Chapter 21

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Jade's POV

December has arrived. After Xavier revealed his secret he insisted to open a bakery shop for me but I refused. Now I'm taking my degree on baking mto be better in baking in the future also I found a new part time job in a cafe to be a barista. Anyway even though I would love to be in the kitchen but there was no empty spot for new baker. So,  I had to take this offer to support myself for a while until I have a decent job. It's freezing cold outside, people are coming here for a hot cup of cocoa milk or coffee. I'm now on my break. There are young couples probably high schoolers who are enjoying this weather.

"Aww, look at those cute couple", Lexi beamed in coming behind me. Yes, Lexi also quit our old work place. " This place is much better than the old one and this place pays better. And someday we're gonna open our own place, you and me", her exact words when I asked why did she quit but deep down I know she did it for me and I'm grateful for that because she was and is with me in my worst moments.

"Shut up, Lexi", they are cringey couple", I grumped out.

" Someone's not happy", she teases. "Is it because of certain someone named Xavier?

"Stop it, I'm not moody. They are just annoying the hell out of me. And for your information, he and I hadn't met since last week", I grumpyly said.

"Why? Did you guys fight? ", she asked now concerned.

" No, he has to go on a business trip in South Korea for new hotel business ".

" Jade, you do know that he has to work, it's not like he left you willingly", Lexi muttered.

"I know, but he was suppose to be here today but due to weather his flight was cancelled", I pouted angry at the weather. " Stupid weather ", I cursed.

Lexi only laughed at my comment. When I told them about Xavier's secret Jason was stunned, but Lexi's wasn't something I was expecting. After a few seconds of revealing Xavier's identity Lexi jumped in and danced around saying, " I knew it, I knew it! Jason you own me 100 dollar ".

I was speechless hearing their bickering. " You guys bet on Xavier? ".

" Well yeah, I had my doubt about his real identity ", Lexi shrugged. " I mean the way he confidently told your parents about his profession, it was kinda obvious but Jason as the idiot he is didn't believed me,so we made a bet and now I'm 100 dollar richer ",she laughed.

Jason handed 100 dollar note cursing silently at himself for not believing Lexi.

" Hey! ", Lexi's waving hands made me come out of my day dreaming or should I say memories. " What are you thinking? You zoned out for a while ".

Shaking my head, " It's nothing, I  just miss him so much", I said.

"Aww, he'll be here soon", she cooed hugging me.

After my shift ended I went to the apartment Jason and I share. I work 3 days a week but as it is Christmas holiday I'm working daily. Soon I'll meet Xavier's parent. As he said we'll spend Christmas Eve with Jason and Lexi, then the 4 of us will join Xavier's parents on Christmas Day.

Jason was not home yet so, I guess that's why the apartment is so dark. But as I entered the door there were small candles leading the way to the drawing room. The drawing room was lit in full of candles and rose petals. The candles and rose petals we're surrounded like heart shape. In the middle there was a table and a red velvet cake was on top of it. I was awwed but the first thing came to my mind was that it's not my birthday so why Jason did that and where is he. I looked the room to find him, called for him too but in vain. But slowly as I didn't seem to find him nervousness crept in my veins what if it's a psycho stalker but soon snapping out of it I went to the cake and saw, "you light up my world like nobody else" Was craved in the cake. Automatically a smile creep on my face. I was so engrossed admiring the cake that I didn't notice a presence behind me.

"Miss me", the man said. I knew the voice. Quickly I turned around, it was so fast that I was afraid I would get less whip.

" Xav, b-but how? W-when? ", I stutter because of the excitement. " You said you were coming after 2 days".

"Are you ask me those stupid question or are you gonna hug me tesoro? ", he asked opening his arms for me. I quickly jumped in his arms locking my legs in his waist and warping my arm in this neck for support. He supported my weight but grabbing my bottom.

" I missed you so much", I said as I filled his whole face with my kisses.

He chuckled, "I missed you too, tesoro". Then he smashed his lips onto mine. The kiss was full of passion and slowly it became more demanding. We were kissing each other hungrily. Soon my back meet a cold wall. He locked there with his body weight. His whole body caged me as he kissed me passionately. " Gosh, I miss you so much", he murmured and proceed to kiss my jaw line to neck sometimes biting. I let out a shaky moan, he again claimed my lips in a fierce kiss. After a while we stopped both panting heavily. He had his forehead against mine.

"God, a whole week without you was a pure torture", he kissed my cheeks.

I giggled kissing him back. " Well, you're here now ".

" Yeah, I'm here. I swear from now on if the business trip is long I'll take you with me ", he said determined.

I only giggled shaking my head in his childish behavior.

" Are you hungry? ".

As soon as he asked my stomach grumble embarrassing me. My whole face was hot and red.

" I guess, you are", he chuckled taking my hand leading me to the dining room. "Candle light dinner for my love".

My heart began beating faster. He called me love, he never called me love before. "Does he love me?", was the only thing on my mind. If he did I'll be the luckiest women in the world cause there is no doubt that I love this man.

" M'lady", Xavier's voice made me come out of my daydreaming. He was holding out the chair for me to sit. Saying thank you I sat on the chair. He sat opposite of me.

"So, tell me why are you here? I remember you said you can't make it today", I asked.

His eyes had a mysterious glint in them which I couldn't predict properly. But I think I saw love in them or maybe I was just imagining cause I'm in love with him.

" I wanted to surprise you", he said softly.

"Aww, thank you so much", I said smiling at him.

" No, don't thank me, love. You deserve it. You deserve the whole world ", he said looking at me smiling happily.

My heart did a flip. That's it! I knew he was the one for me. My love for this man increased even more.

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