-:- She saved me -:-

348 22 12

( Taehyung's p.o.v )

I found myself looking outside the window, the sky was covered with clouds, raindrops falling endlessly. My head was resting against the cold surface of the window.

There were some people walking around with umbrellas above their heads, all of them submerged in their own worlds, their own problems. Besides the weather people still did what they had to do that day, either go to work, go to school.

But i found myself stuck in our bedroom.

I glanced at the bed, it was empty.

Have you ever feel like you are going to die? That your heart is in so much pain, everything around you goes numb. You want to scream, you want to yell, to throw things. You feel like you want to rip your heart out of your chest to stop that feeling. The tears fall down your face so much it hurts your eyes. You can't breathe and you feel suffocated, overwhelmed and lost. You feel like it's your end, you look at death for the first time, wanting it to come to you and save you from this hole. And then you hate yourself for even thinking that way. But what if it was the only way out? who knows.

My heart stopped beating long ago, even before i met her.

The mistakes i made, i worked so hard in forgetting them. For so long it was all i could think of, my mind was clouded with images of what i caused.

I couldn't sleep, every night it was as if something triggered the memory and it repeated itself over and over. I could clearly hear the voices, the crying. I could see the blood.

After some time i met her.

She helped me forget.

Even if she never knew who i was, who i really was nor what i had done. She helped me, she saved me.

I wanted to cry, i wanted to forget, i needed to forget. And the idea of not being capable of doing anything, feeling so powerless and lost.....

It was breaking me apart.

i want to rush to her side and hug her so tight, i want her to never let go. Because the moment she does, the moment she completely lets go of me...

that day, i won't be able to take it anymore....


( Y/N's p.o.v )

I looked down at the drink with a confused look, Jungkook stood by the door, cheeks pink and head low in what seemed to be embarrassment.

"What is this?" I tilted my head to the side as I looked up at him, when his eyes met mine they widened and I could see his cheeks turning even more red "Y-yah, are you stupid or something?! It's banana milk" he finished with an slight, almost invisible pout in his lips.

I couldn't contain the smile that made it's way to my lips.

"Thank you" I bowed my head slightly at him, he shrugged "It was nothing.." I looked at him and smiled a bit.

I took a sip of the drink, my eyes widened and I unconsciously hummed "This is really good!" I smiled at him and drank more. I noticed how his lips slowly curled into a small and cute smile, his eyes shining brightly.

"Of course it is, it's banana milk!!" He rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing on earth "It's one of my favorite things ever, no one really knows about my little obsession with this drink though" He blushed a little and smiled cutely.

He stood by the door for a while more, just staring at me while i drank the milk. My thoughts were elsewhere as i stared blankly at the wall.

Is he ok..?

My chest tightened at the image of him the night before, how he looked at the ground, tears falling from those beautiful brown eyes. My breathing stoped for a moment as guilt built inside of me.

I don't know why i felt guilty...when i should be hurt. I just couldn't let myself believe what he said, what Jungkook claimed he did.

Taehyung wouldn't do that...


No he wouldn't.

I looked up at Jungkook who was leaning against the door frame, eyes lost far away outside the big window at the end of the room. His eyes shined strangely as he seemed to be thinking of something.

Suddenly his eyes met mine again, his gaze was strong but somehow gentle. His eyes dark but shining softly as he looked at me.

"you need to sleep" he said as he straightened up "tomorrow i'm taking you to meet someone..." he said as his eyes darken.

I gulped and my body stiffened.

Meet someone?

"What d-do you mean?" my voice was weak as fear slowly built inside of me, his eyes held my gaze for some time before looking away, he turned around ready to leave, but stoped abruptly.

He glanced at me one last time "get ready you'll be meeting the boss"


*looses her shit*

First of all i want to apologize, i wasn't here on wattpad for almost a month *sips tea nervously* i had some personal issues and things going on in my life, but i can happily say now that everything's ok.

I'll be updating the next chapters shortly as well i'll try to make them longer. I hope you're enjoying this story as much as i enjoy writing it.

Don't forget to comment cause i love to see your comments they make me smile and encourage me to keep going.

Stay safeu, love you~ 💜

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