-:- I'll wait for you -:-

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"Y/N please just listen to me" Taehyung pleads but I continue walking, I can sense tears start to form in the corner of my eyes but I blink them away, he can't see I'm hurt.

"Please I'm begging you" he finished with a sob, I sigh and turn around. I see his eyes light up a bit yet there's a big stain of sadness in them.

"What do you want to talk about?" I try to sound annoyed but my voice trembles along the way. He looks at his feet and takes a minute to relax and think clearly, before meeting my eyes once again.

"Why did you ignore me the other day?" He asked I could sense the hurt in his voice "are you serious?!" I asked him, I was getting angry.

Why was I ignoring him....

Did he really expected me to go salute him? To treat him right after everything he made me go trough?!

"You really expect me to treat you right, huh?" I exclaimed while crossing my arms "I expect you to at least salute" he said as he looked away.

Is he really been serious?!

"Right! It's that all I'm in a hurry!" I give him a forced smile as I start walking once again. He doesn't stop me and I don't care.

I keep walking and I feel tears threatening to pour down my eyes.

"Wait!" He yells and I stop, I turn around at him and he runs towards me.

"I'm sorry" he says as he hugs me tightly, I gasp and open my eyes widely.

The warmth of his body, one I craved for so long. His scent so refreshing and welcoming. His long arms holding me tightly against him. For a moment I let myself melt in his arms, closing my eyes as tears start to roam down my cheeks.

I've missed this....

I've missed this so much, that I can't even say no right now, even after everything he did, everything he made me suffer. I still let myself cry In front of him.

"D-don't" he says as I helplessly try to free from him "please just let me hold you, please" the need and hurt in his voice makes me cry more as I stop fighting.

I've missed you..

The entire world stops and goes numb to both of us as we just enjoy each other's warmth. Even after everything that has happened we're still able to enjoy this....

I'm still able to enjoy this...

"T-Taehyung..." I slowly say, he nods and pulls away slowly, when our eyes met we are both surprised to see the other crying. His thumb comes up to my face to gently wipe my tears away.

"No" I start to shake my head "I don't want to fall for your tricks again Taehyung, not this time, I won't" I say as I back away slowly.

Why did I let myself be fooled by him?!

I can see the shadow taking over his eyes, they darken at my words and I can see him hurt "I understand" he says and looks at the ground.

We stay in silent for a couple of seconds, the silent it's painful and it begs us to not be apart from each other.

But we can't be together, at least not anymore.

"But I'll be here" he looks up at me, this time his eyes shine differently with something I cannot understand

"ill be waiting for you.....

Like I always have"


I can't ever really explain how grateful I feel for all the love and support I've been receiving from all of you.

I also can't explain how happy and excited I am to continue with this book.

I have so many ideas my mind feels like it will explode, and maybe I'm not the best writer but I keep working hard for you.

And please understand if I make a grammar mistake, since English it's not my first language and I'm still learning it.

But I'll happily receive any corrections as long as they are polite and not rude.

With all of that said I wave you goodbye.

I'll read you soon my loves💕

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