How BTS would react during your biggest fight

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"I knew I shouldn't have married you"

You froze in place, tears immediately pooling in your eyes. He stopped too, because he realized that was too far.

"I-I didn't mean that"

"Yes you did!"

You sobbed, refusing to turn around as you continued waking up the stairs.

"Wait, love, I'm sorry"

You heard him chasing after you, but you ran until you could look yourself in your shared bedroom.

"Baby, please"

You heard him pleading from the other side of the door. You wiped your tears on the back of your hand, sobbing quietly as you didn't move from your position in front the door.

"Hyung, maybe you should slow down with those"

Jungkook spoke, pulling the fifth soju bottle out of Jimins hand. Jimin was at the dorm trying to drink his sorrows away, because he'd just done something he would never forgive himself for. No matter how hard he tried to distract himself, he couldn't stop thinking about the argument you had earlier. He knew he would say something really hurtful if the situation didn't deescalate, but he did nothing to stop it.

All you were trying to do was show concern for his bad habits of staying out late and drinking, not wanting it to affect his health and performance. Instead, he was nothing but rude to you, and now you were gone and refusing to talk to him.

"Can you listen, Jimin? I'm just trying to help!"

"Can you shut the fuck up, Y/n? You don't know anything about my lifestyle, why are you acting like an expert all of a sudden!"

He couldn't forget the initial look of hurt and shock on your face.

"No, I guess I don't"

You said, before packing a bag and leaving without him trying to stop you.

"I miss her"

Jimin cried, laying his head on the table.

"Then go see her"

The youngest spoke up. Jimin shook his head no.

"She doesn't want to see me, she won't even talk to me"

Jungkook pulled his phone out and called you, because he knew you would answer if you saw the call was coming from him.


"Y/n noona!"

"Hi Kookie, what's up"

You spoke monotonely, not the way you would usually sound.

"Jimin hyung wants to talk to you"

You sighed.

"Tell Jimin that there's no point in talking, because I don't know anything about him and won't understand"

You said before hanging up. Jimin could hear everything, which only made him feel worse.

"I really messed up this time"

"Yeah, you did"

"Not helping, Jungkook"

You looked at Jungkook through teary eyes, heartbroken after what he had just told you.

"I can't believe you!"

You spat, turning so he wouldn't see your tears fall.

"Wait, actually, yes I can!"

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