-:- Wanting to see each other -:-

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I had followed him the instant i saw him, if i wanted this to work i had to do this. I know this is catalogued as stalking, but at this point i couldn't care less.

All i want is to be with you, if this what i have to do in order to have you i won't hesitate. At least not anymore.

I saw him turning around a corner, i waited a couple of seconds before following him blindly, god knows where was he leading me but then again, i don't care.

As we continued walking, the street started to get fancier to the moment i could no longer blend in the crowd of people, as i wore simple clothes. All of those around me wore nothing more than designer clothes.

He is rich....?

My heart sinks as he stops in a big house, a girl running out from it to hug him.


All i could feel was a knot on my stomach and several not very polite words caught in my throat.

Come on y/n put it together.

I tried telling myself but the incessant anger and pain was still there.

They've probably done worse than just hugging, it shouldn't surprise me.

I never realized i was still a few meters away, standing like an idiot, watching as the love of my life falls for another.

Not until Taehyung glanced at where i was, his eyes widen and i saw them shine strangely, but he said nothing and smiled at soon-ae, she proceeds to run back to the house and he glanced back at my direction.

I know what that look means, he rises four fingers in the air and then points to the house. I nod slowly.

See me here in the house in four hours.

When i turn on my heels to return from where a came from i can't make the smile on my face fade.

It felt like when we were in high school, back in those days when he scurried in the night through my window. Without our parents consent.

Another smiled appeared, only that this time it was bigger, i even let scape a little giggle from my lips. The day seemed brighter and the wind softly caressed my skin, as i danced my way towards my car.

Once i got in, i turn the engine on. I couldn't held it, so a big happy yell left my lips.

I was probably overreacting.

you are.

But i was so happy, and i had my hopes high this time.

Don't get them too high or the fall will be worse.


It felt like hours, the clock's ticking was so slowly and stressful i found myself glancing at it every 30 seconds.

It's been 3 hours and 34 minutes since i last saw him, which meant i now had less than 30 minutes to get there. My feet hit the ground in a steady and stressful pace.

"I should get going" i mumbled to no one in particular, i stood up from my bed and walked towards my full body mirror. I looked at myself up and down, i was never the kind of girl to be so interested in her looks. But i had to admit i did put on make up today. I wasn't sure of what was going to happen, but i made sure i was prepared for it all.

Glancing outside of the window i saw the sun already hiding behind the hills far away.

A wave of melancholy hit through me as i remember Jungkook, he had left in that same direction. I shook my head and sighed, i could no longer think of Jungkook. I had Taehyung to worry about.

I bit my lip and exited my house. With trembling footsteps i made it to my car, turning the engine on and driving away.

My heart was beating uncontrollably on my chest, fingers tapping nervously on the steering wheel.

Is there a possibility of him being as nervous and excited as me, or is he just wanting to get over with all of this?

I shook my head again shaking the thought out of my head, even if that was the case i couldn't let myself sink, i had a mission.

To get him back.

To get you back.....


(Taehyung P.O.V)

Glancing nervously at the clock i let myself fall once again on the couch. After letting y/n follow me to the house i had told her to see me here in 4 hours.

Did she catch what i wanted to said, or did she not understand?

I bit my lip, no, she would understand. We spend way to many years doing the same on the hallways of school.

I smiled a little at that.

Thankfully that Soon-ae bitch left as she said she had to go out with some friends. She had insisted for me to go but after staring at her with hate and saying 'no' with a very stern voice she had agreed.

I swear i deserve a fucking price for all this time having to endure her fucked up self.

My fingers nervously played with each other and i bit my inner cheek. The wait was killing me, i wanted to see her, i needed.

Even if this couldn't happen, even if this was somehow forbidden, i still desired her.

I actually found myself liking the idea of the 'forbidden love' the fact of it being forbidden made me only want her more, it felt like i somehow was breaking all of those rules Soon-ae's father had set up to me.

The fact of something being against the rules always made me want it more. That's the exact reason why y/n and i started dating back in high school.

She was the directors daughter and i was the most troublemaker kid in school, of course we could never be together as the director made sure me and her were always apart. Yet i still got what i wanted and eventually we fell in love with each other deeply.

Leading us to where we are now.

A little smile made its way to my lips as i remembered all those quick kisses on the hallways, all those times i climbed up to her room through her window at night.

ding dong...

My heart started beating hella fast and my eyes widened.

She's here...

I stood up instantly and glanced at myself one last time on my big mirror. I smiled, i looked good...

I practically jumped down the stairs as adrenaline rushed through my body.

I want to see her.

My body came to a halt as i reached the door, with a heart beating uncontrollably on my chest and trembling fingers, i turn the doorknob.


Hi my loves, how are you doing with this quarantine so far? i'm honestly really bored and sick of it, but we must stay in our homes. Also your comments are really helpful and they make my day better.

Love you, take care🥺💕

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