Chapter 60

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I had quietly opened the door to the teachers dorm, spotting the history teacher in the kitchen with a nice plate of potato and meat in front of him. I felt a tad bit guilty for having disturbed him from his meal, but Dom had to be dealt with immediately. I opened my mouth to speak, and all I got was a nasty screech.

The teacher stopped to look at me with confusion, not understanding my sudden appearance and noise.

"Miss (y/n)? May I ask what bring you here lo late?" The teacher asked. I tried to say something about Dom, to earn them of his dark ways, but no sound came out of my mouth, my throat completely seizing up. I must have looked like a gaping fish, my jaw flexing open and closed in my only attempt to sound out the words. The teacher shook their head, facing back to his dinner and happily enjoying the flavor.

Panicked, I rushed out of the teachers dorms, back to my own room at the top of the dorms. I would have cursed in frustration if the magic in my body allowed it, but I could feel Dom's dark magic grasp around my throat and seize up any kind of sound. Collapsing on my soft (f/c) bed, I let tears of frustration and anger drip down my cheeks, soaking the pillow beneath me. How was I going to be able to speak out the answers in class? Or explain myself when I got in trouble? How would I be able to warn others of another classmates dark magic? How could I possibly talk to my friends now? What about Mook?

I stayed in my bed until the moon was at its highest peak, causing my dry, tired eyes to force themselves shut and allow me to suffer in the dream world. Even in my dreams I couldn't speak, and I found myself travelling though my own magic corridors to find the dark magic that lurked.

It was strange to dream about magic, for there was so much in the school that was there, but couldn't be felt by the physical body. Each string of magic reacted diffrently to my body, some slinking away from my touch, others blooming or bursting at the top, many others seemed to gravitate toward me or any other living thing coming close to it. It was amusing at first, that was until I looked in a mirror.

I saw myself, a very blurry creature that couldn't keep a permanent form in this realm. A cord of magic, a bright white that was coiled up into a small bright ball was sitting in my chest, it's form radiating power. I went to touch the magic, only to have my hazy form stop me before I got too close. I sighed, looking at the dark magic that looped around my neck. Its string was a dark black, a fog coming off the magic as it restrained my voice. I dug my fingers into the magic line trying to yank the spiritual rope, and it almost worked, the string loosening, but the sound of my alarm going off in the real world yanked me involuntarily out of my dream.

I shot up out of bed, dashing to my mirror to see the magic coil, but unlike the dream world, it wasn't there, and my plan to tear it off my neck had failed. The gloom from yesterday set in again, ruining my mood for another day. Getting dressed, I grabbed by black notebook that held more drawings than notes, and began my path to class. When I arrived, the history teacher was already there looking over notes and grading tests. Without saying anything, a begrudgingly sat in the furthest row away from anyone else. If I could keep myself from conversing with anyone or anything, people will just forget about me and I can settle my talking problem out with Dom.

Looking into my sketchbook, I nearly yelled out a curse word when Dom's small cat appeared out from my book. Its form was much smaller than normal, the cat would able to fit in my pocket if I wanted to. The cat meowed, and using my index finger, I let the cat nuzzle my finger before I gently pet it. I needed to squint my eyes in order to make sure my eyes weren't playing crap on my eyes, for the infernal spirits paws were turning white, it's paws furry instead of being a black mist.

"How cute..." I said as the cat began wrestling with my finger. My eyes got wide, realizing that I could finally talk. Brushing the cat off gently, I went to yell out to the history teacher the truth, but all I got was silence. It felt as if my heart ached, silencing me one more. I looked back at the cat; who eyed my finger with curiosity, smiling as the feline once again began wrestling with my finger. When people began to file in, the cat was quick to leap back into my book and into an unknown abyss, it's purr stuck in my head.

When I saw Mook, he looked frustrated, something was bothering him, and I frowned at his discomfort. When he sat next to me I opened my mouth to ask him what was bugging him, but once again, frustration got the best of me. Suddenly, I had an idea. Ripping out a piece of paper from my book, I wrote asking Mook what was bothering him, and if he would be willing to share it with me. Saucing the more to him quickly so the teacher didn't notice, Mook quickly glanced at me with confusion before reading the note with suprise.

He then began to write back, and my excitment grew. Maybe I didn't need to talk to explain to the teacher what happened, maybe a note would do the trick. When Mook handed me back the paper, it read that he was willing, and to meet him after school by the forest entrance. I quickly scribbled back an 'ok' along with 'also, I lost my voice today, so I won't be able to talk' in my letter, passing the note back to him.

Mook looked at the letter and easily glanced at me, his sea blue eyes sending shivers down my spine. I hated the way he made me feel, but I loved it at the same time, and it was too damn confusing. He didn't hand the note back, and that was fine, besides; we were already getting death glares from the teacher.

Another Chance (Mook x Reader) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang