Chapter 14

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The walk was calming to my mind. The stress I had experienced that day seemed to disappear as me and Aru walked quietly through the forest.

Small, glowing blue creatures bounced on air as we walked past them. I stated wide-eyed at the fascinating creatures.

The rain was now only a ligh drizzle that felt nice against My skin, so I closed my black umbrella and let the remainder of water drop down on me.

I smiled as the water gave a pleasant buzz in my skin, the feeling travelling to my chest and surprisingly, into my necklace. I stated at the strange metal around my neck with an arched brow.

"So how was your day today?" Aru asked with a smile. I returned the gesture and stared at the path ahead.

"It was ok, although I got a bit mad as a few girls bad mouthed you in my class today." I admitted. Aru looked midly displeased, But her beautiful smile pushed past all her other emotions.

"People talk how they wish to talk, but their words can't change you, only you can. That was a quote that stuck in my head for some reason. And you know what?" Aru began. I shook my head, clueless.

"I don't care what other people think, because I have you, Gunn, and all the others on my side, as I do them."

My heart sqeezed at her words, the feeling pleasantly warm as it spread from my chest into my mind. She looked at me with her chestnut eyes and gave me a bright smile any man would fall for.

We continued to walk until Aru had finally deemed us far enough. We continued to talk until we stumbled along a weird topic.

"Do you like someone (y/n)?" Aru asked innocently. I honestly didn't know how she said something so touchy so easily. I though for a moment, going though was the faces I had seen so far in school, but none really stood out to me.

"No, I don't think so, how about you?" When I asked her that question, her face flushed red. It was obvious that she liked Gunn, but it wouldn't be fun letting her know.

"I like someone. But I've told you before."

"But why do you like him?" I asked her. She looked as if she was contemplating her thoughts, until a flash of realization shone in her eyes.

"I'm not sure!" She cheered. I gave her a confused look, not quite understanding what she meant.

"All I can think of is just because I do. It's like me asking you why you like a certain food. It might be just because it tastes good, or it could have an even deeper meaning to you."

I was still confused, but I didn't have too much time to think because of a loud creaking noise. I quickly spun my head around and stared at a long tree slowly making it's was down towards us.

I pushed Aru out of the way, sending a quick prayer that she didn't get hurt. She fell to the ground, but looked unharmed. When she managed to look back, her eyes widened with fear. I felt my body get pinned to the ground, the weight of the tree squeezing my lungs.

I tried to breath, but I only managed to get a bit of air before my muscles cramped. I held my breath, trying to calm my pulsing heart beat.

"Oh my gosh! (y/n)! I'll get help, just stay alive!" Aru ran as fast as she could, and boy did she run. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.

Attempting to let in a quick breath, I felt a bit of air go into my lungs before the weight of the tree stopped them from expanding. I let out a wheeze, my attempt to call out for help. The rain had stopped now, but I was shivering from the cold.

Black spots were forming in my eyes. I knew if that this kept up, I wouldn't make it in time for Aru to come back. I tried to take in another breath, minimizing the spots for a bit, but coming back in an instant.

I felt tears sting my eyes, crying silently. I thought about the few days I had been here, the friends I had made.

Aru, Sua, Sehui, Mari, Gunn, Even the creepy stalker boy Mook. I smiled as I thought of their faces, all smiling.

Exept for Mook.

When the heck did he ever smile?

If I could have laughed, I would have, but the feeling of no oxygen was too great, and I left body go limp on the floor.

Finally accepting death a second time, I let myself relax as the world around me faded. Thoughts of Mook trying to smile filled my mind, trying to fit the strange expression on his face.

"(y/n?)" I heard a familiar voice call out. I was too out of the world to pin point it, but the sound of their voice was comforting and smooth. I smiled blissfully as I let myself

slip away.

But then my lungs expanded.

Immediatly, oxygen filled my lungs and I felt the spots around my vison retract. Tears of joy pricked my eyes as my eyes darted around the area for the one who called out my name.

But they were gone.

All that was around my limp body was a white feather sitting pure white on the grassy floor. Reaching my shaking hand out, I pulled the feather close to me, tucking the delicate object in my uniform. I felt safety from the object, and my necklace reacted to the feeling, glowing a bright blue along with the feather.

I closed my eyes again as I waited for Aru. My bones still ached and the feeling of oxygen back in my lungs felt great.

An aching pain in my head made my ears pound. I held my head up as I listened to the foosteps that were similar to the pounding inside my brain. Out from the darkness, my history teacher and Dicarus ran to me with Aru following close behind.

"Y/n! I got help!" I heard Aru's voice. I looked up as my head fell back down. The teacher let out a small curse as he examined the area.

"How did the tree move off of you?" Aru asked. I blinked, not to sure myself. My eyes opened sluggishly, then I closed them, refusing to stay open. I let my brain rest, drowning out the noises outside.

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