-:- trust me -:-

501 31 49

When i open my eyes i'm in my house once again, i yawn and shift positions to my left side, waiting for my soft pillows, yet what i found takes my breathe away.

Taehyung sleeps calmly by my side, his eyelids gently closed, chest rising and falling with every steady breathe he takes.

My heart starts to beat uncontrollably on my chest, i feel a weird sensation on my stomach as i smile softly.

What are you doing here...?

The events of yesterday come rushing to my mind.


(yesterday. taehyung's house. night)

"those stars form a smile" i excitedly say as i point to the sky above us, we are both laying in the floor of the balcony, cuddling together.

Just like before.

He smiles "yes, and there's a dragon!" he pointed at other stars i frown and giggle "there's no dragon" i said trying to contain my laughter.

"what?" he asks offended "there's no dragon" i tease again "are you challenging me?" he asks and rises one eyebrow.

"maybe" i say "oh really?" in an instant he shifts to be laying beside me to be on top of me, both of his arms and legs captivating me in a dream jail.

"what are you doing?" i asked yet my voice trembled with nervousness "making you pay for your actions" he said with a dark and lustful look.


I find myself being incapable to move as he lowers his head to the crock of my neck. His steady breathing hits my skin teasingly sending shivers down my spine. When his lips softly touch my skin i loose it.

He starts kissing slowly and messily, open kisses all over my neck and jaw. When he decides to add his tongue and a few bites i can't contain a gasp.

"T-taehyung" i stutter as i'm out of breathe because of his touch "shh" he shushed me "dont argue you deserve this" he said as he lightly bit at my skin, making me whimper, his tongue softly gracing the recent bite.

His hands roam up and down my thighs, squeezing and drawing imaginary patterns. When his hand comes down my skirt to roam in my lower stomach, the sound of a car approaching makes us jump.

My eyes widen and his eyes darken, he stops what he was doing and stands up "she's here" he angrily said, making me feel a knot on my stomach.

"i should leave" i murmur, my heart hurting and my head spinning with the resent events "no" he stops me, i looked at him confused.

"i have an idea" he says as he smiles knowingly, i tilt my head in confusion.

"you'll see" he smirks before grabbing my hand and running inside of the house once again.

"taehyung what the fuck, she will see us" i whisper yell and he just shakes his head "trust me i know what i'm doing" i sigh and let my self be dragged.

I'll trust you.

"Oppa!! where are you?" the annoying voice of Soo-ae resembles on the walls of the big house, i sense taehyung tensing before answering "on the maid's room" he says as he gets us in the room.

"what are you doing?" i murmur lowly, he just rises a finger up to my lips "you'll look prettier if you don't talk" he says, then giggles lowly at my offended reaction.


He pulls out a maid costume "this is from one of our maids, i told her to leave earlier because she was sick, but Soon-ae doesn't know" he says and i nod.

He helps me strip from my clothes, it feels weird to be on my underwear in front of him again, i catch him staring deeply at me.

We can't do this right now...

He quickly helps me put in the costume which fits perfectly, he then takes out a wig and quickly helps me put it "you look pretty" he smiles after i'm all done.

"use this" he says as he hands me a pair of glasses and a face mask, i look at him with a frown "you're sick remember?" he says with a smirk.

Soon-ae's footsteps echo from the hallways as she approaches the door "start coughing" taehyung says through greeted teeth and i do it obediently, bending forward with one hand on my chest and the other on my face mask, coughing hardly.

The moment the door opens taehyung's face changes from a smile to a worried look, he does it so easily and it looks so genuine it scares me. No wonder i never realized there was something odd with him, he's the hell of a good actor.

"what are you doi-" she stops as she sees me almost dying from coughing, a disgusted frown appears on her face "Amanda is really sick i must get her back to her house" he says as he brings a hand up to my forehead "jesus she's burning with fever!!" he exclaims.

Soon-ae gives a step back as i cough once again "get her out" she says angrily "she's disgusting" she murmurs for herself yet loudly enough for both of us to hear.

Then without looking at her, taehyung scolds me out of the room. Soon-ae following us with her eyes, until we are in the car. Taehyung looks back to say something else "after leaving her at her house i'll come back" he said and she nodded, but suddenly taehyung started coughing as well.

His eyes widen in fake yet real surprise and Soon-ae gave a step back "it would probably be v-very late, you b-better stay with a-a friend" she said before entering the house and slamming the door shut.

Taehyung enters the car with a sad look and starts the car, when we are already out of sight he smiles widely "see? i told you we will be fine" he smirks at me, I strip form the face mask and glasses "where did you learn all of those acting skills?" i ask and he shrugs.

"My father, before he died he was a real fan of acting and all of that stuff" he stopped for a moment lost in thought "he aspire for his son to become the best actor in korea" he said with an soft look.

"well i think we can make that dream come true" i say as i smile, he raises an eyebrow and looks at me "you think?" he asks, even though he tries to show a serious and emotionless facade, i sense the hope in his eyes and words "yes, i do" i say reassuringly.

He looks at me and smiles before leaning in and kiss my cheek.

My eyes widen and i blush, he chuckles softly at that "where at?" i ask "our house" he says with eyes full of love and joy.

( end of flashback )


A bigger smile appears on my lips at the memory, my hand comes to his face, where with trembling and gentle fingers i trace his beautiful jaw. My heart feeling warm at the beautiful sight, my fingers come to his lips, were they trace them slowly.

I love his lips, they are like my drug. A drug i can't seem to ever get enough of.

"i feel that" he says with a rough voice, making my insides whimper "you're awake" i smile, he opens one eye and smirks.

"what you wanted to rape me?" he teases and my eyes widen "because i don't mind" he opens the other eye before throwing me in the bed again and climbing on top of me.

"who will want to rape your ugly ass?" i tease, he raises an eyebrow "say that again" he threatens "ugly ass" i smile.

And before i knew it i'm laughing my ass off as he tickles me with no mercy.


I'm not crying, you are😭 guys i can't believe we have surpassed the 500 readings, i have no words to explain how grateful and happy i am.

I know for some of you it might not be a lot, but if i'm honest i never thought someone would even read it.

i love you, i love you so much😭🥺💕

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