-:- New Boy -:-

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I looked at the wall, lost in thought as I played with the spoon, the smell of homemade soup filling my nostrils. I lowered my gaze at my plate, the food was delicious and I knew that but I still didn't dare to touch it.

The rain gently touched the windows in my apartment, the grayish sky above me making everything seem like a fucking movie.

My phone buzzed taking me out of my trance, I picked it up and saw my best friends name.


"Yes?" I said as I answered his call, the high pitched voice he owned filled the silence of the place "y/n we're late, and I've been waiting for you on the lobby for hours!!" He yelled, my eyes widened and I looked over at my watch.


"Shit, I'm coming!!" I hang out and stood up, I grabbed my keys and my bag, and I leaved.


"I heard there's a new student" Jimin smiled, I rolled my eyes and continued my way towards the classroom. "Yeah, maybe this one will be the one for you" I smiled as I saw him blush.

"Stop!! I only have eyes for one person" he said as we entered the classroom. "Well, I don't think Yoongi will pay attention to you if you keep avoiding him" I said.

He rolled his eyes and took a seat next to me, not long after everybody enter and so did the teacher. Just when the class was about to start, a loud noise was heard on the hallways along with rushed footsteps. A second later the door of our classroom was violently opened, a boy entered, panting and sweating, his black hair all over his eyes and his soft-looking pink lips were parted and looking to catch a breath.

"S-sorry I'm late" he let out, the teacher sighed "I hope you don't make this a habit" she said he nodded slowly, then the teacher turned to look at us.

"Class welcome our new student Jeon Jungkook"


"So, you're from Busan?" Jimin flirtatiously asked, Jungkook nodded blushing a little at the proximity of Jimin to his face.

I step on Jimin's foot from under the table, making him immediately glare at me, I gave him a 'calm your horny ass' look and he blushed in respond realizing how obvious he was being.

"What made you come to Seoul?" Jimin asked as he moved a little bit away from him, Jungkook looked down at his hands not being able to respond.

"That's something personal" he tried to smiled, Jimin hummed in respond feeling embarrassed.

All the time they talked I found myself distracted and looking outside of the big window of the cafeteria.

"Excuse me, I have to go somewhere"I said to both "where are you going?" Jimin asked, worried "the bathroom" I responded, he didn't seem convinced but he still nodded.

I made my way towards the campus, it was mostly empty, only a few students walking around and talking to each other, I ignored it all and sat on the foot of a tree.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breathe.

Everything seemed so numb now, my heart, the memories, the pain. It all had come to a point where I didn't know what to feel nor do.

It still hurts like hell but not as much as a few months ago, maybe I was starting to get over him? Fuck, as much as i wanted to believe it I knew it wasn't true.

The look in his eyes, that gorgeous boxy smile, those delicate yet strong features of him, that deep and melodic voice. Every single one of the things we both shared, still hunted me at night, the sweet words, the feeling, the memories. It was hard to ignore yet I still got hope, that maybe one day I could be able to move on.

"Hey" a soft voice called out, my eyes opened wide as I was pulled out of my trance. "H-hi" I looked up at Jungkook who sat next to me, his big brown doe eyes looked at me with confusion and interest, his hand slowly approached my face, gently wiping my tears away.

My eyes widened more at the sudden proximity and I yanked back, he seemed to just realized what he did as his eyes widened as well and he gulped. "S-sorry I d-dint meant to m-make you uncomfortable" he smiled weakly and I smiled back, touched by his shyness.

"It's ok" I looked down at my hands, there was a moment of silence where neither of us dared to talk a single word, the wind slowly blowing and the sun beginning to show itself from behind the curtains of gray clouds.

"Is everything ok?" He asked, I looked up at him surprised by the question then I gulped, was I ok? Of course not, I wasn't even near ok and I knew it, but why would I open up to a total stranger, I wasn't going to tell him, right?

But the words slipped out of my mouth like water slipped down the rooftops of people's houses this morning, and when they did I felt lighter.

I've told a little bit of how I felt and everything that had happened with 'him' to Jimin, but I still haven't told him everything yet, i just couldn't seem to do it.

But with Jungkook, I felt like he was just really easy to talk to, he listened and showed genuine interest, so I did, I told him almost everything, mainly the important details.

He nodded a confused and troubled look on his face, yet he was able to mask it with a cute smile "Hey, it will be alright, from what I've just heard you are a strong girl" he finished with another stupidly adorable grin which made me smile as well.

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