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Hope you guys like the filler chapter and I hope you like the surprise! kisses and I better get some votes!


Austin's POV

I huffs, and throw my arms up. "I give up. You want me to leave you alone? Fine." I go to the back of the truck, pull out a duffel bag, and start to walk away, as the drizzling turns into a heavier drop.

I hear nothing but her whispering to herself if I'm actually leaving her. Then I hear the squishing of gravel, a door opening and closing, and before I know it she's by my side, as I lift up one hand to lock the door with my tiny remote. "I knew you couldn't resist," I laugh. She smacks me.

"Doesn't change the fact that I hate you," she pouts, hugging herself. I chuckle. This girl just doesn't give up. Strange thing is, I love it. I take off my jacket and hand it to her. "Maybe wearing shorts wasn't the brightest thing to wear."

"Says the guy wearing a tank."

I look down and nod. Girl has a point. "Babe, I'm a man. We strong enough to hold on any kind of sickness." She scoffs.

"There you go again. Calling me 'babe'? I'm not your bitch or something Austin!" What is she so upset about. I call everyone 'babe'.

"That's exactly what I mean. Everyone you call babe has been with almost every girl in the school, besides ones that actually save themselves. I'm not everyone, Austin! You should know that by now."

It starts raining harder, soaking us both, lucky my phone is in my bag. What about Lesley's though?

"We gotta hurry," I say ignoring her. She stands her ground again being the stubborn girl she is. "I'm not going anywhere with you I'd rather walk all the way to Weslaco than go to a hotel with you."

I groan. "I can't do anything about my personality, okay. It comes naturally. I can't help it if I fuck every girl that's willing to. I'm a guy for Christ sake. But for you I'm willing to change that." And with that I continue to walk away, leaving her alone, not caring if she'll follow or not.

Why won't she just let go? She feels the same way I do, she's just too stubborn to admit it. I like her and she likes me. I will get it outta of her, even if it means bringing her to tears.


"One room, please." I say gruffly, apologizing for my tone. She doesn't seem phased by it, not even by that fact that I'm Austin Mahone.

I'm at a hotel right now, called La Quinta Inn. Pretty simple hotel, not trashy or too fancy. Just right.

"We only have the semi-luxury one on the fifth floor." She says as she types a bit more on the computer. I take out my credit card and slam it on the counter, but not too loud. "That'd be nice, thank you." She smiles faintly, and swipes the card. Poor girl, probably gonna be wasting her whole break working at a hotel. She hands me back the card, and I decide to chat her up.

"So, how old are you..." I trail off reading the name off her name tag. "Ashley?"

She looks up and smiles faintly. "18. I go off to collage during the summer."

"Oh, really. What college?"

"Um... depends. I applied to New York, Miami, or California," she smiles proudly.

"Nice. I would've applied to college, but I'll have to graduate high school first. I'm moving to Miami in about a few months, actually. Went to look for a house during the summer with my mom."

She laughs and we a continue a conversation till I realize she has to leave.

"There's this girl that's been throwing daggers at me for the past thirty minutes that I've been talking to you." She whispers to me as she searches for the key in the little hooks.

"Is she tall with shorts and a red jacket with trukfit?" She nods as she sighs, and hands

Me the keys. "Here you go, sir.

Enjoy, your stay!" I thank her and start walking towards the elevator as Lesley follows behind me.

"So... you finally decided to follow the great Godzilla." I tell her smiling down at her. Her hair is wet, eyes puffy, cheeks tinted a vivid pink, and lips swollen from all the biting.

"Shut up, you peace of crap."

And with that I look away as the bell

dings and my smile has disappeared.


Do you likey?

Austin: I don't.

Me: deal with it Mahone.

Austin: you have no right to go through my head, Susan!

Me: you did not just go there! charge!

Austin: HELP ME!

Me: bye loves! and vote if you do t want this beef jerky to die!

Austin: PLEASE!


Too Far, Too Fast (Austin Mahone fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora