Chapter 35

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Someone burst into the room with pure rage flowing off of them. They wrapped their arms around the other boys neck and pulled him off of me just in time before I had lost all purpose. The two fought with fists as I sat up, my vision foggy. My defender was winning, pinning my attacker on the ground as the two had flying fists swinging at each other. I didn't wait long, as I stumbled out of the room and back into my own room, sitting inside my closet and sitting down, waiting for the two to finish the fight.

I sat in darkness, letting my body tremble in fear as the sounds of shuffling came to an end. I heard the tapping of shoes come closer into my room, the movments frantic. The unknown person checked behind the door, under the bed, and finally, they approached the closet. I seized my breathing, trying my best to keep my self hidden. But the door opened, revealing a familiar face.

My breath hitched, but I let out the breath as I saw Mook. He stood tall with a few cuts on his cheek, very small, but enough to redden the cut. He let out a choked breath as he collapsed on his knees, looking at my tear stained face. I felt relief flow though me, letting Mook skim my cheek with his soft hand.

"(y/n)....." He whispered. I felt myself break, the tears flowing from my face. He immediately embraced me, pulling my out of the closet and hugging me. I cried and cried, yet he still stood there and let his fingers comb through my hair. I was shaking, but I was quickly calming down in his grasp.

"Its alright. I'm here now." He said, an unfamiliar emotion pouring off of him. His arms tightened around my waist as I let my arms wrap around him. My shaking seized, a tittynope of my fear now gone and replaced with a calm aura.

"H-how did you know I was in trouble?" I asked with a hitch in my voice.

"Gut feeling. The party was also getting boring without you, so I decided to find you. Especially after what happened earlier." He said, a sense of relief flowing though him. I smiled, grateful that he had come, just in the nick of time.

"Thank you." I said, looking up at him. His Sea blue eyes were looking at me with worry, and a dominant emotion that I didn't know. He smiled, and damn was he hot.

"Of course. Just call me out and I'll make sure to be there." He said, His hand going though my hair one last time before letting me go. He helped me to my feet, and helping me when I fell by supporting myself. I climbed into My bed, the soft feather blanket warming me quickly.

"Goodnight (y/n), I-"

"Wait, Mook, don't leave please." I begged. My brain was posses of an exhausted after the tomatoes attempts at assault, but failed twice in the same night. Mook faintly smiled, sitting on the edge of my bed and watching over me.

I felt comfort in his stare, so I let myself fall into the unconscious pits of my mind, where I didn't know the rest of the story from earlier would play out.


After I watched (y/n) fall asleep, I carefully got off the bed, careful as to not wake her up. She looked So peaceful when she slept. A face not filled with worry, pain, or any other emotion. I wondered what is would be like if I woke up to that face every morning.....

Nope! That's enough Mook! You know how Aru feels about monsters! So why would she be...different? She was friends with Aru, so they must've had some opinions and had things in common. Why was the world so hard to please now?

I wandered back into my room with the unconscious boy. He smelled like (y/n), and his grimey hands were on her body, touching her. I felt a sense of guilt rose up my body, I could have been quicker; I could have come before he had even go e close to touching her magnificent body. But I just had to stay to make sure Yeohee for to her own dorm safely.

The boy moved, but no much, as I had bonded his arms behind his back and his legs together. His one eye was black and bruised after taking my anger out on him, and I felt a bit of pride for stopping him and keeping him in check.

"You're an ass." He coughed, a loose liquid in his throat. The boy struggled against his bindings, but stopped when he realized that my handy work wasn't going to let up. He looked at me with his golden eyes, hatred and violence threatening in his eyes.

"So, why did you do it?" I asked, looking at the boy straight in the eye. He huffed, looking away.

"That's none of your business antler boy." The attacker laughed, my nickname funny to him. "Besides, what's she to ya?"

"I don't need to answer your question, for I have the upper hand in this situation. You should tell me my answers before you get thrown into hell." I said with venom I'm my voice. I hoped to make the boy flinch, to make him afraid of me. But he didn't move, instead he examined my room, looking at all the small decorations. I began to grow frustrated, stomping my foot on the ground.

"Why did you do it? Why did you harass (y/n)?" I asked. I could feel the hatred running though me, imagining the attacker tying up (y/n) and using her to fufill his own desired. People were sick in the head, and standing right in front of Mook was a great example.

"She ain't normal, and she's figured that out already. If she finds out her true identity, then we'll all be screwed. We'll be skewered then rotted away, as the one destined for her comes to get her, he will destroy anyone that comes in his way, killing everyone in the world of it meant getting her."

"So I thought, before she remembered everything, Why not make her mine since she's so powerful? Whomever claimed her first, gets the gift." He chuckled, letting himself watch me think. Jealousy racked through me, but I remained calm, as calm as I could anyways, and I stared at the boy, rage misting in with the jealousy.

Using my elbow, I knocked the back of his head and let his body lay limp on the floor. He would have to go to the history teacher, surely he knew what to do with him. With a quick spin on my heel, I walked out the front door and back to the party.

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