Heat Game and Banga Banga

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After reading a text from Gabby, saying that she was on her way, I take off the flip flops I recently wore. Someone knocks at the door and I yell for whoever to enter. Gabby steps into the room followed by Austin and Alex. I remember that Gabby me have to finish getting dressed, and get alarmed. "Whoa! Mm-mm. Out! Boys, out. We need to change," I exclaim waving them out. They shrug, and Alex speaks for both him and Austin. "Nothing we haven't seen before," causing Gabby and I to blush. I shake it off, along with my head. "Doesn't matter. We have a knack to feel insecure about ourselves, now out." They chuckle as I intend to push then out, succeeding and closing the door in their faces. Gabby laughs and looks at the bag with her clothes. "Is that for me?" I nod and she grabs it. I go through my drawers looking for my black ankle socks. "I better look as good as you," she yells from the bathroom. I laugh and say, "You probably will. You have curves, beautiful looks and I'm just a stick."

I hear a groan emit from the bathroom as Gabby opens the door, shirtless in only a sports bra and jeans, with a glare directed at me. "Don't start," she warns with an accusing finger. "What?" I whine, throwing my hands up for effect. "Don't start saying that you have a horrible body."

I turn back to my drawers, finding my socks and walking over to the bed slipping them on. "I didn't say that!" She scoffs. "No, but you implied it. You know I hate it when you do that."

"Well... it's true. That's why I always imply it." She shakes her head. "You know it's not. I've always wanted back dimples and you obviously have them."

"And I've always wanted the dimples on your cheeks and you don't see me complaining?" She throws on her jersey, pulling it down, and taking out her hair, which was tucked in. "You were just complaining, so shut it. Don't make me call Austin to come undress you and 'make love' to you so you'll stop feeling that way." My eyes widen, and I look at Gabby, as I have one of my shoes on halfway, my cheeks blushing a very dark red. "Gabriela Magdalena Regalado!" I yell throwing a pillow from my bed at her! She laughs and dodges the pillow.

"You know you want to..." she winks. "Any ways... How about we just wear high tops, cause these are heavy?" She says motioning to the basketball shoes she miraculously slipped on like nothing, while I'm taking a lightyear. I groan and nod. Getting up from the bed in only one shoe, I go to my closet, opening the door, and getting the two pairs of black converse I have. What can I say, I love them.

"Here, they'll probably fit you big." She takes them and slips them on. I do the same and tie up the shoelaces. "Nah, my foot grew so now we're the same size." She exclaims, happily. I high five her and let in the boys, who we're knocking, yelling for us to hurry up. "Finally... you guys were taking forever-"

"Gabby, turn around." I cut off Alex, wrapping a bandana around the circumference of her head. The boys' eyes widen and their mouths open, no words coming out. I roll my eyes and finish tying Gabby's bandana. "You guys done staring?" Says Gabby, giggling and breaking the guys out of their trance. I giggle too, and Austin walks to me, grabbing my waist as I turn around to grab the bag with the glitter and paint.

"Was this for me?" He whispers, his voice dark and husky, as if he's hiding a secret. "No. It was for Shane. You know he's a super hot basketball player." I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm. Although, I'm not lying. I just dressed like this to be in the spirit.

"That hurt Lesley," he says, tightening his hands around my waist, not hurting me. I laugh. "Hey guys. You can't have sex in front of us." I turn around and glare at Alex, who, in return, throws his hands up in surrender. Taking the bag off the shelf of the bureau, I walk over to my bed, gently laying it on the comforter.

"Who's first?" I ask clapping my hands. Everyone looks around confused. "Fine, then. Austin... will you do the honors?" I say gesturing to the bed. He nods and sits. "All of you, out." They vacate my room as I take out everything: a brush and black paint. "Um... What are we doing?" I shush him and dip the brush slightly in the black paint. "Just lines."

He chuckles as I stand in between his legs lifting up his head to look at me. "You're really going all out with this, aren't you?" My mind floats to when all my friends used to hang out together and watch the game. We would all dress up and paint our faces as if it was football. "It's just something I used to do back then." Silence fills the space between us, making feel uncomfortable as I gently drag the brush across his cheek bone, making sure it's nice and dark, smearing it every now and then. "Do you like me?" Asks Austin innocently. I look up from his cheekbones to his eyes. Filled with hope and faith. I sigh loudly.

"Honestly... I don't know. It's still negative. But promise me one thing," I suggest. He hums in response. "Don't steal any kisses or touch me affectionately. People are whispering, spreading rumors, and we're not even together. So can you not?" I finish dabbing the paint across his right cheek bone and put the paint brush down. "So you're asking to give you space?" I nod. He looks deep in thought. But then smiles crookedly. "Anything for you."

He hugs me as I call Alex and Gabby in. Alex compliments Austin and immediately sits down. I do his and then do Gabby's, spreading paint on her cheek. Then dipping it once again in paint, adding silver glitter to the tip of it. I dab it gently on the lines. And finish each, slightly equal. "Alright, I just need mine. Be right back."

I walk into the bathroom and do the same process I did to Gabby. After I'm done. I grab my phone, slipping it into the back pocket of my jeans, then looking for my wallet, that I don't usually carry. I find it on top of the boxes that arrived for me weeks ago. I get the urge to open them, but get called. "Lesley! Hurry up! It's almost time! We've got 30 minutes!" Yells Gabby from downstairs.


I look away from the box and go to the bathroom to check how I look, then leave. Trotting downstairs, I say bye to Bryce, who's asleep on the couch. I get in my car, as Gabby does the same, and follow Austin's Range Rover.


"This is so EXCITING!" I squeal, clutching Gabby's arm as she does the same. Alex and Austin seem amused by it. "Look away. Just cause you guys have been here doesn't mean you're not excited either." I scold. They look away as we make our way to the court side seats. We sit down, and I can't help but squeal. "Calm Down. Shane isn't here yet." Jokes Austin. I glare at him, and swat his arm. He winces, and laughs. "Lesley!" A voice calls. I twist my head and see Burkley with an older man and a girl with blond/reddish hair.

My mouth opens and I smile, jumping out of my seat. "Lee!" I yell Burkley's nickname. I run up the stairs and hug him, as he meets me halfway. "Hey! I didn't know you were gonna be here," I tell him. He shrugs. "Me neither. Dad surprised me and my sister." He says gesturing to his dad who is conversing with a girl, who I assume is Lee's sister. I haven't had time to meet her. "Well, Austin invited me and Alex and Gabby. Robert, Ty and Zach are meeting us later. They're going for the Spurs." I say the last sentence with venom.

He frowns. "What's wrong with the Spurs?" My eyes widen, when I realize that he's wearing a jersey with Spurs. Now it's my turn to frown. "Aw. You suck."

He chuckles. "So... Lesley this is my dad, Jason and my sister, Maddie." He mentions to the man and girl. I wave awkwardly. "Ah. I see you go for the Miami team," speaks his dad. I nod. "What team do your parents go for?" I tense and clear my throat as I feel like choking. "Um... my parents... passed away... a few months ago." I admit looking at my hands. Tears swell up in my eyes. I look up as their eyes cloud with concern and apologetic glances. "I'm so sorry. I didn't-" starts Jason, but I cut him off.

"It's fine," I snap. "I'm gonna go. Bye," I dismiss myself and go back to my seats, blinking back my tears, and putting on my normal face. Everyone's arguing, even the other three who just arrived. "We already made a deal so it stays that way!" Yells Gabby. Her face looks flustered, as if she wishes she could just cut all of their heads off. "Whoa, guys. Step away from the Gabbster, and calm down. Now you guys," I pause pointing to Alex and Austin. "Sit down. And you three," I point to Robert, Tyler, and Zack. "A deal is a deal. Sit down."


"Sit!" I snap. They groan but oblige. "Come on, Gabby. Calm down." I grab Gabby's left arm and drag her down to sit in our seats, between Austin and Alex. People fill the stadium and soon the NBA teams are announced, followed by the players.

"Whoo!" Gabby and I cheer.


It's half time and their gonna do a kiss cam. I can't wait to see cute old couples kiss. It's so freakin' adorable. Makes me miss my grandparents. The first couple was this elderly woman with blond/gray hair with glasses. Her and her husband shared a small, sweet kiss and then the elderly man kissed his wife's forehead, the woman patting his hand. The second was the same, but younger, in their thirty's and was long but not gruesome, and they blushed.

"Who will be the last couple to be featured on this game's kiss cam?" Asks the announcer.

The camera moves around, people blurring by. The camera suddenly stops and two people who look a lot like...

"Losers!" I boo at Robert, Ty, and Zach. We won, and as soon as the last shot was made, they jumped up and almost yelled out in desperation and anger. I jump up and down, feeling like idiot while doing so for being the only one jumping like a little girl who just got a new bike. "We are the champions," I start singing, Alex, Austin and Gabby joining in with each verse. "There's no time for losers!" People leaving the stadium give us strange glances as we get to our cars and continue laughing and singing at the guys across the parking lot of the stadium. "See you guys tomorrow. Thank you Austin. For the tickets." I wave at them, thanking Austin once more before turning on the engine and driving home.

I shaked off the kiss. There's was nothing we could do, they even switched it to Alex and Gabby, but instead of risking their relationship more than it already is, I guess I just had to give in when Austin kissed me.

That's the last time I'm ever doing that. And besides that, I'm really tired. It's 8:30. We were there since 5. Looks like Gabby's sleeping over.


"Gabby! We're gonna be late. Austin said to be there at 12!" I complain. I've been trying to get Gabby off her bum, for a half hour, but she won't budge. I even tried pushing her off the bed, and even though she fell and groaned, she still stayed down. "Fine. I'm gonna go take a shower. Feel free to get up." We have four hours, I know it's not such a big deal, but it was Gabby's idea to 'look our best'. I just wanted to go in a band tee and jeans. She said band tees were out of the question. I should've just pushed her off my car when she wouldn't get out and go into her house.

I go into my bathroom, shutting the door and turning on the shower, setting it to a warm temperature. I strip off my clothes, staying in a bra and panties, catching sight of myself in the mirror. My color has changed to a tanner color, my complexion is clear but my body looks flabby. My butt has wrinkles that lie a bit under my butt, my thighs are fat, sorta like a tree trunk kind of way. I look away from the mirror in a pitiful way. Why am I so fat?

Taking off my undergarments, I step into the shower, washing and rinsing my hair and body, before stepping out and wrapping myself in a towel. I try to open the door that leads to my closet, but it won't even flinch. Groaning I open the door of the bathroom and stepping out, finding Gabby on her phone. "Hey Austin said we can go early if we'd like... They already started." She turns around and gets up, stretching and yawning. Karyn was weirded out when I would do this, get out of the shower in a towel, calling me stuff. Gabby says she isn't bothered by it cause it's no problem. We've gotten used to each other. "Can I use your shower?" I nod and yawn. "Do you still have the clothes I left here last time. I think I'll wear that." I nod. The sun came out today and there's only a small chilly breeze, but not enough to need a jacket. Man, this weather is bipolar.

I go to one of my three small drawers by my bed, consisting of just my undergarments, jewelry boxes, movies, games and three controls, and take out the washed and folded clothes that belong to my best friend. "Here. Wear this. You'll look nice, here are your jeans, and feel free to pick the shoes."

She hands me jean shorts, not jeans, with a crop top. Is she trying to sell me off as a prostitute? This makes the cheerleading uniform look like a nun's dress. At least she could've given me a longer crop top. This one ends a bit under my boobs. If I had bigger boobs, this wouldn't even be a crop top. Fuck this, I'm changing the crop top to either a longer one or a t-shirt that's suitable.

A few minutes later, Gabby and I are ready to go, with an hour and a half to spare. I grab a pair of jeans and put the. In the flower print backpack I carry. We decide to stop by McDonalds and by some breakfast and a couple of Frappes. We eat our food on the way, and finish it by the time we get to the scene. Austin is getting feathered with a brush and makeup. He smiles when he sees me and Gabby, excusing himself from the makeup artist and a girl who looks very familiar.

"You made it," he says, stealing my Frappe and taking a sip. "Hey! Get your own." I snatch the cup from him and take a sip, sticking my tongue out afterwards. I look behind Austin and catch another glimpse of the girl. She's wearing faded short shorts and a white crop tee, ending above her abdomen, with a plaid shirt wrapped around her waist, a white beanie on her head. My eyes widen and I look at Austin.

"Is that Burkley's sister?" He looks back and nods. "Oh, yeah. She's hot." He says. My insides tighten and I look away, hurt taking over. What's happening to me? Why is my body reacting this way to a simple compliment? She's not that pretty anyways. She's wearing a beanie in 80 degree weather, for crying out loud.

"So where's everyone?" I ask changing the subject. He points to the skate park on the far right corner, littered with teenagers in almost the same attire as me. "Lesley!" Yells a feminine voice. I look away from the crowd, and see Maddie strolling over to me. She looks so pretty and her body is flawless. My arms immediately cross over each other, covering my almost bare stomach, feeling like running to my car and grabbing the jeans I brought, just incase my insecurities decide to catch up to me. As predicted, they did.

Austin notices and frowns. Gabby tries to pull my arms down but I don't budge. "Hey!" I wave, picking up one arm and placing it back to where it was standing guard to my insecurities. "You look great! I wish I could trade outfits." I laugh lightly as Maddie and Austin get called back. Me and Gabby leave towards the crowd, before Gabby scolds me.

"Why do you always do that?!" I flinch slightly. "You're so insecure. Stop being that way. You have better body than all of us women in the world, you should be grateful. My cousin would love to look like you. You're beautiful, babe. Why can't you see that?"

I frown and stop a bit before we make it to the crowd. "Gabby. You saw her. She has PERFECT curves. Her skin is the perfect glow, her smile is bright, she has kind eyes. I, on the other hand, have retarded, flabby skin, creepy eyes, and a crooked, dark smile. He was practically drooling. He's perfect for her." I whisper the last part.

'You know you want him Lesley,' speaks my conscience. Long time, no see.

"She's darker. Both of you have beautiful colors, but the color doesn't matter, the heart does. Austin probably likes her but not as much as he likes you."

"I don't like Austin. Why is that so hard to believe?"

She smiles. "Sometimes I wonder who your trying to convince, us or yourself."

Dejá vû.

"Gee... where have I heard that before?" I mumble, my arms still around me. I look around and see the clique. We walk over to them and greet everyone. I see the paps scouting around, taking pictures. I see a few of them talk to Austin for a while during another break. He takes out his phone while still talking to the paps, and putting away. Someone's phone beeps, and Alex calls me. "Austin said for someone to cover you up, cause their asking and looking for you. Someone told them you were here."

My eyes widen, but I start to get confused. "Why me? I'm not important."

"The tabloids are what they're here for." He pushes me into someone's chest and that person immediately hugs me back. "Hug me tenderly," says a voice. I laugh. "John, you're
cutting off my air supply." He lets me go but still hugs me.

Dave comes over to us and stands in front of me and John. "I need you guys to act like you're kissing, or kiss. Which ever you prefer. Paps haven't seen you and Austin's trying his best to make sure they leave the subject of you alone."

Before I can think, John starts to lean in but instead just kisses the edge of my lips. "Do what I'm doing and close your eyes." He whispers. I do what he says, feeling slightly uncomfortable, until he just holds me against his chest. His heart is at a steady pace. His hand is on my waist and mine around his torso. He kisses my forehead. "Don't think this changes anything." He laughs, his whole body shaking. I look up at him, and smile. "You weirdo."

He laughs again. "They're looking. Ready?" He asks. I nod and he leans in. We repeat the same procedure we did a moment ago. We pull away and look for the paps. They're already gone, being pushed away by other securities.

"Thank god. I thought I would pretend to make out with John for decades." I sigh in relief and let go of him.

"That hurts," says John, faking hurt, placing a hand over his heart. I chuckle.

"Shut up and give me a piggy back ride." He laughs, but obliges.

He bends down, short enough for me to climb on top of him. I jump and wrap my arms around his neck as he grasps the back of my thighs, holding me up. "You know for a 16 year old, your kinda light. Like carrying Tori sorta."

I laugh. "Silence. You're a horse, you ain't supposed to talk, ya old git." He shakes his head, smiling. "Yeehaw! Ride 'em, cowboy!" I yell, raising a hand and miming a rope being twirled around. "You would like me to ride you, wouldn't you?" He winks, before he continues following the clique who started moving to the skating rink, sitting down.

"You're disgusting." I scrunch my nose and smack him.

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