Chapter 52

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Mook had fallen asleep in my lap, his soft white hair under my hands as I caressed his silky hair. The cold of the night wasn't even noticeable as I looked at the sky, thinking about my past life. I had known Mook, and he had known me. Did he remember? Should I tell him?

My thoughts were stirred as Mook's eyes fluttered open, his gaze locked onto my face. My eyes widened as I took my hands our of his hair, but I was quickly stopped by his gentle grasp. "You song have to stop." He said gently.

I nodded and blushed, playing with Mook's silky hair as we stared in the stars. I took a deep breath before asking Mook a question.

"Do you remember how you died?" I asked him. He was shocked at the question, but nodded quickly.

"I was crushed by a boulder after turning into a sea serpent. A huge storm came out of nowhere and wrecked my village." He said. "My mother watched me die."

My heart strained and twisted at his words, the storm had taken his life three days after I had made it to the human realm, where I found a quick relationship and job, then died. I sighed, saddened that such a sweet boy died in pain.

"How did you die?" He asked me, sitting up beside me.

"Electrocution. I was being chased by my ex when he decided to try and kill me. I was quickly ended when I stumbled into some power lines." I said gloomy. Mook squeezed my hand in reassurance, and I could sense some rage flowing off him. I smiled at my next statement"But i'm glad I died."

Mook looked at me with confusion, his blue eyes shining with curiosity. I turned to look at him, a smile on my face.

"Why would you be happy to die?" Mook asked me. The calm expression on my face remained the same as he spoke, and it only made him grow more curious.

"Because I got to meet you." My cheeks flushed and I turned away, listening to Mook's soft chuckle.

"I'm glad I also met you. You always keep my afterlife so busy. If hate to think about what should happen if you weren't here." The boy hummed, watching me shiver at a chilly breeze. He stood up, offering me his hand. "Let's get inside before you catch a cold."

I gladly took his hand, And when I was up, we walked back to the teachers dorms, where we said our good nights and headed to our separate rooms.


A field trip to hell.

No one told me shit about this.

I missed one day, and apparently I missed a shitload of announcments. My class and I were all heading to a different part of hell, where one one area of he seven deadly sins were. If I rembered correctly, the first day we were supposed to see the first four, while we saw greed and lust, and most importantly, gluttony on the last day.

I sat on the bus with Sua, talking about art tips and different ways I could use to improve my art. When the girl was focusing on drawing, I leaped seats to sit with Aru, who was looking back to talk with Waxi and Gunn.

"Swiggity swooty what are you doing with that booty." I joked to the shy brunette. The girl squealed, covering her flustered face. I let out a laugh that was soon joined by the candle and Gunn. Aru squealed and proceded to cover my mouth with her soft hand, as to which I stuck out my tounge and licked her hand, her body immediately scooting back to the car corner of the seat.

"You wouldn't be the first person I've had to do that to." I smirked with a wink. The history teacher gave a confused gave a confused grumble from afar, while Waxi laughed innocently.

"Oh really? Then who's was the first person then, hmm?" Aru asked in a reading tone. A blush immediately spread across my face, backing up to the edge of my seat.

"That may not be the best thing to say..." I trailed off, (e/c) eyes flickering to look at any thing but Aru. The floor suddenly looked very interesting. Gunn scooged closer to my ear, his hot breath against my neck sending shivers down my spine.

"(y/n), so you have a crush?" He whispered. I shook my head, my face getting brighter as I tried to deny any theories my friends were coming up with.

Gunn smirked, whispering something over into to Aru's ear. The brunette instantly squealed, giving Gunn a peck on the nose from excitement. I simply watched while the couple goofed off, that is until the history teacher threw some chalk that he pulled out of nowhere, right at Gunn's head to get him sitting again.

I didn't have any solid proof, but something in my gut told me that I was going to have to keep a careful eye whenever I was around Mook....


The bus stopped with a squeal, and I shot right out of my seat and went to the front of the line. My heart was pumping with excitement as I climbed down the stairs of the bus, my feet hitting the new soil of hell. Sehui and Mari came crashing down with Owl and Dicarius holding them. I laughed as the crow man ruffled his feathers a bit, watching with his piercing yellow eyes.

I want to greet my two friends, both of there heads a mess with tangled hair. I smiled, thinking of how it would be to fly without being held by a giant claw. I wonder if I could ask Mook next one it rained....

Nope! That sounds manipulative. I turned once more to look at my bus group, each of their eyes sparkling as they looked at the new surrounding area. The history teacher yawned before stepping out of the bus, his glasses blocking my view to his mysterious eyes.

"Alright everyone, welcome to hell."

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