Chapter 48

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"Mook! I didnt expect you to be back to early!" The woman said. I shot my head back to stare at the new male, his eyes looking into mine. He didn't spare me a second glance as he quietly made his way into the kitchen to grab himself a small cup, filling up his own cup of tea. When he made it back to the living room, he took a seat beside his mother.

"(Y/n), you know my son Mook, he's turning into a sea serpent later this month! Mook, why don't you say hello?" She asked. Mook stared at me for a second, analysing what my intentions were.

"Hello." He said simply. I responded with a small wave, not really understanding why he was laying down such an awkward atmosphere.

"So, when do you plan to go out to sea? We don't have a lot of food to keep you company, for our crops have been drying out recently. The sooner you get home you can have more food then-" Mook's mother was cut off by her own son, his hand over her mouth as he glared at the floor. Seems like he has done hard feelings with My water clan.

"What we're trying to say is, Our village is dying. Most of the adults are out and about looking for something to bring back to the village, but with this drought, I dont think we can make it that long." Mook said with a hint of guilt. My body relaxed at the sound of him actually having emotion, but guilt laced my heart.

"Yes, ever since your father has stopped coming down here to bring us rain, our village and crops have been becoming worse and thinned." Mook's mother said. That's why she was so thin, not to mention Mook looked thin as well. Anger boiled inside of me, how, why would my clan not help another? And the last of them too! We're like the black dragon in a different form!

I stood up from the couch, determination boiling in my veins.

"Ah- (y/n)? What are you doing?" The woman asked me. I looked back to Mook and his mother, seeing confusion in their eyes, but I also spotted some curiosity in Mook's eyes as well.

"It's time to fix the mistake my clan had made." I say as I step out of their house. I could smell it, the dying crops. The sun has practically naked then to death, but right under the dying leaves, I could smell the potential, the fresh greens that would soon explode with only a touch of water.

I marched to the sea, not caring for the people watching behind me. They were mostly adults, ones that ushered their children in for another food starved night. I saw some children groan over the lack of food, some complaining that their stomachs were in pain. I clenched my fists, now running to the sea shore.

When I reached the sea water, I heard a small yet exausted breath beside me, sand all over his legs. Mook stood beside me, breathing slightly heavily as he tried to get over his exhaustion. I frowned and touched his shoulder, pouring some of my magic into his body. His energy was quickly restored and he looked into my bright (e/c) eyes.

"You know, I would have liked to live down here if it weren't for my mother at the top of the mountain. She's the only reason I dont stay down here and stay free." I say to Mook.

"I would have marched right up the mountain of I had the energy, that and if I could take my mother. I dont find it fair that they abandoned us for so long. And whenever someone does down to turn, they completely avoid the village and us, calling us traitor is we come to close." He said with a heavy sigh. He sat in the sand, watching the sunset sparkle over the water. We stayed silent for a moment, taking in the view of the scene that layed before us.

I was amazed, at the mountain top, the sky was always blue and never changed when the sun went below the clouds. I memorized the colours in my head, hoping to paint this scene when I got back home.

"It's beautiful." I say with a whisper. Mook easily hears me, turning to face me.

"I can say the same everyday. Even if it looks the same even after nineteen years, yet it always seems to amaze me." I looked at Mook in disbelief. He had seen this whole veiw for his entire life, yet I was stuck with the normal blue sky. Lucky dragon. "I can't help but notice that your horns are white compared to the average blue. Are their others with white horns?"

"No, it's only me. My parents suspect it's just a color defect, and they usually paint over my horns to hide it from the community." I brushed my smooth horns with my hands, feeling the curves and crevices my horns had. With only paint to hide them atop the moutain, I was a constant worry to my parents.

"They look beautiful." He said. I blushed a brught red for the complement, covering my horns and looking away from him.

"Yours look very nice too, they're so much nicer then everyone's strange designs up the mountain." I said, taking a glance at his horns. We never made eye contact, and personally, I thought it was for the best, because Even I saw a hint of a blush on his ears.

"I think its time." I said and stood up from the sand. The sun had just disappeared from the sky, leaving a dark blue and purple hue in the sky. Mook watched as I stepped in to water, scales beginning to form all over my body. I turned to the white haired male, smiling to him as I looked straight into his sea blue eyes.

"I'll see you later."

Another Chance (Mook x Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant