-:- My meant to be -:-

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( Taehyung's P.O.V )

I was laying helplessly on the cold wooden floor of the living room, staring at the ceiling in boredom.

The last few days have been hell for me, all i seemed to be able to do was think about her. And how much she must hate me...how much she must despise me.

And i couldn't cry anymore...tears were now something unknown and unwelcomed for me. I didn't want to cry anymore...not only because of the empty and shallow feeling it brings...but for i no longer had the right to....she didn't deserve having a killer crying for her....i'm sure she would be horrorised just by the thought of it.

I felt repugnant with myself....even when i couldn't quite remember myself doing it...i was sure i was the one that deserved the blame, the punishment. Not my father, and that haunted me...for so long.

But then i found her, and she brightened my world....she made me feel as if i was enough..as if i was worth of love and happiness.

Just to know she was alive somewhere...just breathing and existing made me smile and sigh of relief.

A bitter smile made its way to my lips as i recalled those thousand times she would smile at me, her eyes shining with an emotion of love so visible and transparent, like if the place they were kept in was made out of glass.

And just by looking at her i knew

I just knew she was the one...she was my meant to be...

But i doubt i was ever hers....

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