-:- Princess -:-

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After spending some time with Jimin i decided it was time to get back home.

The sky was already decorated with thousands of stars, shining brightly as i drove through the cold streets. It was nice seeing Jimin after everything that happened, surprisingly when i told him, he was everything but mad. He was happy for me and he said he'll try to talk to Tae one day, to see if they can be back to what they were.

Before i left Yoongi had arrived, now that i think about it he looked really pale and tired. His eyes were shining dark and it got me shaking. One of the reasons why i didn't stay a little longer. But i could tell he liked Jimin a lot, the way he looked into his eyes with so much love. I smiled to myself, my baby is growing...

I parked my car and exited it, walking slowly towards the apartment. I felt a really weird sensation, as if i was being watched.

I looked around carefully eyes wide and body tense in expectation. I had been so absorbed in my thoughts to even realize it was strangely quiet today.

"is someone there?" i ask but as i response i get only my pounding heart. My jaw tenses and i have to obligue myself to snap out of it. Looking at the entrance of the building i approach it with slow and steady steps.


The sound of someone's feet cracking against the dirt makes me stop abruptly, my breathing hitches in my throat and my hearts stops for a second.

I close my eyes and turn around as slowly as possible, heart racing so fast it feels like it would explode.

But what my eyes meet makes my heart stop abruptly, body tensing more and eyes widening.

Why was he here?!

What was he doing back here?!

I wanted to be happy, to be excited, but i couldn't. Not when he had that look in his eyes.....

"Hello princess..."


Heyyoo i'm so so sorry for the delay, and for the extremely short chapter. But school doesn't let me breathe i swear.

I swear teachers are overreacting with homework *sighs* anyways, i love y'all a lot, hope you're doing well and hope y'all are happy.

Btw i just got married today ( it's a game though ) i'm so happy👀!!

Bye love you💜💜💜🙊

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