Chapter 81

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I was running at my top speed, yet the fire dogs had easily caught up to me with ease. It didn't seem interested in finishing me with a bite, and instead picked me up with its large jaw and flung me up to the sky. It was scary while in the sky, and the thought of a second death was frightening, but when I felt oddly familiar clawed hands around my side, I was more than happy to see Dicarius.

The crow man had set me down on the ground and told me to run, his dark form running straight for the fire dogs and embracing a fight with them. I watched in awe for a few seconds, but I was easily pulled out when I saw the Grimm reaper fly towards Dante.

My heart picked up as it sent blood though my whole body. I knew I needed to do something, so running back to the table I hid Aru under, I pulled the sheets back and saw both Gunn and Aru embracing each other for support. I clasped the brunettes hand and pulled her out of the hiding spot, Gunn quickly joining us.

"Aru! I need you and Gunn to get as many possible students out of here right now, can you do that?" I asked. The girl nodded, her eyes still wide with fear. "Good, now go!"

Sending them on their way, I quickly turned around and ran to where I last saw Dante. For some odd reason the fire dogs had now taken interest in the history teacher and were jumping around in other to catch him, as for Dante, he was being confronted by Dicarius now.

Their conversation was lost in the sounds of fighting, but when I saw Dante hot Dicarius's wing and bring him down, my heart wanted to leap out of my throat. There was no way Dante was that powerful, right?

"Dante! Stop!" I shouted as I sprinted to him. The male grinned widely as black flames engulfed him, a dark magic overtaking his form. I watched as the flames grew larger in size and basically burned Dante's old form into dust, as the flames had now parted and revealed a large skeletal dragon. I faltered in my run, now only walking to approach the dragon. His wild red and purple eye examined me with excitment.

"You know what? You would be a perfect tool in my plan to win...." He trailed off, and before I could speak I slammed my foot on his toe. The dragon yelped, his large claw picking me up with a vice grip.

"Let go! You're acting insane!" I shouted angrily. Dante seemed to ingnore me as his eyes now searched for one particular person, his boney body moving to approach another student. My (e/c) eyes had spotted a horned figure just though the corner, but the calm and cool aura around them gave them away.

"Mook..." I whipered, "get out of here! Please, before you get hurt!"

Mook also seemed to ignore me. What was I? Invincible? I tried struggling out of the right space, but Dante clutched his hand only to make breathing harder.

"Brother, I have a proposition to make to you. Aren't you tired of special treatment all the time? Hiding when it rains and being locked up in the teachers dorms? Why not become a serpent and join me in showing that we are the true leaders of the world, that we are not monsters to be held captive!" Dante sounded insane as he spoke, and I realized that he had been planning this for many months. I turned my head to look at Mook with pleading eyes, trying to silently tell him to run.

"Mook, don't listen to him, you are you, not a monster, I- AH-" Dante had squeezed the air painfully out of my lungs in order to stop my talking, causing Mook to flinch in instinct. Turning his head down to cast a shadow over his eyes, Mook spoke.

"You know what, I am tired of the special treatment. It's time time to change how they think of me." With his words, my heart had sunk, yet the sparkle in his eye had told me so much more. He was lying, and the look he gave me confirmed it. Dante smiled, setting me down as the rain began to fall. I wanted to crawl to Mook, but my lungs were too busy gathering as much oxygen as they could to even noticed Mook. His was now in his sea serpent form, flying up into the sky to meet up with him.

I watched at Mook hovered in the air for a moment before partially faltering. Then he flew down from the sky and straight to the grim reaper, who was not expecting his own student to attack him. Narrowly avoiding Mook's jaws, History teacher had shouted something to Mook, which I was unable to hear from my position on the ground. Mook hesitated, then, he bit himself right on the back. I shouted as I watched, reaching out to him, yet I noticed that his eyes had returned from the blood red to sea blue.

With a new determination ignited in his eyes and my heart, The male had hastily flew was the reaper and back up to Dante, wrapping his long draconic body arund Dante's boney one. The older male let out a screech as electricity ran though his body, greatly weakening him. Then a mystical blue circle appeared above and below the fight, symbols floating everywhere. 

Mook attempted to escape the attack, but Dante had bit his tail and prevented him so. With a twist of his neck, Dante had swung Mook though sky and towards the ground, breaking the spell and sending Mook spiraling into the dirt below. The sea serpent had bit the ground with a thud, successfully knocking him unconcious. My eyes widened with fear and I forced my body up, running right towards the passed out Mook. I didn't care if I got my dress dirty, so I kneeled right beside Mook's face and embraced him. Guilt spread though me and yet, the feeling of him with me was strangely comforting.

Dante had appeared beside us with a thud, a wicked grin on his skeletal face.

"What a pity, I was hoping for a powerful ally, but all I got was a pathetic sea serpent who couldn't even beat me. I guess I should rid of both of you while I have the time." He chuckled. He then opened his jaw wide, dark magic charging up by his mouth. I then proceeded to clutch Mook's face, hoping to protect him from the attack.

I felt the air change and Dante released his attack, and yet as I looked back I saw a shadow place itself in front of the attack aimed for me. The form was instantly disintegrated, and all that remained was a small purple gem in the grass. Dante had muttered a curse before loading up another attack, so I planted a kiss on his forehead while whispering.

"I'm sorry Mook, I hope you know I love you."

My heart was beating fast at the confession, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Yet I held them back for I felt something stir in my heart, like a floodgate had finally opened. Magic had flowed though my body freely and power threatened to escape of it didn't have an outlet soon. My curse was broken, and my magic was now mine to use freely.

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