Chapter 22

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(The picture is not what I imagined the scene to be but it'll do it

Jade's POV

Christmas is a few days away. After Xavier's surprise date night I decided I would confess to Xavier, I can't wait anymore even if it might be one sided. So, here am I waiting for Xavier in our apartment rooftop panicking if it will go as planned.

"Relax, Jade, I'm sure it'll go as planned", Lexi assured me.

" Idk but I hope so", I muttered. "Are you sure all of them know what to do? "

"Yes, Jade, for the hundred times don't panic",suddenly her phone ding indicating a message. "They are here on their way, Jason messaged me, i'll go now. Good luck".

I'm very much nervous. I hope everything works. I had earpiece on so they could hear me and do everything as planned.

Xavier's POV

After Jason told me that Jade need me and its urgent I had only one thing on my mind if she's alright. As I came in my apartment from office after a long day all I had plan was rest and talk to Jade, I never would have guessed that Jason would be sitting on my couch looking anxious. How did he even got here. Only Jade has the key to my apartment.

"How did you get in my apartment Jason", I asked loosening my tie slightly.

" No time to explain, Jade need you", he said.

As soon as he said Jade's name all I had in my mind was if she was alright. "Where is she? "

"I'll take you there, let's go", he said.

Without changing I bolted with him in the parking lot. The whole ride I asked him what's wrong but he only said I would know when I get there. As I anxiously parked the car Jason said Jade was in the rooft eating for me. I didn't wait for him and went to the lift. As the lift open I heard a faint music. Slowly I approach the sound. There were candles in the pathway. "Birdy-tee shit", was playing in the background, there were firefly lights everywhere around the rooftop walls. The environment gives a romantic vive as Jade likes to say. All of this shiny things doesn't matter because less than 10 feet away from me was Jade- my Jade.

🎶In the morning when you wake up
     I like to believe you are thinking about me
And when the sun comes through your window
I like to believe you are dreaming about me🎶

Her back was on me. She was wearing a cute white lace dress with blue cherry blossoms on it.

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