A Valentines Special 2

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This is a Dicarius x Reader

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It was an ability granted to those who had trapped souls in their past life, one who could be born with wings or magic to fly was given high names and ranks, depending on their ability.

Dicarius was one of those people, one who was blessed with wings and given the ability to fly. He and I had met countless times on the battle field, sharing exciting stories about our battles when we finished our fights. We saw each other occasionally, but him being the right arm of King Yemma, and me being a simple General of the fallen angles from Hell, I was constantly in battle in the outskirts of hell, fighting infernal spirits that came too close to our safe zone.

I was currently fighting a mid-class infernal spirit when I swung my sword at the beasts neck, putting a deep gash in the spirits neck. His claws waved around randomly as it struggled to attack, its life getting shorter by the second. My team was watching in amazement as  I dodges the attacks, keeping away from this particular spirits blood, for it was very acidic.

It wasn't long before the spirit passed out, the lack of blood from ts head weakening it. I approached the beasts neck, calling on my blades power and making the special metal turn a bright blue. I swung my sword down, piercing the head of the creature, and shattering right in between its eyes. The spirit turned into a think black smoke, dissipating into the wind of the battlefield. I let out a victory cry, my teammates cheering with me as they slayed the rest of the smaller infernal spirits.

"A very good job you did (Y\N), you used some of the moves I taught you as well." I heard a smooth voice behind me. I smirked, not turning as I spoke.

"Well yes, I did have a very good teacher to show me a few tips on mid-class spirits, I suppose I should thank him. Or...." I swept my foot under the man, but is wings gave him enough time to fly into the air, preventing him from tripping. I grunted in frustration, giving him that warning cost me a chance.

"Now that is just cruel."  Dicarius said with a smirk. 

"And that's cheating, you know I don't have wings Dica." I addressed him with his cute nickname. He shook his head, a blush barley noticeable that grew on his neck, but the collar of his coat did well to hide it. He let out an exhausted sigh, patting me on the back before tuning his back on me to head to camp. My group finished cleaning their weapons, turning to face me, only to see the right arm of King Yemma standing in front of me.

"Alright, good job defending the fifth wave of infernal spirits! Return to base camp while General Yang's army will take on the next wave for today!" Dicarius shouted over my warriors, relief shone in their eyes as they silently thanked that the fighting was now taken care of for them. "As for you (y/n), I want you to clean up for tonight. The red eclipse party is tonight, and all Generals are asked to prove their strength with a high-tier spirit." 

His tone was serious, and his yellow eyes held a bit of worry as he looked at me. He waited foe me to collect my thoughts and follow him, watching my ragged and torn outfit slowly fall apart in the wind. When returned to King Yemma's palace, the first thing I did was shower. It was always nice to feel clean after a long battle, and the guardians working there were kind enough to repair my old uniform while I was washing under the water. Next I had to account for any fallen, send a letter to Yemma with all the souls that needed to be reincarnated, and finished my paperwork.

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