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"NO!" I shake my head at Jake. Proceeding to hide my head behind the pillow and closing my eyes so tears wont come out. Two hands grab my legs and I scream, "ahh!"

"Lesley. You've been in that bed all day. You need to get up." I lift my head and look at them, my eyes adnusting to the light as the tears come back. Ever since I woke up, I havent stopped crying. I shake my head, side to side, and dropping back down. "I can't. It's the worse news I've gotten since my parents passed away." With that, i bite my lip to stop the trembling, and take a deep breath. "Well, we're dragging you out anyways so... we gonna get ready, get some clothes for us, and something for you and then Jake will come.and carry you out." She waves.and they both leave the room. I shrug and resume.hugging Jake's pillow.

How will I ever deal with this, my stomach enlarging. I'll have to get maternity clothes, Bobi probably won't even look at me.

"Come on! It's Saturday! You had enough to mope yesterday!" He complains, draping an arm over me. I cover my face and try to open my tired eyes. "I wanna take ya'll somewhere. Get away from this drama for a day and enjoy the sun. You both are a bit under the weather." I open my eyes just in time to see Gabby fling a pillow at Jake's head. "Don't even use that phrase." He chuckles.

I squirm, turning around and hugging the tiny baby next to me, who giggles and continues poking my cheeks. "Can we take Damian?" I mumble into the pillow. I feel a weight on my thighs, causing me to groan. "Only if you go. I'll buy breakfast. Now get up. I'll go see if Jacqui of she can let y'all borrow her bikinis or something." I look at him and wave him off. He leaves the room and closes the door behind him. I get up, setting Damian down on my lap. Gabby gets off the bed next to mine, and sits down next to me. Draping an arm over me, she hugs me and rubs my back.

"Don't think about today. Just enjoy the day. We'll mope about it tomorrow. Look at the bright side," she chuckles. I rest my head on her shoulder and hold Damian as he climbs of lap. "We get to fight on who has a baby shower first, or who gets a girl. Cutest baby, and all that." I giggle, tears slipping down my cheeks. I wipe them away as Jake comes back with two bathing suits in his hand, along with some shorts and a crop t-shirt. I grab the shorts and the smimsuit. "Jacqui said she'll bring another short shirt thingy right now." He points at me and leaves the room. I slip on everything as Gabby does the same in the bathroom. I finish putting the shorts over the swimsuit bottom when Jacqui comes in with a see thru sports sweater. Meaning it has holes. A lot. Making my body visible. I have no choice but to shrug and slip it on. Gabby comes back with her clothes on, as soon as I'm done. Jake knocks on the door and asks us if were done. I grab Damian from the corner I put him in, and grab his toys, nodding at Jake and bringing the toddler with me. We say bye to Olivia, Brianna and Jacqui following. Jake calls Bobi for me, asking for permission to let me go to the beach.

We stop by Stripes, filling the tank and grabbing some tacos. He buys eleven, two for each and one for Damian. I guess we're all big eaters. We leave and make our two and a half hour drive to Corpus Christi's beach, laughing and talking about the current situation. It went from joking around to seriousness. We got into touchy subjects and tried making plans. It got to the point where we ended up asking, "but if you say it's not his and he asks who the father, who will you say?"

Brianna haas asked the question as she kept feeding Damian. My face goes blank. "I don't-"

"We could say it's mine," Jake blurts out, shrugging. My mouth drops as I stare in shock. "No!" I finally manage to say. He looks at me and shrugs again. "Why not? I mean I can have proof that we spend a lot of time together. We always hang out. You've stayed over at my house twice. We can use one of those."

"But he was my first." I cut in. He shrugs again and makes a turn into a street. "We can say I'm your second. And anyways, mom knows it's not mine. I just wanna help." He holds my hand and squeezes it, letting it go, and putting it back in it's place on the steering wheel.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "What about Gabby?" He shrugs again.

"Ask Jaegar. He told me he has a crush on Gabby. And he suspected on that trip y'all took." My eyes widen and I look at Gabby. She blushes and looks away. "But why Jaegar?"

"I'm sure he'd be up to it. He did day he wouldn't mind to get a girl he likes, pregnant." I gasp and laugh. "Since do you talk to one of my idiot cousins?"

He shrugs again. What with the shrugging? "I ran into him at the store once and he told me he recognized me as your friend and me and the man hit it off."

"You sound like a guy telling his friend about him and a girl." He laughs and looks at me again. "What do ya think, Gubbs?" I ask her. She shrugs. "I don't know." She blushes again.

"I don't Jake." He pleads and pleads, saying he wouldn't mind and that he's sure Jaegar wouldn't mind either. Me and Gubbs end up accepting and having doubtful faces as we drive into the beach, parking and getting off. My eyes light and I run. Jake beats me to it and lifts me up, running into the water, setting me down. I flinch and screech.

"ITS SO COLD!" I push him back and he falls, making me laugh like a dying seal. I see his mischievous look as soon as I recover and run. I may be one of the top runners at school, but running in water isn't exactly easy. I make it out and run toward the group of girls and a baby. I hide behind them.

"Hide me!" I say in a overly manly voice. They laugh and hand me Damian. I sigh with content and twirl the little boy around.

Someday I'll have a kid as cute as this one. With my eyes... or Austin's... brunette or blond hair. Cute and adorable. Or a little girl. That's be nice.

"Lesley?" A voice snaps me put of my thoughts and back to reality. I look at the source and my heart literally leaps for joy. But my mind cocks it's mental weapon.

"I didn't think you'd come." He says walking closer to me. I begin to panic. What if he notices? No. Can't let that happen.

"Jake invited me." I simply say. He smiles faintly, nodding. "Wanna play volleyball with us?" He asks when Jake comes by my side. I look up at Jake and he shrugs. "Why not."

We make our way to the small volleyball net, leaving Damian with one of the girls. We start playing, hitting the ball. Mine mostly aimed at Austin on purpose, hitting him once in a while. I stop once I see people taking pictures, disappearing quickly. I walk to the bathroom and stand there. I look both ways and breath a sigh of relief, happy that no one followed me.

There were cameras, news reporters, swarms of fans, some of them throwing me murderous looks when I would hit Austin.

When it's my turn to serve, I pass the ball to the person next to me and run to the snack stand, buying something to drink.


I deserve to crawl into a dark hole and die. I just watched Letters To Juliet and died. and while that, I was typing the story, I was supposed to have this longer, but my wattpad app got out of the app and... POOF! gone. work of art down the drain. so... tomorrow I will take the time while I'm eating menudo at my grandmas, and type the story again.

Thank you for being patient. best readers ever.

Love you all, updated chapter tomorrow, I promise. I don't care if my dad is making a party for my brother I'm typing.


Person who knows and comments what that means gets a follow.

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