Chapter 37

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After the event Sam tried hard to find the woman named Jess but in vain. There are so many Jess who lived and visited Shanghai recently but no one matches his boss's missing girlfriend. Xavier also asked help from PI organizations. Little did they know the Jess they were looking for is well protected from this kind of thing by her adoptive brother Lu Ming who is very sensitive about personal life. He separates everything from personal life to business life. There are only few people knows about his personal life and family. Even the media knows almost nothing about him and his family. By doing this he's trying to give his family a normal life separate from media and showbiz life. As days pass by Lu Ming's and Xavier's business meeting date came. Xavier was busy with it but he also never gave up on looking the woman named Jess who might be his Jade. Xavier took Aspen with him in the meeting because he didn't want to leave his daughter with someone else in a foreign country. When they reached the office entry a man was already waiting for them.

"Mr Knight, welcome to LU company", the man bowed. " Everyone is waiting for you".

"Thank you", Xavier and Sam both also bowed their head.

" Please follow me", the man requested. "Mr Lu is waiting for you in his office. He said he has  arranges something for your daughter before the meeting".

" Lead the way". They followed the man into the private elevator.

**This morning**

Lu Ming as usual got up early, did his exercise and went to the dinning Hall for breakfast where Zian, his nephew was waiting for breakfast. The servants were serving on the table. Jessica was also helping because Zian always wants to eat his mother's handmade food then the chefs. Reaching the table Lu Ming greeted his sister and nephew good morning and kissed their forehead as a habit.

"Jess can you do me a favor? ", Lu Ming asked Jessica. " Can you not go to your restaurant today? "

"Why? ", Jessica asked while he was feeding Zian.

" I need you and Zian in my office today ".

Jessica only raised her one eyebrow in question.

" Actually today I have a business deal with a important person and he's coming with his daughter. I want you to accompany his daughter ", Lu Ming said sipping his coffee. " Besides you know the little girl".

"Who is she? ", Jessica asked.

" Aspen Knight, Mr Knight's daughter ", Lu Ming replied simply.

" Oh! ", Jessica exclaimed. " That little cute pie".

Lu Ming only nodded.

"Aspen jiejie is coming? ", Zian asked in his chrippery voice with his big eyes eagerly looking at Lu Ming.

" Yes", he rubbed Zian's hair. "Do you like to play with her? ", he asked.

Zian eagerly nodded.

" Then you have to come to uncle's office".

"Okay", Zian agreed. Then he looked at Jessica as if asking permission, " Mommy please.. ", he pleaded with a cute voice.

Laughing Jessica nodded.

" That's great. ", Lu Ming clapped his hands standing up. " Remember to go there at 11 am. They will also be arriving that time. Now I have to go", Lu Ming bid his goodbye.

When the time came Jessica took her son and went to Lu Ming's office. All of the employees knew them. In the way Jessica and her son was greeted by the employees. They took the private elevator and went up to Lu Ming's office floor. There Lu Ming's secretary was working. The secretary was in her early fifties and  a wonderful kind woman.

"喂习太太我兄弟在里面吗?", [hey Mrs xi,is my brother inside?], Jessica asked.

"是", [yes], the old lady replied politely. "那里也有客人", [there are also guest there]

"好的,再见", [okay, good bye], Jessica waved her hands.

But before she could open the door Zian already impatiently open the door shouting, "叔叔", [Uncle]

Xavier and Sam we're talking with Lu Ming and waiting for Lu Ming's younger sister and nephew. When they entered Lu Ming's office, Lu Ming welcomeed them warmly and told them about his sister and nephew who will look after his daughter for the time being, than they'll start the meeting. As they were talking suddenly the door burst open and a cheerful kid's voice was heard. Hearing the voice they all looked at the door's direction. But what made Xavier's heart to stop beating was the familiar sweet voice of a woman.

He didn't see the woman's face immediately. But everything stopped when they owner of the voice entered the room looking as dazziling as the sun.

Everything Stan still for Xavier. Only one thing was in his heart and mind, "he finally found her".

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