IDV | Hunter Reader X Various Characters

Start from the beginning

y/n took the time to unpack her stuff thinking few things here and there, she didn't brought too much her collection of black dresses and black socks, black laces and of course the unnumbered colored of black undergarments. " well then, I should take a bath" the woman slowly strip her clothing off until her undies before walking to the bathroom. She took some bath bombs of course that is selected in color black as she started enjoying the warm water " tomorrow will be a good day" with that her eyes glows red as the light in the bathroom slowly dim, emitting black shadows on the walls as she enjoyed humming something.

Timeskip// morning, every hunter was in the dining room enjoying their food, when the certain new girl arrived. Michiko was fast to approach her as the Geisha offered a sit beside her. "thank you" with that they continue to eat, she was offered some soup and bread which she accepted delightfully. " thank you so much" with that they continue to talk and after that the rest of the hunter took the time to finally explained about this all so called game.

" now ask me anything if you needed help okay" the loving Geisha told you, Marry following just behind as you three took a tour in the big manor. " and here is the door separating the survivor side and the hunter side, we avoid going into their side as much as possible" Michiko added as she showed you the door.

" they do avoid going to our side so we should respect them too, don't you think?" Mary asked you, you only nodded in agreement as you three continue to walk around the place.

In the Survivor side:

Naib: I've heard the new hunter came is yesterday" he said as he placed the plate of food on the table, the rest of the group eyed him waiting for more information. " we really need to find a way to counter the new hunter" with that groans and grunts resound in the dining hall.

" anyway any details what kind of hunter is the new one?" Kevin asked, Emily placed her hand on her cheek as she spoke " well, they mentioned the new hunter is a girl younger than the rest but I am sure she's dangerous too" she looked at the team

" who's going to play her first match?" naib asked, curious about this new hunter Aesop raise his hand earning few wide and excited eyes. " Ohhh wow this is rare you never suggest yourself when it comes to things like this" the young gardener said. " I'll go too" Naib said as Eli added " please let me join this game too, with that Emily smiled " well then, I should join too I badly wanted to see how good is she" with that the dining hall resound with talk once more.

The chosen survivors ponder what kind of new hunter will they be facing but added to that the adrenaline they are feeling is suffocating.

"now remember all the rules okay" the Geisha pat your head since you were a lot shorter than her " also take it easy, the survivors in this game is rather smaller and more fragile than us you can take them down twice and chair them but other of us can hit them once and chair them" she smiled at you " don't forget to put them on the chair when their already on their knees, there should be a countdown showing in the rocket chair when that ends they will be blasting back to the manor" she smiled, Mary hum in agreement as she follows you two in the halls towards the match waiting room.

" it's fine if you won't win this match, it's your first time anyway just make sure to at least get two of the survivor so we can get tie or draw" Mary said stopping in front of the big wooden dark door, you eyed it a bit before turning back to them. " so take it easy" the queen smiled at you as she push you gently in the front of the door. " thank you I will do my best then" you bowed to them one last time before facing the door.

Michiko waved you good luck as you push the door open, the dim light of the door suck you inside and before you can even say something the child cold mood of the room hit you really hard " ohhh it's dark and cold here" you spoke above whisper, you then noticed a chair near the corner of the room walking ( floating) your way there you managed to check the chair. It was big and dusty you took some time to dust if off some noticeable dust here and there " dirty" you said as you placed the umbrella near the chair sitting there comfortably. " so I guess I'll have to wait then"

Random Various Chars X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now