Chapter 40

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[Unknown POV]

**SLAP!!** [sound]

"You said no one would find her", the woman said venom dripping off her voice.

" Sorry mam but we really did", the man apologize gripping his now stinging cheek.

"Then how the hell Xavier found her"

"We really thought she was gonna die if we left her there", the man said. " Who knew that someone would find her in the middle of nowhere".

Biting her nail the woman said, " we can't blame each other, what's had happened is the past, now all we have to be careful. For now here's some money and go somewhere hiding ".

The man nodded and with the money took off.

After the man took off the woman stands in there thinking in silence, " Ahhg! So annoying. After so many tries this bitch is still alive. I really want to kill her".

With high heels clicking sound the woman also went outside of the abounded wear house. The only thing in her mind, "Jade bitch enjoy your life while you can".

[End of unknown POV]

To pursue Jessica Xavier decided to stay in Shanghai and bought a penthouse for them to live. He has to stay there for business anyway so he permanently bought a penthouse and sent Sam to home to mange the business there. He also admitted Aspen in Zian's kindergarten school. With that he and Jessica became quite close. Xavier's parents don't really care about Aspen that's why Xavier always take Aspen with him. On the other side Jessica is gradually falling for the man who is now her brother's business partner. She doesn't know what this feelings are. She had never felt that kind of feeling in the past 6 years. There's something about the man calls for her. Also the way the man looks at her make her feel uncomfortable but good type of uncomfortable. Whenever she looks at his eyes she feels love and something like longing but after a few seconds there's nothing in his eyes but only emptiness. She doesn't know if it's illusion or real. If it's real the man really knows how to control his emotions. She was so deep in thoughts that she didn't notice her son and Aspen was standing in front of her.


Startled Jessica looked at her son. "Baby how's your day at school? ", Jessica was leaning in front of their car.

" I draw you today mommy ", Zian excitedly said.

Kissing her son's cheeks she looked at the little girl beside her, " How's your day princess? "

"I also draw you and papa aunt Jess", Aspen said excitedly.

Smiling Jessica pinched Aspen's cheeks. Whenever she hears about that man her hear skips a bit.

" Okay. Get on the car", Jessica said ushering them. "Your daddy's going to be a bit late today Aspen".

One thing made Jessica and Xavier became close that because of work Xavier can't always pick his daughter from school, so Jessica pick up both the kids and later Xavier take Aspen on the way of his house from work. Because of this they always can communicate with each other and their relationship has improved. Xavier also took courage and asked Jessica for a date next weekend. Jessica didn't know what to do so she accidentally declined because of overwhelming excitement. But Xavier didn't gave up. He asked again the next day with 999 red roses in front of Jessica's Restaurant. Jessica own a restaurant in Shanghai. The place is quite famous. She indeed lost her memories but her talent in baking and cooking wasn't lost so the restaurant which Lu Ming gave her became famous in a short time. Now in present Miaomiao helps her managing the place. Whenever she's not present Miaomiao takes her place. Miaomiao used to be Lu Ming's PA but she quit after Lu Ming proposed to her saying that she likes baking more than being his PA. But the real reason is Miaomiao doesn't likes office gossip that's why she quit.

Anyway receiving 999 red roses Jessica's heat immediately melt and she agreed to go on a date with him. Xavier was really happy seeing the progress in knowing her. He'll help her slowly remembering things like their first date.

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