-:- Just like that -:-

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( Y/N's pov)

Tapping the cold surface of the window i watched as the big heavy, gray clouds filled the sky. Soon enough raindrops started falling, caressing the surface gracefully, getting everything wet in a matter of seconds.

It's almost funny...how it takes a long time for everything to dry, even when the sun is already out. And it takes just a couple of seconds to make everything wet. It's almost like relationships...it takes a long time to form a strong and good relationship with someone, takes time to build trust. But it only takes a couple of words and tears to make it all go away, as if it never happened.

If you looked at it in a certain way, it was almost useless and stupid to even try to get into a relationship with someone, knowing that it could all go away so easily. And we know, we are aware of the consequences a heartbreak can bring. Yet we still go for it, we still carry on. Maybe that's the first mistake taken, carrying things on even when you knew it would end eventually.

And at some point you think maybe, just maybe you found the one for you, your meant to be. And you can be so certain about it. But the again it all fades, it all disappears in seconds.

Just how the droplets of water falling from the sky, cover the surface in seconds.

Just like that, so fast.

( Jungkook's pov )

I was sitting at the desk once again, on the security room. Staring at the screen in front of me, watching as she sat next to the window. She has been sitting there for long now. It was almost like a daily routine. She would wake up, shower, get dressed and sat there. She wouldn't eat, only sometimes a day but she barely touched her plate.

She never shed a tear, at least not anymore. Her eyes looked emotionless and my heart ached at that, i wanted to hold her close, make her smile and laugh. I wanted to see that particular shine i loved to see in her eyes.

And guilt was eating me alive...to think she was suffering because of what 'Taehyung' supposedly did. That day...

Out of nowhere my phone started ringing, i forced myself to look away from the screen as i pulled out my phone. I didn't even look at who was calling and answered, watching as Y/n continued tapping the glass.

"J-Jungkook...i need to see her!" My eyes widened at the voice, a slight frown appearing on my face as i realized it was him, it was Taehyung.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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