Chapter 8

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I woke up the the sun just rising.

Surprisingly, I had an hour before I had to get ready, and I had no trace of sleepiness in me. I sat up and stretched my muscles, the sound of a few joints popping filling my ears.

I walked over to a door near the edit of my room and twisted the old handle. Inside was a bathroom, and thank the stars above because I needed a shower.

I quickly undressed and stepped in the shower, but only cold water came out.

"Bloody hell! That's like ice!" I yelled internally. I waited a few minutes but the water only changed to luke warm, so I stood in the partly cold water and washed my hair.

I was shivering when I got out of the bathroom. I guessed almost everyone downstairs were having hot showers because none of the hot water reached the top level. I groaned but the cold water refreshed me in a way.

I got dressed and sat as I waited for my hair to air dry. Class wouldn't start until another hour so I opened my notebook again.

More dragons were littering the pages as I thought of diffrent kinds. Most had scales and pointed horns but one of my favorites had feathered wings and a long body.

Time passed by in a flash and I was already on my way to history class. Students swarmed the halls as I struggled to keep my distance from everyone. I grabbed the book I had gotten from the library before, and just stared at the pictures, not caring for the writing.

Walking down the hallways and reading was an easy task, especially since Aru was leading the way most of the time.

I arrived at class early, and Mook and the history teacher were taking until I walked in.

"Well I better be going, goodbye." He waved farewell to my teacher and looked at me. "See you later Y/n."

I replied with a short 'yep' and sat in my chair, the silence comforting to me.

'welp, I'm bored now." I looked around the room, but nothing was appealing to the eye. I then stared at the teacher, his glasses blocking the veiw of his eyes. He stared back at me, or so I think, and we had a small staring contest.

I felt a chill go up my spine and I broke the intense glare that we were both holding.

"Y/n, do you wish to have class duty again today?" He asked.

"No thanks! I have an afterlife to live!" I replied with fake joy. I quickly sat down and avaoided all contact with Mr. Sketchy.

Soon, class had begun and the teacher bagan talking about the history of death, and well, where it came from.

Ethics class was almost the same, but this time I actually managed to untangle the bit of string, but not until the bell had rang.

Mook had said something about putting a clip on the end of string, so I did what the cold Prince asked, and put a silver clip on the end of the string.

Throughout lunch students headed outside to enjoy the sunlight that was beaming with life. I sat Outside, listening to the calls of birds out in the forest surrounding the school. Students were laughing and playing intense sports, some were just sitting in social circles and gossiping about others.

I wanted to associate with the others, but they were so clearly diffrent then me, And Aru was hanging out with Gunn more often. Her other friends, Mari, Sua and Sehui. They all hung out together and always let Aru join whenever, but I felt off, like I should just stay away from others.

I didn't mind the silence, but it was kind of boring as a just stared at the dragons that were scribbled all over the pages of my notes.

I smiled, happy with my result

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I smiled, happy with my result. I felt attached to the scaly creatures, but without my memories, I couldn't know for sure why.

I groaned, a giant reminder of the diffrent clubs I could have joined, but other questions scrambled my mind, like what was I in my past life?

The bell rang, and I got up, dusting the dirt off of the black uniform. I wandered to gym class, but an eerie presence was looking over the halls.

A loud roar shook the school, and students began running the opposite way I was heading. I pushed through the crowds, but someone clipped my shoulder and knocked me to the floor.

Of course, I was stunned, people were trampling me as I tried to get up, but whatever they were running from must have been terrifing. The crowd died down, and I shakily got up, fresh bruises making home on my skin under my uniform. I turned around, and was greeted with a fimilliar creature.

Black in colour, a large beast with large fangs stood in front of Aru, but Gunn was protecting her, a slice from his arm bleeding into the floor. My eyes widened as Gunn picked up Aru and the two ran past me.

"Y/n, start running!" Mook's voice yelled. I stood in a spot, but got to my senses, ain't no way in hell I'm going to die today. I ran towards the white-haired male, and away from the danger. I looked at his eyes as the stared at the monster behind me, they were filled with determination, not fear.

He took my sleeve and almost dragged my along the hall, the black demon closing in on us. I cloud have sworn the monsters breath was breathing down out necks, but a black feathery man shot past us, attacking the creature behind us.

Mook didn't stop though, and rugged at my sleeve again, urging us to get to a safe zone. I follwed, breathless, my legs were ready to fail; and they did, I fell the the ground, my lungs burning while my heart pounded in my head.

Mook's grip was lost from my sleeve, but he didn't run, I felt a pair of arms pick me up from under my shoulders and drag me to one of the classrooms.

"I think we should be ok in here." He panted. We sat in the empty classroom, the only sound was our exhausted breathing. Once I was able to get some breath back, I looked at Mook.

"Thank you." I said. He gave me a curious glance, and I rolled my eyes. "For not leaving me, you could have, you could have saved yourself, but you came back, thank you."

"Oh, you're welcome." He said, giving me a nod.

We sat in silence, but I couldn't deny the speed of my heart rising.

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