-:- eating themselves -:-

365 21 45

( Taehyung p.o.v )

I sat on the swing of a park, that one park that gave me peace. If i closed my eyes i still remembered vividly what happened here with that boy, the one i had seen with y/n.

what was his name?


I couldn't remember.

My hands traveled to my hair where i frustratedly pulled from it.

"I want you to meet someone, Kim Namjoon"

Her words still roamed over and over in my head.

Why is he here? Why is he back? And why her?

My heart ached so badly at the memories of us together. We had been friends for so long, he was always there for me. He had always been like a father figure to me, since my dad was stuck in jail.


I don't really remember the last time i visited him, i think it was before i left with Soon-ae. Our last conversation had been vague, but i still treasured it.

My dad wasn't a bad person, as much as everybody wanted to make me believe it. He was in jail but for unfair reasons, i could swear he was incriminated, there was just no way he had committed what he was judged for.


My father was no murderer.

That memory hurt, i still remember how after my dad was declared guilty, my mom had fallen apart. After what happened with my dad my mother lost all senses.

She started smoking, a lot. The cigarette became her source of comfort, she was still a lovely and good mother, but she took no care of herself.

Which had led to where we are now, lung cancer.

My mother was now struggling with that.

And Namjoon knew it all, he was always there for me he got my back. And Jimin, he also used to be a really good friend to me. Both of them made me smile and feel carefree.

Even if it was just for a couple of seconds.

But when i broke up with y/n, Jimin started hating me a lot. Namjoon and i fought and so i was left alone again.

It had been so hard for me, going through all of this alone. I felt like crying whenever i remembered what i had been through.

My eyes widened a little at the sudden presence of tears, i was crying...

Looking up at the sky i closed my eyes, i could see her there smiling widely as she rambled about something i didn't really cared about. Only seeing her made me feel comfort.

Oh shit!!

My eyes widened, she must be at home still waiting for me!!


(y/n's p.o.v)

I looked in shock the scene displayed in front of me, i just had gathered the courage to go and see Jimin, after all this days. Yet when i entered his house i never imagined i would find what i found.

Jimin and Yoongi eating themselves...

Literally e a t i n g themselves....


Both boys opened they're eyes widely in surprise, Jimin pushed Yoongi off of him and looked at me with shock and embarrassment. Yoongi groaned when his head hit the ground.

"Y/n?!" his face was a bright and dangerous red, he was shacking and his lips were still a bit swollen. "w-what are you doing h-here" he tried to speak properly but he did nothing but stutter along the way.

His hands came down to pull his pants up a little bit, i was able to spot some hickeys in his lower abdomen, skin red and wet. Meaning they were recent.

Yoongi was still on the floor struggling to get up as he pulled his shirt down a little bit to hide scratches.

He sat beside Jimin while rubbing his head, he wasn't even spearing me a glance, he must be really embarrassed.

"I-i just wanted to see you" my heart was still beating due to the surprise. Jimin smiled weakly, the redness of his face never fading.

"I wanted to talk to you about something" i said while biting my lip "but i can come back later" i said while turning around.

"wait" yoongi said, my eyes widened.

If i was expecting someone to stop me it was definitely not him.

"yes?" i said while turning around, Jimin also seemed a bit surprised as he looked at his ( boyfriend? I don't know ) with interest.

"You can stay i'll leave, i have work anyways" he finished with a little smile, he looked at Jimin and i could see how his eyes shined. "I'll be back when i finish" he whispered to him, Jimin just nodded dumbfounded by the beauty of Yoongi.

Yoongi's hands traveled from his jaw to his cheek that he caressed softly, Jimin's eyes closed enjoying the boy's touch.

Yoongi leaned and kissed Jimin's forehead lovingly, leaving the boy even more flustered.

Yoongi walked towards the door still never looking away from Jimin, they were both smiling like idiots as they stared at each other.

"By the way what was your name?" yoongi asked.

Seriously?! He doesn't know my name?! Even after all those classes we shared together!

"Y/n" i still replied calmly, he was the boyfriend of my best friend after all.

He hummed lost in thought, he looked outside. His eyes shined strangely under the rays of the sun. Skin glowing a little almost surreal. His eyes flickered darkly before turning around to add something else.

"Y/n what a pretty name...." his eyes darkened before he closed the door behind himself.

I frowned a little at it, but shrugged it off anyways. I turned around towards a blushing Jimin.

I looked at him and smirk widely before rushing to his side.

"So...tell me the dirty details"


Ya'll what do you think about it so far?


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