-:- i love you too...-:-

347 13 4

( Jimin's P.O.V )

My eyes grew wide, the phone i was holding in my hand fell flat on the ground, the words that person had said over the phone repeating themselves over and over in my head.

I felt my eyes itch with threatening tears, slowly i turned around to meet an already awake yoongi. Our gazes slowly met and without even saying a word he knew, he just did.

Without spearing me another glance he dressed himself up, i watched as he slowly put his things on a bag. And all i could do was watch, soft sobs escaping my mouth every now and then, as much as i wanted to stop him there was something holding me back.

He seemed hesitant as he threw the bag over his shoulder, looking up from the ground his eyes met mine again, only this time...his were teary as well.

He took a step forward towards me, and i gulped trying to avoid his insisting gaze. Until i felt the softness of his fingers tracing my jawline.

I closed my eyes tightly trying my best not to give into him.

"i'm sorry" he whispered in my ear softly, i bit my lip and opened my eyes once again. I looked at him in the eyes and whispered "is it true?" i asked even though i already knew the answer.

His gaze dropped to the ground once again as he nodded. A sigh escaped my lips as more tears continued to fall from my eyes.

My heart broke into pieces, my chest felt heavy and all i wanted was to be alone already...i wanted to cry my heart out, i wanted him to go...

But at the same time i just wanted him to wrap his arms around me and hold me close. I wanted him to kiss my pain away.

"i love you"

Then he shut the door behind him, and i fell down to the ground crying.

"i love you too..." i whispered but he never heard it.

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