-:- Coffee -:-

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The smell of coffee filling my nostrils, the indistinct chatter of friends, families, couples, the numerous of times the bell above the door rang whenever someone entered; It all was something so familiar to me, I even started loving it. As stupid as it sounded working in this coffee shop made me happy, made me forget, as I focus on one thing, work.

I looked at the two girls that entered; one of them, with beautiful blond hair, she was taller than the other one, she was pretty, her blue eyes stood out the most. The other one with hazel eyes and red hair, she was pretty as well, but not like the other.

"Hi, how may I help you" I smiled at them, the blonde one smiled back, looking at the menu chart above my head "I'll have two caramel macchiatos" she smiled brightly, I nodded and looked at her friend "I'm fine, thanks" she smiled, I nodded.

"Ok two caramel macchiatos coming right up!" I excitedly said. They both went to take a seat.

As I prepared their orders something came to my mind.


"Caramel macchiato?" I asked confused, he shrugged "it's good you should try it" he passed me the drink, the warmth that radiated out of the cup, helped to warm my cold hands.

"It's the best thing ever made" he gave me his boxy grin that he knew I was in love with, I rolled my eyes not being able to hold the smiled that scurried to my lips.

"Whatever" I took a sip, I tried keeping my face emotionless as I wanted my opinion to be a surprise for him, I looked at him, his eyes shining brightly with expectation.

"So, what do you think?" He glanced at the cup and back to me. I hummed pretending to be thinking, he rolled his eyes and gently hit my arm "Yah!!" He said.

I laughed at his cute behavior "Tell me already" he pouted, my heart fluttered at the view, he was just too much for me "I love it" I sighed and he smiled brightly and started to clap his hand in excitement.

"I knew you would" he smiled.


"Y/n" Nayeon's voice took me out of my trance, I hummed in respond "aren't you going to deliver that?" She pointed at the two caramel macchiatos I was holding. "I-I uhhh ye-yeah.."

When my shift was over I walked out of the shop, the cold wind embraced me making me shiver. I putted my hands on the front pockets of my jeans, hoping the could warm up.

As I walked towards the train station, I glanced at the big river beside me, I remember when I was little it used to be a beautiful bright blue, now it was more of grayish and lifeless color.

I looked around me, hundreds of people, either plastered on their phones our just lost in their thoughts, others were trying to tame their annoying children or just holding their hands, and among all of those there was me.

A gullible, stupid random girl, who was so dumb and young to fall for the tricks of Kim Taehyung; and was now struggling to live normally, to be happy and content with herself, always finding flaws, something out of place in herself.

I sighed and continued walking.

When I reached the train station and entered, I sat on the farest corner. I glanced around the place, it was stressfully crowded something that I hated, I sighed and putted my wireless earphones on. I myself couldn't be able to afford them but my best friend, the kindest and most beautiful person in earth gave them to me as a birthday gift last year.

I closed my eyes as I focused on the beat of the music, moving my feet along with the music; as I lost myself on the rhythm I seemed to forget about my surroundings for a while as I started to sing lowly.

I wasn't aware of the person beside me, nor was I aware of his eyes on me and the smile on the persons face as he heard me sing.

It wasn't until I started singing loudly, that the person tapped my shoulder "excuse me" my eyes opened wide at the voice, I looked beside me to find Jungkook smiling shyly.

"You sing really good" he smirked as he saw me blushing hard, mouth parted in shock and eyes as wide as they could be. My insides burned with embarrassment, making me lower my gaze as looking into his eyes was starting to make me nervous as heck.

"I'm sorry that I interrupted but you were starting to sing really loud, lots of people started glaring at your way" he lowly explained, pointing around discreetly. I looked up and around, some people still had their eyes on me, while others just returned to whatever they were doing.

"Thanks" I smiled shyly at him and he smiled back a glimpse of pink visible in his cheeks. My heart felt warm at the view, such cuteness, kindness, he was such a gentleman and he was hella attractive.

He reminded me of him.

I shook my head at that I had to stop thinking about Taehyung, it's not healthy for me to keep daydreaming about him nor feeling the way I still felt for him.

I stood up when the bus arrived, I bid goodbye to him and he returned it with a bright smile plastered on his beautiful features.

I found myself smiling all the way from the bus station to my apartment, thinking about how cute he looked and the way his lips curled up in a smile making him look like a cute little bunny.

I got ready for bed, I slide under the soft sheets, sighing and closing my eyes; I was tired and all I wanted was to sleep forever, my muscles sore and my eyes heavy. I poked one eye open and then I saw it.

I was already used to it.


He used to occupy that side of the bed, the warmth his body radiated would always comfort me and the roughness of his voice whenever he was sleepy would make me smile.

I felt a lonely tear rolling down my cheek at the thought.

I sighed once again before finally closing my eyes and sleeping deeply.

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