I Need You

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I don't know if its short. But I know you'll like it...

"What?" He grumbles, looking up. His eyes widen when he looks at me. "Bear?" My mouth drops.

"Oh My Gosh! What... How..."

I stay silent, crouching down, not finding the words I wanna say.. "Why did you do that? What happened to the nice, caring, person you were?" I ask, dumbfounded. He shrugs and cries once more. "Where's Alicia?"

He stays silent and looks away. Aaron was a nice, caring person the last time I saw him. Everyone liked him, even the mean jocks and bullies. He wouldn't do this, especially to a girl. There's no sign that he's drunk, or high, or pshh! Even stoned. Not that he does drugs.

"Austin... Can you give us a minute?" I ask him. He fidgets around, sighs, and nods. He walks towards the door, opening it, and closing it behind him, leaving a small portion open. Didn't I say 'give us a minute'. "Hold on," I excuse myself. I stand up straight, dusting of my dress, and walking towards the door. I look in the little gap between the door and the door frame, finding Austin staring at the door across the hall, ear close to the door. "Didn't I say close the door?" I ask. He jumps, when he hears my voice. His head slowly turns to see me, a crooked smile playing on his lips. "You Done?" He asks innocently. I smirk, and close the door in his face. "Ow!" He complains. I laugh.

I walk over to Aaron and sit down leaning against the wall, and holding my knees to my chest. "She dumped you... didn't she?" I ask, after a few minutes of silence. Aaron, with his head in his hands, leaning his elbows on his thighs, nods his head. He looks up with tear streaked cheeks, bloodshot eyes, and a sad face. "Oh... Cookie Monster," I say. He chuckles. Aaron is like my second brother. We gave each other nicknames. I'm bear for being so huggable, and he's Cookie Monster. He can eat a pack of Oreos in under forty-five seconds. "She dumped me outside this house before we came in," he answers. I stay silent, having no idea what to say. "Then, your friend..." he continues trailing off, looking at me. "Gabby."

"Gabby... started flirting with me as soon as I stepped in thru the door. So I took as an opportunity to forget about Alicia with her," he finishes. "I'm sorry, Lesley. I didn't mean to..."

"I know," I cut him off. "Just don't do it again." He smiles and gets off the floor. He sticks his hand out to help me up as well. I take his hand and he pulls me up. I dust of my dress, and hug him. "I'm sorry, Les," he whispers, shakily. Aaron has always been the sentimental type. "Shh. Don't cry, babe. Momma Bear's got you," I coo. He laughs.

We stand there for a while, hugging each other, until the click of an opening door is heard. We pull apart and see Gabby in jeans, and a ninja turtles pullover, holding her bathroom's doorknob. "What's going on?" She asks confused. I mean, why wouldn't she be. Her best friend is hugging the guy who tried to rape her.

I clear my throat. "Gabby. This is Aaron. Aaron, this is Gabby." I motion to them as I say their names. Aaron steps a little close to Gabby, and she flinches. "I won't hurt you. And I'm sorry," he apologizes. "I wasn't thinking straight, there's a lot that's gone on in the past hour. I'm sorry," he apologizes, again. She looks at me, sending me a mental question: 'Is he telling the truth? Can I trust him?'

I nod. "I'll leave you two alone," I mumble. I step outside, and find Austin talking to Alex. If you would take a look at Alex's face, you'd think someone punched him with no warning. I stand there, until Austin acknowledges me. "How is-" he starts, but gets cut off by Alex.

"Where is she?" He spits. His nostrils flare. And I swear I saw fire in his eyes. I stand scared but quickly recover. "She's talking to Aaron," I answer. He gets even more angrier, if that's even possible. "You left him with her?" He asks. I nod. "Are you kidding me?! He tried to rape her! Are you fucking insane! Its like you don't even care!" He tries to push past me. But unfortunately for him, I'm too strong to be moved. "Leave them. It's enough that you hurt her with Sarah. The worst thing you can do is go in there, fight with the guy, her asking why you did that, and you say cause she's your friend. And you think I'm doing some damage by trying to get the guy to apologize!" I raise my voice with every word. Alex says nothing and regret fills me inside. "I'm sorry," I apologize.

He shakes his head. "No your right. I've just been waiting for someone to notice." I furrow my eyebrows. I open my mouth to say something, but Gabby's voice speaks from behind.

"Is everyone screaming today?" She asks. I turn around, smile and look back at Alex. His posture has relaxed and his eyes twinkle. They make eye contact and its like they're magnets. Slowly stepping close to each other.

I motion Aaron to follow me, placing a finger over my mouth, meaning to keep quiet. He walks away slowly as Gabby turns around, blushing, being followed by Alex. Aaron walks down the stairs smiling.

"Ahahaha! They got something going on, right?" He asks. I nod. "Who's Sarah?"

Me and Austin look at each other before answering Aaron. "Alex's girlfriend," we sigh. We get to the bottom of the stairs, passing Alicia with Ray, captain of San Antonio's basketball team. Aaron doesn't seem to notice, because he's already looking at someone else. I follow his eyes and see him staring at Rayne. Aw.

"That's Rayne," I interrupt his intense stare. He looks at me smiles and looks back at her. He keeps staring. Austin nudges me and grabs Aaron, dragging him away. I laugh at Austin's intend on dragging Aaron towards Rayne, succeeding as Aaron surrenders.

"He'll never like you, Les," said a voice from behind me. "I turn around and see Karyn there with her arms crossed, her cleavage resting on her arms. I furrow my eyebrows, confused. "Who?"

She laughs. "Don't act like you don't know who I'm talking about." Actually, I do. "I don't," I lie.

"I've known you since 3rd grade don't you think I know you already ? I know you like him, but I know he won't like you back," she states. I chuckle. "People changed, Karyn. Obviously," I mumble. "But I know you... and you know me," she fires back. I smirk. "We'll obviously I don't know as much as I did, do I?" Guilt passes her eyes as she stares at me when I finish that sentence.

Matt stumbles in between us, clinging to Karyn. "Hey, babe," he slurs, planting a wet kiss on her cheek. I look away as my eyes spring with tears.

Don't cry, Lesley. Don't. Cry.

"Lesley how you doing, sweetheart?" He slurs. Before I realize what he's doing, Matt pulls me in, and engulfs me in a hug. I don't hug back. I just stand there, speechless. "Hug back," he whispers. I do as he says and hug him, enjoying the moment. He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck and sighs happily. I feel a pair of lips suck down on my skin at the bottom of my neck around the collar of my dress. Matt sucks and sucks, but I'm immovable. Finally, he bites down hard, doing the finishing touches on a hickey I'll have tomorrow, licking the spot and kissing it. "I miss you," he whispers, before pulling away. He quickly covers the spot with my hair, an looks at Karyn. He smirks at me, before he pushes her up against the wall, and starts kissing her roughly. She immediately wraps his arms, around his neck and kisses him back, wrapping her legs around his torso. He starts to move his hands under her dress, before her eyes go wide. His hands starts moving, and I realize what he's doing. I may be a virgin but I know exactly what that is.

Disgusting. They're lucky most people are already drunk. I walk away and head towards Austin who is standing next to Aaron, who is talking to Rayne. I pull him away towards a corner. My back faces the wall, and I face him. I need you to take me home. I wanna go change and gets some clothes to stay with Gabby. I don't feel comfortable leaving her here alone." He stares and looks at the stairs, where Matt and Karyn are. His face looks a bit between terrified and disgusted. "Please," I beg. He looks back at me and nods. I pull out my phone from my bra, as i follow Austin and text Gabby, telling her that I'm gonna go home and get some clothes. We walk to his car and climb in. He starts it, bringing it to life. We pull away, and he drives towards my house stopping at every stop sign and light. I pull out my phone from my bra again. Austin laughs. Crap. I look at him and he's smiling.

"Leave me alone, Godzilla. My clutch stayed at Gabby's," I scold. "I'm gonna call Mendez to go and break up the party. And I'll text Gabby too, before anyone gets even more drunk," I say.

Mendez, or Javier, is Aunt Bobi's boyfriend. They've been together for three years. He's awesome. I always call him every time when the people at Gabby's party get too drunk. Don't want it to get worse.

After calling Mendez, we park in my house. I get out of the car and close the door behind me. The wind blows, making the dress float up from the back. I shriek and hold my dress down. "Here," says Austin. He hands me the jacket that was in the backseat. "Wrap it around your waist. I do as he says. I walk to the door. Taking out the key and unlocking it. I open the door, step in as Austin follows, closing the door behind him. I turn on the light and go up the stairs. Austin stays downstairs, heading towards the kitchen. I make it to my room, turn on the light, close the door and take off my dress and booties. Walking to my drawer next to the bathroom in my black bra and underwear, I take out my black shorts, sports bra, and slip 'em on. I turn around to grab my phone from the bed and find Austin at the door, with a bag of Doritos. His mouth hangs open, full of food. Ew.

I scream. "Austin!" He doesn't move he just stares. After a while, he starts chewing and blinking. He puts the chips on the club and steps towards me. He places his hands on my hips, and pulls me towards him. I squeal, scared. One arm goes around my waist, the other cups my face. I shiver, and get goosebumps as he caresses my cheek. He bites his bottom lip, as he eyes me up and down. I finally manage to say something as I feel very uncomfortable.

"My eyes are up here buddy," I tell him. He looks back up at me. "My eyes can help but wonder," he smirks. "Let go of me."

He shakes his head. "Remember yesterday?" He looks up at the ceiling in deep thought. I gulp and nod. Of course I remember. "Why don't we pick up where we left off?" He looks back at me and starts pulling in. I don't move, I just stand there, trying to process what's happening. His lips land on mine, and try feel like marshmallows. I don't kiss back, still processing what's happening. He his finger caresses the bare skin around my waist. A moan rises in my throat, and as much as I try to hold it back, it comes out. Austin takes this as an opportunity to enter his tongue. I finally give in and wrap my legs around his waist. His hands release my waist and cheek, taking there place under my thighs. He walks to my bed, setting me down slowly. "I want you so bad," he whispers into my lips. "Me too," I blurt out. His lips along my jawline, to my neck. He moves my hair darting to suck on my skin. Damn. Not another one.

He sucks hard, biting down on my delicate skin, and licking it. I moan loud, and whimper. He repeats this process three times before kissing it and returning to my lips. "Sorry," he apologize. He kisses me again, and my hands land on the buttons of his shirt. I start unbuttoning it and take it off, throwing it across the room. I then move to the hem of the tank he has under. I drag it up his body, and take it off his head. He kisses me again. I place my hands on his chest, and drag them down feeling every little part of his body. He moans and I smirk.

What am I doing? I shouldn't be doing this! I have to get him off of me.

'But he's so cute... his lips are so soft... his abs are to die for!'

Shut up, stupid conscience! I have to stop, or not he'll...

The doorbell rings, and we both jump. We separate, and try catching our breath. "I'll get it," I say getting out from under him. "No. They'll go away," he holds me back. He gives me chipmunk eyes, but I look away. "Can I borrow you shirt real quick?" I ask. He gets off of me and wipes his lips. I get up, grab his tank, pulling it on and step out of my room, padding down the stairs. I reach the door, and open it.

Matt's standing there leaning on the doorstep, with bloodshot eyes. He smirks at me. "Hey, baby. I missed you," he tries to kiss me but I push him away. "Matt... you're drunk. Where's Karyn?"

"She's at the party. I walked here to see you," he slurs. "Matt you should t be out late. It's dangerous."

"You're body is dangerous. Have you seen yourself? Karyn's body doesn't compare to yours. She has these little stripe thingy's," he laughs. "Matt, go away. You need-"

"Who's shirt is that?" He points to Austin's tank. "I-it's mine," I stutter. "It's that popstar's, isn't it?" I stay quiet. "You're screwing a popstar!" He yells. I flinch. His eyes widen, but then soften, as if realizing he's scaring me. "Sorry. Oh my god, I'm sorry," he apologizes. "It's fine."

"I love you. God, do I love you," he blurts. My eyes widen. Then that's when I decide to close the door.

"No! Please!" He begs. I open the door, and look at Matt. He gets on his knees, and starts crying. "I need you. I left you all alone when your parents died. I should've been there. But thanks to my desperate wants, I wasn't there."

I stand there as tears rim my eyes. "It took me a while to realize this but..."

Please don't say it.

"I need you, Lesley."



Don't hate me cause you ain't me. Finally!!!! They kissed! I ship #ausley, do you?

Follow me on twitter (@simlpy_in_love1)and tweet your favorite part of this story using the hash tag #ausley!

Dedication to @thereader for being the first to comment. Thanks babe!!!

I love you all and I wanna rant to you guys. You don't have to read just skip to the end. If you have the same problem, inbox me or kik me (slupe0406) and well share tissues. I don't have true friends and you're the closest thing I've got.

There's this guy that I like. Liked him since 6th grade. I'm a sophomore. He has a girlfriend. I saw the pictures she posted of them two today, and my heart broke. I don't know why, but I cried. I have her on twitter. He seems really happy. I've tried to let go but I can't, my mind always wanders to him. My other book talks about him. He's not a player, or anything like tthat he's really sweet.

Tell you more another time...

link for what she wears before matt arrives in comments


2 of each!

Too Far, Too Fast (Austin Mahone fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon