-:- pretty girls dont cry -:-

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When I open my eyes the blinding light of the sun falls on my face, I groan and sit up. When I look beside me I realize Jungkook isn't there.

Where is he..?

Then everything came rushing to my mind....


(Flashback of the night before)

"You're home" Jungkook rushed towards me when I entered and hugged me tightly. I still had tears in my eyes from all the crying I did while walking back home.

My heart still didn't believed what had happened.

"Are you ok?" He asks when I don't reply, I still say nothing. My heart was beating with an strange feeling, I wasn't quite sure what it was though.

"Y/n?" He breaks the hug and looks at me in the eyes, his eyes widen as he sees me all red and swollen "what happened? Why did you cry? Is it because I left? It's my fault..." he started rambling while hugging me once again.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to leave you. It's just...I wasn't ready to tell you" I hear him stop for then separating us once again "but I can now, I want to tell you, I trust you and if I want our relationship to work, then I must open myself to you" he finished with an innocent smile.

My heart broke at his words, if he only knew I wasn't still able to love him completely, if he only knew my heart still beated for someone else....

"Jungkook i..." I looked up at him, tears already forming in the corners of my eyes. I couldn't do this, I wasn't strong enough... "I need to tell you something..."

I slowly separated from his touch, the lack of his warmth was hurting me, but I had to do it.

"After you left..." I looked at the ground, why was it so hard?! Maybe because I know how it feels like to be heartbroken, I know how much one suffers.

But I really hope he doesn't get so hurt, it may help the thought that we really haven't been together for so long, maybe this time it would hurt a little less.

I hope.

"Taehyung..." the moment his name left my mouth, Jungkook's jaw tensed and his eyes darkened and shined with a feeling I knew to well.


"He wanted to talk with me, and we did" I couldn't look at him in the eyes, it was so hard, so heartbreaking. I couldn't break his heart even thought I had to.

"What happened?" His finger came up to my chin, where he lifted it in order for me to look at him.

I could see he was scared of what I may say. Afraid that what he feared the most was true.

Afraid that I wouldn't love him.

And it was true.

As much as the truth might hurt him, as much as it hurt me too. It was reality and we couldn't do more than accept it, even if it broke our hearts.

"I-I still..." my voice was shaking and so was my body, I slowly looked up at him.

He knows.

But he won't believe it entirely until I tell him.

"Jungkook, I still love him" the words came out easier than expected. But they also hurt more than what I wanted them to.

I could see something breaking inside of him, I could see the need to cry and yell.

But he held it back.

For me.

"It's ok" I could see it was hard for him, but he did. He was going to let me go.

"I'm so sorry" tears were already falling down my face " I-I swear I tried, I tried forgetting him. I tried to love you, I tried to make this work" I fall on my knees while crying.

"But there's still this feeling inside of me, I can't seem to let go" I looked up at him, he kneeled down in front of me "my heart won't let him go"

"I understand" his hand comes up to cup my face, and with his thumb he gently wipes my tears away.

I look at him and a thousand of emotions come rushing trough me. Sadness, relief, guilt.

I can't help but feel free and trapped at the same time.

"It will be hard" he begins "to let go of you completely, but I promise I will" his words hurt but they are true, and him letting me go is the best thing for both of us.

Maybe we were never meant to be more than friends. Maybe that day when we kissed was a mistake....

or maybe it wasn't.

Maybe it was just a way for my heart to tell me, that the place I belong to, it's not with no one else than Taehyung.

"You will" my heart breaks at the sight of his tears running down his face "I will" he reassures.

"Can I kiss you? For the last time?" He shyly asks and more tears fall from my eyes. I nod slowly, he looks at me with pain.

When our lips connect I can feel the goodbye in it. They way his lips dance on mine, so desperate and not wanting to let go. Our tears taste bitter and our hearts beat like one for the last time.

I still want you....

But I want him more.

When we separate it hurts more than what I want it, for a slight second we are still connected by a thread of saliva, but it fades when our eyes met.

This may not be the last time we see each other.

And it may not be our last goodbye.

But I know for sure I won't be seeing him in a long time.

We both know it, even if we don't speak to each other with words, we can communicate trough our eyes. After all, the time we were together created a bond within each other.

And even if for both of us it wasn't the same kind of bond, there is something that connect us. And will continue forever, even if we don't want it to.

When he leaves trough the door he walks away, but not before looking back at me for a last time. His eyes shine as he flashes me one last smile.

Then he yells.

"Don't cry, pretty girls don't cry"

I remember his words, and my smile grows while my tears fall more. Then he turns around and when he turns around a corner, the last thing I see from him is soft hair moving with the wind.


This was so hard and heartbreaking to write, omg I honestly ship them together but it ain't a Jungkook ff.

I tried to make it easy for you to understand what the characters were feeling, it's hard for me to do these scenes since I've honestly never experienced a heartbreak because I've never even experienced a relationship. So it's kind of hard.

Anyways I hope you like it, please continue to give love and comment since your comments help me get motivated.

I love you, take care💕

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