To my surprise, she snorts. "I've heard that one before." And before I can think, the words slip my mouth. "Well, since you're getting married and all, this time it'll happen for good."

Her gaze snaps to mine and she glares. "Do you know why I'm marrying?"

"Isn't obvious why people marry each other?"

"It's not like that. That's what you don't understand you always assume things."

"That's why j wanna stay away, so I won't hurt you with my stupid remarks."

"Maybe I don't want you to stay away! Maybe I need you here by my side, to step into my shoes and come down from that stupid cloud your stuck and listen to me. Listen to how I feel, what j want. Everyone's right about me. I always think about what everyone else wants instead of what I want. I want you stick around for this pregnancy. I don't care if I have to FaceTime you at ultrasounds. I want you there! That's all I want." She says all in one breath. My breathe catches in my throat and sit beside her, sinking in the bed and sighing. "I've messed up too much and look where I've got you know. I can't hurt you Lesley. I can't hurt them." I place my hand against her swollen belly, rubbing it.

"You don't have to hurt me. You don't have to hurt anyone else. You don't have to leave Camilla, or cheat on her. I just want you to stay in my life." Her voice breaks. I look up at her.

"I'll stay... if that's what you want?"

"It's what I'm asking for. I can't handle them squirming when you walk away." Her eyes plead me with tears. And in that moment I know that I can't let her down. I love her, and she's in love with me. But we both are with someone else, and the only way we can make this work, is if I stay, and I will.


"Please?" I plead. He can't leave me. I know everything went downhill at the party. And we both said some things we might regret, and some we might not. And that's okay, because if anything matters, it's my kids, our kids. If I have to deal with their father being next to someone else, then that's fine as long as he stays.

"I'll stay." He murmurs, staring into my eyes. I sigh with relief and I pull him in for a hug. "Thank you. But..." I pull away. "I have two rules."

"Shit." I chuckle. "One: no kissing or hugging or any form of PDAS in front of me with Camilla. And Two: be present during the time I give birth. I don't care if you have to take a flight. You must be here."

"Why no PDA?" He asked confused and slightly amused. I sigh.

"Cause when you do, they hurt and move around and kick me-"

"They kick?" His eyes widen, gob smacked (funny word). "Are they doing that now?" I raise my hand. "Lend me your phone." His eyebrows quirk up but he pulls out his phone nonetheless. "What are you-"

"Shush." I snap, as I look at his screen before unlocking it. "How dd you know-"

"You're predictable." I go through his photos, and grab his hand before I open camera role. I lift up the hospital gown, revealing the undergarment I'm wearing. Thank god they're normal cause I don't think he would've handled hisself like he is now. "Calm down, Godzilla." He laughs.

I open camera and the tenth to the last picture is of him and Camilla. They're playing basketball and he's trying to get the ball from her, looking as if their guiding. But it is not a picture, it's a video. I press play and they start to kick. I try to stare at it for a little moment more so he can hold on to the sensation. But it gets a little painful and I flick the phone at him and I blink away the tears.

"Holy Mother of Monkey Milk..." I murmur. I breathe evenly and lie back down. "Get the picture Austin?"

I open my eyes and look at him. He nods.

"Got it. Bye." He leans over and kisses my forehead causing me to close my eyes, as his lips linger. Then he pulls away, kissing my belly. They kick again and I place my hand in his shoulder, squeezing it.

He looks up alarmed and panicked. "What?" I chuckle and shake my head. "They kicked, didn't they?" I nod. He says bye once again and leaves. I sigh and lean my head back, closing my eyes and shifting into a deep sleep.

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