Chapter 10 [Part 1]

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Xavier's POV

I watched amusely as Jade babble complaint about my lies in the dinner table. Actually I didn't lie. It was the truth. I'm the heir of the Knight cooperation. I'm here in America to extend our family business in here. After finishing my studies in Oxford I helped dad with the business. He sent me here to extend our business and also for me to know the important business persons in America for future business partnerships. Firstly I didn't wanted to come here in America but then only after 2 months being here in America I met Jade.

Jade thought I was a bartender. That day in the club I was filling my own vodka because that club was my best friend's club. She looked so cute ordering me her drinks. Looking at her eyes I couldn't say no to her that's why I introduce myself as a bartender. And from the look of her I knew that she didn't know about me. Looking at her now I know that not everyone know about me specially Jade. That night at the night club wasn't the first time I saw Jade. I actually saw her 1 month ago in a park while I was jogging. She was sitting alone in a park bench looking in the distance in deep thoughts. Her face looked so broken that I also felt her pain. The first time I laid my eyes on her the first thought in me was she is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I had my own fair share of women's. All those model like/doll like girls are nothing to compare to her natural beauty. She has those sparkling blue eyes filled with deep pain yet those eyes took my breath away. Her eyes we're like the deep coral blue eyes which is a perfect match to my ocean blue eyes. Here hair was messy but it looked perfect on her. To say that day in the park she was the perfect imperfection. That day I watched her the whole time from the afar. Then she received a call and left the place hurriedly. I didn't even got the chance to talk to her. From that day on her image was set on my mind. But I never found her. Then after almost 1 month later I was with my friends in the paintball shooting place. We were enjoying our own time and shooting our enemies. But then I heard someone silently crying. When I went to interrogate if someone was injured I saw the girl who has been constantly in my mind for the whole month, whose name I was still unaware of was silently crying hugging herself sitting on the mud. I watched her silently sobbing. I don't know if I was being weird or odd but watching her pained me. But my mind was saying she was beautiful even though she's a crying mess. I never found anyone beautiful when they were crying not even my own little sister who is my life. But strange enough her crying face was so beautiful that it made me breathless. As I decided to approach her a male came and hugged her comforting her. An unfamiliar tug hit my chest seeing the male hugging her. Even though I didn't know her I wanted to hug her. I wanted to comfort her. He whispered something in her ears. She nodded and said something. I quite didn't catch what she was talking about but heard something about lovey-dovey couple. The male stood up and helped her up. He addressed her as Jade and told her everything will be fine. He took her hand and walked away from the place with his hands on hers. Strangely I wanted to touch her hands with mine and straggle the unknown man. Once again I watched her from the afar and didn't had the courage to talk to her. She walked away once again. I went to my friends with a sore mood. The year were all outside the play zone.

"Where were you, Xavier? ", Cameron my bestfriend asked. We were looking for you.

" I was just wandering around ", I replied grumpyly.

" Why do you look moody? ", Sebastian asked. " What made your panty in a twist? ", Asher chripped in.

I didn't say anything but only glare at them. Then I heard a soft voice. When I looked at that direction I saw Jade talking to her friends. They were laughing together. Seeing her laugh made my heart flatter. Unknowingly I smiled at her. Unfortunately for me Cameron saw me smiling.

He nudges me smirking, "who's that girl? "

"No one".

" Which girl? ", Sebastian and Asher both ask in unison.

" No girl and shut up Cam ", I said angrily.

" God, we were just asking no need to be angry", Sebastian said. Cameron only smirked at me. I showed him my middle finger.

"Let's go to the pizza place guys, I'm hungry", I suggests.

" Me too ", Sebastian and Asher both chripped in. Sebastian and Asher are both identical twins. Surprising enough they both say the same thing at the same time.

" Why are you coping me? ", they both said.

"Stop coping me"

"I said it first"

"Guys, stop! You both said it first", Cam  said frustrated with their bickerings.

" Shut up Cameron", they both said in unison.

"Seriously stoppppp", Cam said. Now the three of them are bickering. Sometimes I wonder if they ever grew up or they are just child trapped in a grown up man's body. Cam and I are friends from the diapers and we met Sebastian and Asher in high school. We clicked from the first moment. They also came to America to extend their own business. We all went to the same high school, the same college, the same university. We did everything.

"Okay! Stop, let's go now", I said tugging all of them to our cars.

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