
Ellena stood up when a tall figure stepped out of the change room. Her eyes widened, noticing the light spread out this area.

It was like he ate a spotlight till his figure released a golden shine.

Sooooo handsomeeeee!! Nooooo, hottttttttttttt >0<

That black suitttttt!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh...

Okay, don't mind her! But this moment she urged to scream her lung out!!! He was soooooooo superrrrrrrrrrrr duperrrrrrrrrrrrr gorgeous!!!


Leo frowned when he stretched out his arms and Ellena still didn't come to him.

Thus, he walked to her.

'You're drooling' A soft husky voice spoke out as he lowered to her eyes level.

Waking up, Ellena quickly wiped off her lip but it was just a lie!!

Leo burst out a belly laugh then got closer.

There was no one around here, perhaps the staff knew their business..

'What? Are you falling in love with me?'

Leo smirked as she bending down. He saw her blushing face, so cuteeee!!

Just forget the fact that they already had a kid, okay?

Just threw that idea away for awhile.. And viewed them as a courting couple one.


Ellena tongued out but it was just a second..

Coz Leo cut her off with that pinky lip.

He grabbed her waist closer then enjoyed his sweetest cake ever. They gasped as Leo moved away; yet his gorgeous face stuck to her for an inch.

'So what? Marry me or not?'

Laughing, Ellena held his face closer.

'You should bring a gun along, oppa'

She teased while combing his hair for fun.

'No need, just this can get your answer.'

He quickly pecked her lip. Ellena giggled with this soft and warm touch.

As he pulled away, she then grabbed his head down and shut all his annoying questions.

Leo throated, later on be the lead over her clumsy kiss but it was cute! She started first!

They were now under the rose petals..

Already imagined themselves were in the wedding ceremony which everyone was blessing and clapping for them both..

Forgot the fact that a dream was so cruel when you woke up..

Forgot the fact that they were now standing in the shop..

Forgot the fact that there was a wide glassy window ahead them and the staff didn't pull in the curtain..

There. At the corner, someone was clenching his fists with his eyes could fire hundred buildings around here.

Minutes passed by, the young couple broke the hug.

'Stop it, oppa! Let's go take the picture!'

Ellena stroke that pure cheek lightly as he nuzzled her ear playfully.

Somewhat, her eyes opened bigger, spotting a firm face of someone ahead her.

Though the window was a barrier, she could tell he saw it.. He saw everything!!

Her small fingers which currently cuddled Leo's broad back, slowly slipped off.

She could hear a red bell rang, the object you heard when it had fire.

'Wait a bit, lemme hug my jagi(honey) for five minutes more! A reward for being soo cuteee today~'

Leo murmured and leaned on her shoulder right away. He dived his face in her hair with his big hands held her closer.

Ellena gasped faintly when the scary guy in front was out of her sight like a shot.

Joon!! Nooo!!

She moaned, hearing the ding dong at the entrance door.

Mr. Papa ::vixx fanfic::जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें