( T E A S E R )

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My hearth aches because of the truth, watching as you walk out of my life, with no regrets on leaving me behind. Your tall frame becoming smaller as you keep walking.

Tears, salty tears blurring my vision making the world twist and turn into and empty, colorless and lifeless place, where only I exist.

Pain, the pain that breaks me and pulls me into a hole of desperation, regret, suicide thoughts and more, the grief I'm living with, the enormous pain slowly becoming something normal for me.

Nobody understands it, they never will and even thought they did, what could they possibly do? Feel pity for me?

I looked at my empty house, I still remember when you would walk around the house leaving your manly scent everywhere you went.

I still remember how you would smile brightly whenever I mentioned "cuddle time" because you loved it as much as I did, you loved cuddling close to me while watching a movie, laying on the soft mattress under the soft sheets. Even if you never actually watched the movie, but you only stared at me for hours, whispering in my ear lovely things. My heart would fluttered and feel warm.

I also remember how you would hug me from behind while hiding your face in the crock of my neck, whenever you got the chance.

When you would leave lovely notes on my purse without me noticing whenever I was about to go to work. How you would wait for me all day until I got home, only so we could cuddle again.

The way you would look into my eyes, with so much love and passion and you would always try to be sweet and gentle, when we were in bed.

The countless dates, the kisses, the hugs and everything we ever shared, I watched as it fall apart when you said those words.

The way your face looked, so serene, calm and emotionless, even thought I could see in you eyes the storm, the anger and fear. The words that left your mouth were the thing that hurt me the most.

Weeks past, months past even after a year, I found myself not being capable of moving on, wishing and hoping you will maybe comeback.

Life moved on, the world kept spinning around me but I seemed to be stuck in the same feelings, in the same person.


Kim Taehyung.


Just checking if this bullshit will actually work 😅

please help me and support me since I'm not a native speaker I make a lot of mistakes, so If you find one don't hesitate on telling me.
I really hope you'll like this story I'm trying to see with this teaser if this story will actually work so please help me.

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