On the Road Again

Start from the beginning

She shrugged again, then realized Croissant couldn't see her. The walls were thin but not transparent. She wondered how long it would take for Closure and the other technicians to figure out how to do such a feat. "Meh. Pie is better."

"Of course. You would say that."

"Hmm, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Ya know exactly what I'm talkin' about. You're obsessed."

"With pie?"


"Then I'll take it as a compliment. Apple pie is the best!"

"Yes. You would say that I suppose."

Another sigh was heard, this one much louder. Exusiai was beginning to get the feeling her friend was annoyed. Deciding to take pity on Croissant, she dragged her suitcase down the stairs, ignoring the jumbled thwacking the case was forced to endure every time it touched the metal in an odd way. The hat flapped like an off kilter flag. Just as she had imagined, Croissanf was flopped on her bed when Exusiai came in —after knocking of course, she wasn't an animal after all. Her deep blue green suitcase was open on the floor.

"I'm not sure how I can help in regards to the Doctor, but I can help you pack!" She offered with a bright smile.

Croissant eyed her warily. "I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"Oh come on! Why not?"

Croissant averted her gaze briefly to Exusiai's suitcase before meeting her gaze again. "Yours looks fit to burstin there."

"So? That just means I won the game!" Exusiai threw her hands out wide, a pleased smile on her face growing wider by the second. A few of the plastic bags laying scattered on the floor fluttered with the movement of the ceiling fan over the bed. There was no lack of light here, between two lit lamps and Exusiai's halo the room was practically over lit.

"What game?" Croissant asked, seemingly even more wary than before.

"Texas said I couldn't fit anything more in here from the last time we went on a trip. Said there was no way. She even bet me on it!"

"Uh huh. This the same Texas we're talking about? The one who never places bets without all the information," Croissant said.

"Yeah, it is. She said there was no waaay I could do it but here we are."

Croissant shook her head as if dismayed. Exusiai didn't miss the way the defender side eyed the bag, the way a piece of clothing poked out from the slight gap in the zipper. Fit to burst but still capable of moving. Could anything be better? The real question will be how I can unload it properly. So far there had been no improvement on the slow opening of the crammed bag. The clothing explosion to her room back at headquarters happened every time.

"Uh huh. I can't say I blame her for making that estimate. If does seem pretty worse for wear."

"But it works! So, can I help?"

"I think I'll take my chances on my own. But thanks for the offer."

"Aww fine. You better finish up quick though so you can help me with Sora's stuff."

That elicited another groan from Croissant. "Don't tell me we need to haul some equipment again. All this heavy lifting the past few days, ugh!"

The Untold Story of Texas and Lappland (Arknights)Where stories live. Discover now