Chapter 97

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As soon as Mook and I stepped into the party, our uniforms had changed into a fancy new attire. Everyone had seemed to arrive early to the event already, filling the warm room with cheers and...alcohol?

Nope it was juice

Amen for that

Mook looped his arm around me as we walked to our small friend group that was currently watching a certain red head fail to contain her loud voice.

"We can't just leave like this! We need to be together in our next lives!" Mari shouted to her friends, making them laugh with a hint of sadness.

"Mari, we can only have our fingers crossed this time." Sehui tried to reason, only to be shut down with a sob coming from her friend.

"Sehui, promise me we'll meet in our next lives, ok?" The girl more stated than asked. Sehui could only nod as her shoulders were violently shaken by her friend, an awkward grin gracing her face.

"Guys, I'm sure everything will be fine!" Aru tried to reason. A glance at Gunn's face told everyone how nervous he was too; after all, leaving loved ones with no guarantee you'll see them again would be worrisome. I walked into the conversation with Mook still holding onto me, making everyone's eyes look at our relaxed expressions.

"How are you two so calm with this? You may never see each other again!" Mari argued, baffled at our calm aura.

"I simply trust that Mook will find me." I smiled. Mari instantly shut her mouth and turned away, muttering something along the lines of finding Waxy. Aru giggled and wrapped her arm around Gunn's, walking to the middle of the room for a small dance session.

"You two look so cute together." Sehui pointed out before walking away herself. That just left Sua who stood awkwardly while rubbing her arm. Out of the blue, she quickly passed us two pieces of paper.

"These are for you guys, I hope you like them!" A bright red blush formed on her cheeks as she placed the papers in my hand and scampering away to dance with Sehui.

Mook peered over me, letting his head rest on my shoulder. "What did she give you?" He asked. I giggled as I passed him his own paper, turning over my own to see what was written. A very impressive and detailed drawing of our friend group was drawn on a sunny day, bright smiles on our faces as time seemed to be perfectly displayed in the work. Warmth spread through my chest as I tucked the beautiful work into my pocket.

"She's a talented artist, isn't she?" I asked. Mook moved his head off my shoulder to nod, walking through the crowd and vanishing somewhere. I raised an eyebrow in question, but when I saw my boyfriend meeting up with a lonely looking Dante sitting in the corner of the room, I smiled.

I walked through the graduating students towards our other serpent friend, who was now having a quiet conversation with Mook. When I had gotten close enough in earshot, Dante notice me and waved. A bright grin on his face.

"(Y/n), it's good to see you." Dante said, turning back to look at Mook, "you scored yourself a good companion, treat them good in your next life, ok?"

Mook grinned, ruffling the smaller serpents hair. "Oh don't worry, I plan on it." Taking his hand off of Dante's hair, Mook offered me his hand, which I gracefully accepted. A new song was played with a slower tempo, begging couples to dance with each other for one last time. Now standing on the center of the floor, I felt Mook's hand slide down to the small of my back, while his other hand intertwined itself with my own. I allowed my free hand to travel to his shoulder, and in no time the music began to sway our bodies to the tempo.

Left foot, right foot, left foot, the pattern was simple, that was until Mook had decided to spin us around, making me tighten my grip on him. "Careful, I can't dance as well as you can." I joked. Only, it was true.

"Then I'll lead you, and never let go." Oh this boy knew the language of love, I swear. He had lead me into more complicated dance moves, and at the end, he had let my hand go and dipped me into the final rings of music, allowing me to trust his hand to allow me to defy gravity. When I came back up, I realized most eyes had been watching us, and a red flush made its way up to my face as I tried to untangle my hair from my white horns.

Awkwardly, Mook had lead us away from praying eyes, taking us to a secluded balcony out looking the school campus. The stars shone brightly as if they were giving their final goodbye to us while in hell, and seeing them sparked a memory in my head.

"Remember that day when I found out you were a sea serpent?" I questioned. Mook hummed, gazing into the sky.

"Yeah, I was terrified you were going to tell everyone in the school."

I faked a hurt gasp. "I would never!" Gently I elbowed him on the arm,  earning a chuckle from him.

"You promised to keep my secret, and now here I am, seeing how my best friend became my girlfriend, and a sea serpent. It's funny how life works."

"Oh, or how about the first time you let me ride you? I remember the wind blowing in my ears, the sight o got to see, but I also remember you glancing back at me with that smile."

"You saw that?" Mook surprisingly questioned.

"Yep." Knowing that I had caught him in one of his moments, I quickly tugged down on his collar and planted a small kiss on his lips. "And yet you never seize to amaze me."

"I could say the same for you, my (y/n)."

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