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I'll edit later.

Songs for chapter:

All that matters- Justin Bieber

Beside You- 5 seconds of summer

Through The Dark- 1D

"So... um... I'll take the bed and you take the floor," he tells me as we stand in the middle of the hotel room, shifting awkwardly. I look at Austin my eyes widening and a smirk on his face. "Hell, no. You get your butt on the floor or I'll make you sleep in the bathroom." I glare at him as his face pales and he looks at the open door of the bathroom. "Fine, you get the bed. Knowing you, you're gonna do exactly that." A knock on the door stops my reply and the door slowly opens. "Can I come in?" Sweetly speaks Austin's mom. "Yeah." I reply. She comes in with two bags. "Here's your bags, this is yours," she says, setting down my flower printed suitcase. I crutch toward her and say thank you, grabbing my bag by the handle and placing my crutches on the wall. Hopping, I pull on my bag, but someone stops me.

"You should probably sit. I'll get hot water for that. Maybe by tomorrow you can still wear your heels," says Austin, grabbing my bag and giving me my crutches back. I frown, but since I'm tired, I listen. He rolls the suitcase next to the bed and grabs my duffel bag that his mom bought next. "Sit down, and I'll be back with the steaming bowl of hot water for your feet and help you take off that cast," he instructs. I roll my eyes, "ruff."

"I know that's how you like it," he winks before stepping towards the door. "And that's why you're sleeping on the floor and not on the bed with me." He shrugs and turns around. "It's not like it hasn't happened before." I gape at him. He winks and walks out the door, closing it gently. I grab my duffel bag and throw it towards the head board of the bed with a gold duvet, white pillows rimmed with gold. I stalk towards the bed and sit down. I take out my pajamas, but instead find stripping gear.

Pink pajama shorts with stars, and a white camisole. I'm gonna kill Gabby. Never will I ever... let her pack for me again. I get up from my bed, grabbing my crutches and leaving the room, towards Gabby's. I get there and don't bother knocking. She's in her white bra with purple pajama pants, and a shirt in her hand. "Give me my Pajamas." I spit through clenched teeth. She jumps and says, "knock!"

"Gabby you know I don't like to dress that way. Especially with him around!" I motion. "It's totally inappropriate and cold." I exclaim. She laughs. "That's why Austin is sleeping in your room. To keep you warm," she quirks an eyebrow. My eyes widen and I grab the closest thing I can find, flinging it at her. It hits her leg and she flinches. "Ow!"

"At least I get a guy in my room cause they trust me enough to not sleep with him," I smirk. She turns to me after slipping on her shirt, and her eyes widen. "I was ready! You on the other hand aren't!"

"I wanna get married in a white dress, thank you very much."

"We'll I'm on my period and I traded you pants for the shorts," she tells me. I frown, and grunt. "Just because of that, or not I would've hit you with my crutches." She smiles and runs to hug me. "Thank you!"

"Yeah, Yeah, go eat a chocolate. I'm gonna go change into my stripping gear."

She laughs. "Don't be a baby." I stick my tongue out at her, and crutch away. I go into my room, and grab the clothes on the bed, leaving my crutches on the floor. I step on my foot lightly and a little sharp pain goes up my leg, but it hurts like fuck. I grunt and sit down. I call Gabby but remember she's went downstairs to get a chocolate at the vending machine. She probably won't be back since Alex And Robert are down there, in the pool.

"What's wrong?" Screeches Austin, running into the room, alarmed. "Is your mom here?" I answer his question with a question. He shakes his head. "She went to buy breakfast just now. Why?" I sigh deeply. I can't believe I doing this.

"I needed help to change. My foot is sort of immobile." I answer, shyly looking away. He blushes and nods. "Do you want me to call Gabby?" I shake my head. "She went downstairs to get chocolate and won't be back, since there two guys by a pool that she just happened to know." He chuckles. "She did sleep with Alex." I nod and gulp.

"I just need help with my shorts. But I'll-" a yawn erupts from me, cutting of my sentence. "I'll do it myself." My eyes start to droop a little. "Umm... I can do it. Just don't move."

My face pales and I gulp. He grabs my hand and pulls me up. I grab his shoulders and he looks at me before granting the hem of my blue joggers. He ducks down and pulls them off. "S-sit d-down," he motions me, grabbing my hips. I do as he says and fall back, my butt landing on the comfy bed. My pink 'grandma' underwears, ride up and give me a wedgie. Austin tries to not look at me, but fails, looking directly between my legs. I shift uncomfortably, and he snaps out of what I probably think we're vulgar thoughts. Grabbing my shorts, he starts to slip them up, but stops. "Are you sure you wanna wear these. They don't look like your kinda shorts. Even the shorts you wore for the video were longer."

I release a shaky sigh, I'm still in my underwear. "I don't really have a choice, Gabby got mine." He nods and takes off my shorts going to his suitcase and taking out basketball shorts. "Here, they're big but it's better than those things." He slips one of my feet and then the other, slipping them on, before pulling me up and finishing the job. He grabs the string, and pulls it, making them squeeze around my figure. "Th-Thanks," I mutter looking up into his hazel eyes. He looks into my dark blue ones, and smiles. "No problem."

"How about we get that cast of and go to sleep? Does it feel better?"

"Yes. Still hurts, but it'll be fine."
"Shoot I forgot the water," he leaves the room quickly, and comes back with a steaming tub of hot water. "Okay. Let's see, this goes first," he takes off the neon blue wrapping. Then removes the other three wrappings, before removing the foam, then another black wrapping, and finally the little tiny cast that makes it comfortable, leaving white and red marks around my foot, my black toenails standing out. Ugh. My feet are so wrinkly and brown. But yet so pale.

"Put your foot in there, and put on this sock." I nod and slip it on. "Can you put some alcohol?" He furrow his eyebrows, but nods. He goes to the bathroom, and gets the alcohol from the cabinet behind the mirror and comes back, spilling it in. Michelle comes in with another tub of hot water.

"Lesley if you're hungry, I bought food. Some person from the staff bought this in." She pours it in the tub, making it more hotter and soothing. "Okay, when you can't feel your foot at all, take it out and we'll re-do it when you wake up and you'll be ready to wear any type of shoe." I smile.


"I was kidding, Austin." I tell him as he comes back with two pillow and blankets. "You can sleep on here, just keep your hands off." He smiles and nods hopping in next to me and turning the lamp off, leaving half of the room shaded.

"Lesley?" He whispers in the mere darkness after I turn off the lamp next to me. I get comfortable, and turn towards him. "Yeah?"

"Who was that guy? The one you said 'hi' to? Just curious," he asks. I turn to lie face up. He sits up, and takes off his shirt. Despite the darkness, I can see his body perfectly. His back dimples, muscles flexed. "You done staring?"

I snap out of my daze and blush. "Shut up." He laughs and lies back down. After a few moments of silence, I say, "He's my Ex, Kyle. I was almost thirteen. We dated for three months before he cheated on me, carelessly. He was fourteen. He's started drinking, but I heard that he quit after I broke up with him. He left shortly after and I never saw him again. We agreed to be friends." I pause and relief a shaky sigh.

"How many boyfriends have you had?"


"Have they always cheated on you?" He sits up, looking down at me. I shrug and sit up as well. "Guess it kinda rolls in the family. My aunt Bobi was like that too before she met my uncle Robby. He died when Bryce was five." He nods.

"My mom, too. But she went put with many guys, who cheated on her for not giving them what they wanted. Then she met my dad," my eyes water, and I look down. "My dad was the old, handsome nerd with an accent. My mum described him as a 'hot mess with glasses'," I laugh softly. "My dad fell in love with her but never told my mom, since she was constantly with guys. She wasn't a slut or anything. She would be that kind of girl that was looking for love. She wanted a nice guy who would treat her right. My dad got ode to her and they became friends. My dad made a move, and my mom did too. Time went on, they got married, and had me. They graduated college and had Tori when I was nine. My mom would always tell their story with a smile," an image of my mom smiling wide, apron tied around her waist hair in a bun, loose strands of hair all over the place, wrinkles besides her eyes. A tear slips my eye, and then another and soon I'm full on sobbing.

"I just miss them so much. I tried not to break down for Tori's sake. People thought I didn't care cause I wouldn't cry, but deep down I cried inside," I sob out, quietly. I look at Austin and he reaches a hand and wipes my tear stained cheeks. He leans in and kisses my forehead.

Lying us slowly back down, I land on his chest and sob quietly, as he caresses my hair. After a few minutes, I stop crying, on the brink of sleep.

"Lesley?" Whispers Austin.

"Hmm?" I hum.

"Night." He mumbles.



I will be posting pictures later of what you think Lesley should wear to the amas. idk if the AMA'S are usually in LA so forgive me if there not. Just click on the link I put and comment which one you like.

Check in in two hours! In the comments!


Too Far, Too Fast (Austin Mahone fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz