-:- It was always you -:-

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When I look outside the droplets of water seem to be gracefully dancing in the window, falling slowly and smoothly down to the ground.

"Y/n are you sure you are ok?" Jimin asked for the millionth time, I looked at him and smiled softly "I guess, it's kind of hard" I looked down at my fingers "it wasn't easy to let him go, but I had to" he nodded slowly.

"If I didn't, if I continued to lie I would've only hurt him more" I looked up at him once again and he sighed.

"Where did he go?" I shrugged "I'm not sure, but by the way he looked at me, they way he said goodbye. I know for sure he isn't coming back in a long time" my heart ached at that, I will miss him.

"I will miss him" Jimin said, pouting "yeah, me too" the ringing of the bell above the door, took us out of our thoughts.

"You must go back to work" he teases me and I  smile weakly "I talk to you tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded.

"Ok, see you later" he said as he exited the place.

I sighed and looked up i'm strong, I have to be.

"Y/n" I feel an arm slightly hit me in the hip I look up to see Nayeon she points with her eyes in front of me. There I see her.

What is she doing here?

"So this it's what you do for a living, huh?" She asked, my jaw tensed and I tried to fight back the impulse to slap her.

It was her, the girl Taehyung was dating. I still didn't know her name.

"Excuse me, do I know you?" I faked a confused look, she rolled her eyes "don't pretend you don't know me, you know exactly who I am" she said with a threatening look.

"Kang Soon-ae" she said proudly "you should write that up, so you won't forget" she faked a smile.

"And why would I want to remember" I crossed my arms "because that's the name that will be on Taehyung's weeding papers" she smiled contently.

My eyes softened and I felt fear, jealousy and anger building up inside of me.

"If you aren't here to buy anything, then please leave" Nayeon said with authority, I looked at her amazed and grateful.

Soon-ae scoffed and rolled her eyes "that's no way to treat a customer" she put a hand on her hips "and that's no way to treat my employees, so please leave" she said but this time she made sure to sound more authoritative and threatening.

Soon-ae murmured something before leaving angry.

I exhaled all the air I didn't even know I was holding "thank you" I smiled gratefully at Nayeon "don't mention it, it was nothing. That bitch deserves it" I smiled once again and nodded.

Then I felt a sharp pain in my head, I groaned and putted my hand on my head. Nayeon looked at me worriedly "y/n are you ok?" She asked.

"I-I guess" I said as the pain started to decrease "have you been eating well?" She suddenly asked.

No, but you shouldn't care.

"Yes" i lied she didn't seemed convinced but she shrugged it off "ok" Then we continued walking.


The walk home was lonely and silent, just as before. Just like how I was months ago, but I can't have second thoughts, at least not now that the damage is done.

It hurst but it also felt right, it felt like it was the right thing to do.

I still felt dizzy and unstable after that episode I had. It had hurt so much.

Could it be because I haven't been eating?

I was a few blocks away from my apartment when a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

I looked beside me and find Taehyung, smirking down at me. My eyes grew wide as confusion took over me.

"T-Taehyung w-wh-what are you doing?" He smiles a little at my stuttering.

"I missed you" he said with a serious tone, I was so troubled what is happening?! He chuckled and rubbed my hair "you're really cute" he smile at me.

What the fuck....

"Hey stop" I said as I stopped walking I looked at him with uncertainty, what is he trying to do? "What are you doing?" I asked once again.

He sighed and looked down at his feet, there was a moment of silent, he just kept staring at his shoes, the soft breeze ruffling his hair a bit.

Even right now and after everything that has happened I can still be so madly in love with him.

"I missed you" he finally looked up, his eyes were teary and I think mines were as well.

"All this time, I tried to think about something else, I tried to trick my mind and focus on other things b-but" he was caught off by his sobs and a tear.

The tear rolled down his cheek wetting it, and his sobs vanished in the air.

"It was always you, I can't seem to get you off of my mind" he takes a step closer "even after all that has happened, after all this time, it was always you"

My heart never stopped it's irregular beating and my tears never stopped to fall.

Is this real? Is he saying the truth?

My head was spinning and it was getting hard to breathe.

I'm I dreaming again?

"Y/n" he called but I didn't listen, deep inside me something was slowly consuming me.

A sharp pain in my head made me squint my eyes shut causing me to loose all strength.

But before I fell to the ground a pair of arms caught me.

But my eyes still closed.

And everything went black.


Sorry for the late update, I was kinda busy with school and stuff, but now I have vacations!!

That means I'll upload more and I'll make sure to put my 100% on the story.

Please take care since the situation around the world it's really bad, stay home and wash your hands, remember social distancing. I know it's hard but we must do what authorities say in order to be safe.

I love you💕

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