Pregnant Silence

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Got a little surprise for you. total plot twist! enjoy and comment my beautifuls! vote please!

Pregnant Silence

"Who's car is this?" Asks Gabby after me and her are done sniffling. I accelerate as the light turns green. The chatter of the radio hadn't helped. It was sad songs all the way. Not even Taylor Swift helped.

"It's Bobi's. She said to take hers, you know, since Kyle," my voice breaks when I say Kyle.

I'm in love in Austin. And I'm dating Austin. That's practically cheating. Usually it's always the guy who cheats on me, not the other way. Maybe he'll find interest in Maddie when her Austin break up. If Austin doesn't feel anything.

"Kyle offered her the ride back." She nods and wanders off as I see the city go by in a blur. I'm lost in my own thoughts before someone shakes me. "LESLEY!" I jump and clear my throat. "Hm?" I question. She looks wide eyed and worried. "You've been speeding for the last five minutes! Slow down! Your gonna get us killed or something." She scolds. I turn my eyes off the road quickly and look at the miles.

69 mph

I slow down and the arrow decreases to 30. I take a deep breath and turn towards Taco Bell. I see Jake sitting inside talking to John, smiling. Me and Gabby get off and walk towards the entrance. The bell dings and an employee greets us. Gabby goes to order us something, while I walk toward to their table.

"Hey!" Cheers John when he sees me. He gets up and hugs me, picking me up and spinning me without a warning. I giggle and scold him to put me down. He obliges and then looks at me and then behind me, probably looking at Gabby.

"What's wrong? Sit down. You two look awful-" he starts but pauses. "-lly beautiful." I simple sarcastically and looking back to watch Gabby. She looks hurt, broken. Making me feel like killing Alex.

"So what happened, and damn you look hot," Jake compliments. I smile and wait for Gabby to come. She comes and sits next to John, and he pulls her in to hug her. John leans against the wall, and Gabby leans against John, closing her eyes.

"I got in a fight with Austin." I answer hoarsely looking down at my hands, fiddling with them. Tears fall down but I make no sound. "Alex hasn't told Sarah about-" I pause and look at Gabby who's already staring, nodding once, giving permission. Latex hasn't told Sarah about what happened between him and Gabby. We had to sit there and watch the hug we love, cuddle with his-"

"Wait! Love?" Interrupts John. I feel Gabby's stare on me and meet her eyes. She's telling me to admit it, out loud. I look at everyone, unsure and quickly grab Damian, whose trying to poke his fathers eyes with his tiny fingers. He stands up next to me and plays with my hair. I nod, "Yeah." My voice is hoarse as it has been since the dinner.

"I told Austin and Alex off, separately. Them both. I told Alex to not accuse-" I pause again and look at Gabby. She sits up and shakes her head. They call our order and I get up to get it. Gabby look so serious and she looks like she's about to burst. Her eyes full of tears and John is trying to get her talk. I've only left for minute and she hasn't said a word to us. I sit down and grab Damian again.

"I'm pregnant..." I hear Gabby murmur the first time. I stop chewing and look at her. She looks at all of us and John says, "what?" She looks at me and starts bawling. I look at everyone before giving Damian back and sliding out of the booth to get her to stand up. "Please don't make me say it again. I really don't want to." She whispers.

I pull her up and hug her. She hugs me back and sobs into my shoulder. Suddenly, I find myself crying with her, probably confusing the heck out of the guys and the baby. "That's wonderful!" I tel her through my tears and sobs. She laughs and cries with me. "How?"

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