-:- A planned muder -:-

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( Author's p.o.v / 5 years ago )

Jungkook played with the gun given to him a few minutes ago. He looked outside the window of the car that was taking them to their next mission.

"Calm down" a voice spoke next to him, he closed his eyes and nodded slowly. Opening his eyes once again he looked at Yoongi, his partner and only friend in this dark world their families had raised them into.

"It's going to be ok, just don't look into the victims eyes while doing it..." he ordered him and Jungkook could only nod.

A planned murder...those were the missions he hated the most, sure he could hack systems, steal from billionaires and work as a spy.

He sometimes enjoyed doing all of that.

But killing people....specially killing innocents...he hated that.

Their next victim....he read the file given to him. The poor man had accidentally heard the wrong conversation and now he was going to die for it.

"We're here" the deep voice of the driver spoke as the car came to a halt. Jungkook took a deep breathe and got out of the car, followed by Yoongi.

"Nice house" Yoongi said in an attempt to lighten the mood, but Jungkook could only tense up the more they approached the front door. Before he could knock a hand stopped him.

"it's not your fault, you know there's nothing we can do to save him" Yoongi's voice was low and somehow soothing. Jungkook nodded and forced a little smile.

He slowly knocked on the door three times.

For a few seconds they heard nothing, but as Jungkook was about to knock again, rushed footsteps were heard from the inside.

Both of their bodies tensed as they breathed deeply.

Focus on what you came to do, just aim and shoot..

The door opened after a few seconds but it wasn't the man they were expecting, he was younger than the man in the picture given to them, brown hair and beautiful features. He was very handsome. Maybe around Jungkook's age.

"Hey...." was all that came out of Jungkook's mouth as he grew more nervous than before. Yoongi mentally face palmed himself as he stared at the younger.

"hello..? do i know you?" The guy's voice was deep and raspy, he stared at both of them with a raised eyebrow.

"Mmm..does Lee soo-young live here?" Jungkook asked.

"Really Jungkook?!" Yoongi thought as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, what do you need?" The guy folded his arms to his chest and studied them slowly.

"We need to talk to him...is about the company he works at. My father, the boss gave me an important message for him" the way yoongi came up with lies always surprised Jungkook.

The guy nodded and stepped aside letting them in.

Once inside, he lead them towards a room upstairs were Lee Soo-young was sleeping. unconscious of the fact that he was giving his last breaths.

He tapped him several times and whispered into the old man's ear.

When soo-young woke up both Yoongi and Jungkook took out their guns.

They boy who had let them in stepped back as his eyes grew wide. "W-what the hell" he whispered under his breathe and he stared at the strangers he lead into the house.

Yoongi's gun was aimed towards the boy's head and Jungkook's to the old man's chest.

The old man stared at Jungkook...for a moment everything seemed to stop.

It was only those two on the room, staring into each other's eyes.

The old man knew this was going to come one day and he was more than ready for it.

But Jungkook didn't want this, his eyes started tearing up and the old man smiled softly "it's ok" he mumbled, the younger's eyes widened at the old man's words.

"it's ok...just finish this already or the pain will be worst" Jungkook's tears clouded his vision, his heart beating fast and his whole body shaking.

The other guy, the one yoongi was aiming his gun at kept yelling and crying. Begging for him not to shoot, but it only took one strong punch in the face from Yoongi for him to shut up.

Jungkook closed his eyes and took a deep breathe and before he knew it the bullet was already crashing into the man's chest.

Yoongi hit the poor boy in the head one more time and placed the gun on his hand. Making it look as if it was the boy and not them who killed the poor man.

Jungkook's tears never stopped and he was frozen in his spot. So yoongi had to drag him downstairs and into the car. As soon as both of them were inside the driver started the engine and drove away.

And just as their car was starting to disappear in the distance, another car parked outside the man's house.

The poor man didn't know that what he was going to find would be the end for him.


Sorry for all the drama and the long wait i know i've said this before but i'm really busy lately and my head has been elsewhere so it's hard to get inspired.

And to clarify something, Taehyung was the young boy whom Yoongi hit in the head and the man at the end was Taehyung's father. Due to the strength yoongi used to hit Tae he doesn't remember anything that happened that day.

Anyways...bye my loves i hope you're having a great day and please take care✨💜

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