-:- i love you -:-

506 32 27

Double update, enjoy😚!!


When Taehyung opened the door his eyes shined, i could feel my heart flip inside of my chest and my stomach feeling weird.

I smiled lightly at him "hi" i softly spoke, i saw him blush and smile "hey" he answered.

We stared into each other's eyes loving every second of it, taking all in and appreciating the moment. It could be the last.

Stop, don't think that just enjoy...

"come in" he said and opened the door widely stepping aside so i could enter, i bowed my head slightly and entered.

The interior of the house was like nothing i've ever seen. Beautiful cristal chandeliers hanged from the ceiling, paintings probably worth more than my house decorated the marmol walls. On the floor a gold and soft carpet caressed my steps.

Taehyung watched me as i glanced around, amazed by everything. I never saw his eyes shining and a big smile plastered on his features.

"Do you like it?" he suddenly asked, i looked at him "The house?" i asked and he nodded "I do, but if i'm honest i don't think i'll live here it's to big, it would make me feel lonely" i explain and he nodded.

"You're right, it does feel lonely sometimes" he said with a sad tone, i looked at him in the eyes and he looked away.

"Do you want to go upstairs? I want to show you something" he asked nervously and i nodded. He walked me upstairs, the upper part was as fancier as the other, only that this one held numerous white doors. He walked me to the very end of the hallway, were a big painting hanged from the walls. It was nothing quite special, just the sun setting on the hills.

"It's pretty" i said as i looked at him, he giggled and shook his head "wait" he traced the frame with his fingers slowly, until he stopped, clicking on one of the ends. I tilted my head in interest, something clicked and the painting opened.

A secret door...

My eyes shined with excitement and amazement, he looked at me with a smile "after you" he said with a smirk and handed me his hand, i took it and enter. He followed me from behind, still holding my hand tightly.

"Where does this leads to?" i curiously asked "you'll see" was all that he said.

After some time walking, the soft sound of the wind made my eyes shined, i let go of his hand and ran to the end of the passage.

I was met with a beautiful night sky. The lights on the streets and houses made the whole land scape something beautiful.

"a secret balcony on the roof" he said from behind of me "No one ever knew about this place, this house it's more than a hundred years old so i guess only me and owner knows about this beautiful place" he said as he looked at the view.

"It's beautiful" i said with a big smile, his eyes shined and he bit his lip "it is" his deep voice was melodic and his hand softly came to my waist.

"I brought you here because i wanted to talk" he said, i tensed at that. I fearfully looked at him "what is it?" i asked, my voice shaking.

"I really miss you" my heart skipped a beat at his words "The reason why i left, the reason why i broke your heart..." my eyes started to get itchy with threatening tears.

"y/n i never wanted to break up" his hands came to my cheeks as he looked deeply into my eyes, he breathed deeply "my mother got sick and i couldn't afford the treatment she needed, so i got a job. My boss, he offered me help and i gladly accepted, but i never knew in what i was getting into" he sighed and closed his eyes.

"I let him manipulate me, eventually he introduced me to his daughter Soon-ae" i tensed at her name "she fell in love with me yet because of you she never said anything to me, instead she went to her father for help. He threatened me, told me he could kill both you and my mother if he wanted to" a lonely tear rolled down his cheek.

"I was so scared, i promise i wanted nothing to do with her" my heart ached at his words.

So all of this time, he never wanted to us to be apart?

"i never stopped loving you" now it was my turn to cry "i never stopped loving you too" i answered him, he let out a painful sob and he rest his forehead on mine.

"i love you, so much" he painfully said " i love you too" i answered him.

Before i could say anything else he kissed me.


I love you💕🥺

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