-:- His true persona -:-

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( Y/n's p.o.v )

My heart pounded loudly on my chest, his words still sounding repeatedly in my head.

My grandfather's death..?? What is he talking about?

He chuckled lowly and smiled.

"I guess Jungkook already told you about Taehyung's true persona..." the look on his eyes was intimidating as he stared at me, waiting for my reaction.

But my face stayed emotionless, as my mind tried to progress what he was saying.

So all i did was nod.

He crossed his arms over his chest and tilted his head to the side.

"a murderer..." the way the words rolled out of his mouth made me shiver, memories of Jungkook's words that night invading my head.

I frowned slightly and sighed "What does Taehyung has to do with my grandfather?"

His hand traveled from his pocket to his lips, his fingers playing with his bottom lip as he smirked.

"Y/N do you know who is your grandfather's killer?" he tilted his head to the side as his eyes shined in expectation.

It's surprising how after all that pain and crying, after all this years...i never really wondered who was the one that took his life. The thought never really crossed my mind and i mentally face-palmed myself for it.

"not really..."

Hoseok gave a step closer to me causing me to shrink in my seat, fearful eyes looking up at him as his shined darkly.

"Taehyung's father was accused of murder on December of 2015" he started "he's been locked up in jail ever since...guilty of the assassination of Lee soo-young..." his eyes traveled back to me as he mentioned my grandfather's name.

I didn't know how to feel...so many emotions, so many thoughts, so many things to process...

My eyes widened and for a second i stopped breathing.

"you know...the funny thing is that...it wasn't his father who killed him.." his lips slowly formed into a dark and scary smirk "he was just covering after the real murderer..."

my heart stopped at the words he said next.

"Kim Taehyung"


( Jungkook's p.o.v )

I was pacing back and forth on the hallway, my mind a mess as i thought of the countless of things he could say to her, all the lies he could get in her head in order for him to get what he wanted.

I bit my lip as i tried to fight back the tears, when suddenly my phone started ringing.

I jumped slightly at the sound but quickly pick up, not even bothering to see who was calling me.

"Jungkook.." that arrogant and hideous voice of his filled my ears, my body immediately tensing "yes boss?" i tried to sound as polite and respectful as possible.

"I'm not done with her but i think she has had enough for one day, i would like you to take her to one of the main rooms on the last floor, the one next to mine" i frowned and pursed my lips.

What are you planning..?

"Sure boss.."

"Oh! and one more thing.." i sighed internally "yes?"

"I didn't tell her the truth obviously...for now she thinks Taehyung is a murderer...and i would like to keep it that way...but if you mess up again i won't hesitate to tell her who the true killer is" his voice was strong and intimidating, and i shivered at his words.

"Yes sir..."

he hang up.

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