Chapter 89

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The sky was grey and heavy clouds threatened to rain. It was a silent day, and right after I woke up and got ready I had to head straight to class. Of course I could always see Mook later, and he knew about the whole incident between the three girls from last night, and he could probably guess that I was going to try and fix it. Walking hastily though the halls, I entered the reincarnation class with a stern face.

Mari has taken her seat beside her friends, but was giving the cold shoulder to everyone around her, even Waxy! Sighing, I took my seat in the back corner of class and opened my book, brainstorming on how I could possibly let them see the truth. When the teacher walked in, he let his eyes scan the class that seemed to be extra gloomy today, causing him to frown. I guess showing the kids altered versions of their pasts was not something they should have done.

Altered pasta, surely they had to have the real versions for them to change, so where on earth could the real ones be?

"(Y/n), mind helping me take this box to the storage room please?" The history teacher gestured to a second box of tapes behind him. I replied with a hum and walked up to the front of the class, taking the box in my arms and closely following behind them. Walking though the quiet halls with the only sound of our shoes kept my mind away from drifting off again, and as we entered another room and entered, an idea came to mind. I paid extra attention to where we were going, thinking that if the original copies of the memories were in the storage room, then I would just have to repeat my steps and grab them during night time.

"This is good enough, wait here." The history teacher said. I did as I was told, my (e/c) eyes locked onto the number pad beside the door. Putting the box in one arm, the history teacher used his free hand to type in a password. 0-3-1- I wasn't able to see the other numbers, for I had to avert my gaze when the teacher looked back to make sure I wasn't looking. Cursing under my breath, I shifted on my feet. His was I going to get into the storage room now without the passcode?

When the boxes of tapes were safely put away, I quietly followed the teacher back into the class, a whole plan forming in my head. A grin spread across my face as I sat down, tonight I would get those tapes, and I would show Mari and Sehui the truth.


When midnight came along, I proceeded to sneak out of the dormitory with stealth. I knew I couldn't bring anyone with me, that would risk the whole mission and enhance the chance of being caught.

Passing by the doors silently, I had dressed myself in all black clothing, even going as far as trying a black cloth across my face to blend in. Of course I thought I looked like a ninja, but being one was hard.

Especially since I tripped right over my feet and landed with a loud 'oof'. My heart lurched when I heard the door next to me slam open, and a pair of purple eyes looked right into my (e/c) ones.

"Is that you (y/n)? Why are you in black clothing? Are you sneaking out?" She asked multiple questions, all of which I didn't answer right away. I got up and dusted myself off, looking up to see that Mari and Aru had joined Sehui in the doorframe. Letting out a deep sigh, I realized that maybe the truth was the best thing to say right now.

"I'm sneaking out to get the original memory tapes. I wanted to see the truth about how you guys died, cause you all seemed upset with what they showed you." I confessed. Sehui's and Aru's faces softened while Mari just seemed confused, but no one argued with me. Moving some of my (h/c) hair out of my face, I tried to walk away, but a strong hand caught me by the forearm.

"Take me with you." Mari said with a determined tone.

"What? No way, you'll just increase the chance of getting caught! Stay here where it's safe." I argued, but Mari was seeming to have none of it for she headed inside and began pulling out a black costume from underneath her bed.

"If Mari is going, I'm coming too." Sehui said. My eyes widened at their determination. They really wanted to know the truth, no matter the consequences.

"And me." Aru added. That was no surprise honestly. I tilted my head up to look at Sua, who was frantically shaking her head. She clearly did not wanted to be part of this. I let out a breath and shook my head, but smiled as I saw the three girls ready and dressed in black suits to sneak in. Now with a bigger group, we all managed to sneak out of the dorms and outside, where we then proceeded to sneak into the school and into the first door of the storage room. The sound of footsteps behind me and the group got me panicked, but then I saw three others also dressed in black. Mook, Gunn, and Waxy had appeared in the same black suits we had all been wearing, and hearing the buzz come from Aru'a phone, I knew exactly how they found out.

"This went from a one person operation to half the damn school in ten minutes." I joked under my breath. I approached Mook with a smile and grabbed his hand, leading him over to the keypad that locked the door containing the tapes.

"I know the first three numbers," I then proceeded to type in 0-3-1, "however, there are two more that I wasn't able to see. I'm going to try every number until I figure the code out."

"Wait! I have an idea." Waxy whispered behind me. The candle-like male then placed his hand right over the key pad, pulling away then looking at his palm. Thumbprints were creased into his hand, and on the two numbers of 8 and 7.

"Waxy, you're a genius." I smiled at him while patting his head. I then typed in 0-3-1-7-8, getting the code wrong once again; so I then switched to 0-3-1-8-7, and the keypad flashed green and a lock clicked. I felt Mook's gaze jealously over to Waxy, who had appreciated my friendly praise, but Mook for some reason had been jealous of the candle.

'Oh, only Mook.' I said sarcastically in my head. I was about to walk right into the room when I spotted a glint in the corner of my eye, and there in the room was a small black camera directed right to the next door that lead to the tapes. Quietly cursing, the gears in my head turned, trying to think of a way to deactivate the cameras. I didn't have much time to think though, for Mook had placed his hand along the inner wall and sent out a pulse of electricity, deactivating the cameras with one swift movement.

"And this is why you're my boyfriend." I teased, allowing Mook to ruffle my hair.

"I know, now let's go get those tapes." He replied with his signature soft smile.

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