Chapter 21

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Mook and I stared at the stars for a bit. I couldn't get the thoughts of what had just happen out of my mind. It was like a little movie playing out in my head, it's events replaying every time I blinked.

My mind would have done it over and over again if the sky didn't show it's beauty.

A small, pink shooting star, streaked the sky as it's light quickly faded out in seconds. I gasped, the beauty of the underworld fascinating me. More shooting stars followed it's friend, lighting the sky up for mere seconds before fading into nothing. Blue, red, yellow, and many other colours, it was all amazing to watch.

A cold breeze flew through the air, and I hugged my bag filled with the still warm stir-fry close to my chest. I carefully pulled out the stir-fry, being careful with all the small gifts the others gave me. Nudging Mook's arm with the container, his face turned to look at me, his blue eyes staring at me with fascination.

"Here." I gently placed the container in his hands, shock registering on his face. Mook looked at me with confusion, tilting his head to the side like a lost puppy. I smiled at him, and he looked away. I felt my own stomach squeeze, looking for food. I don't know when I last ate, but I was hungry.

I nudged Mook once more, hoping he would have a spare fork.

"Hey Mook? You have a fork or something?" I poked his arm. He looked at me, staring into my (e/c) orbs.

"No, but I can grab two, stay right here, I'll be back." He got up from the bench, taking his good with him. For a spilt second I got worried he would ditch me, and go to wherever he stayed all the time. But my worried were melted away as Mook looked back at me with a reassuring stare.

I nodded, and continued to stare at the sky. Oh how I wish I could have just stayed out here forever. I was so caught up in gazing at the stars, that I never noticed the approaching mouse beside me.

With a squeak, I jumped, the sudden noise spooking me. I stared at the mouse, it's eyes oddly glowing purple, and a small flame was protruding out of it's tail. I watched as it climbed the wood of the bench effortlessly. It's small paws moved in a way I could have never imagined to do with my own limbs.

The small black mouse came to sit right next to me, it's eyes never leaving mine.

"Well hello little fella, are you lost?" My curiosity of animals was overriding my mind, and my first urge was to pet it. My hand slowly made its way to the black mouse, But that small creature didn't appreciate the gesture. It quicky opened it's mouth, it's white teeth shining in the moonlight. Its teeth connected with my hand, but it's teeth never managed to beak the skin.

I leaped away, the pinch from the bite painful. I could have sworn thays it's small mouth twisted into a grin, and it's eyes shone a little more red. It scampered away, leaving me alone once again.

I sat alone on the bench, the stir-fry in my arms still radiating heat. I wish I had stayed alone for a little while longer, but I heard footsteps behind me.

I turned my head, expecting Mook, but rather, I saw someone else.

It was the girl from earlier, her other two friends were missing, but her purple eyes were still burning with fury. Her greenish skin was covered in armour like scales, and thinking of punching her anywhere would be useless. Her black claws shone in the moonlight, and her teeth formed a grin.

"I found you." She said. I stumbled off the bench, my instincts kicking in. I tried to run, but my legs wouldn't move. Adrenaline moved through my veins, trying to get me to move. The other girl walked around the bench, taking her sweet time closing on me.

"I don't think I've introduced myself, I'm Chloe, your brand new master." Her voice was cold, and a bit scratchy, but held authority none the less. She came closer to me, her intimidation growing.

My eyes scanned her body, looking for any weakness at all. Thinking back to My past life as best I could, I recalled a book saying that hitting animals in the eyes were the best bet for offence. I would have to get behind her, and somehow climb Her massive body to just stun her by hitting her in the eyes.

When her foot was about to make contact with the ground, I sliped my foot where she was supposed to step. She put all her weight on my one foot, squeezing a small groan of pain from my lips. I quickly yanked my foot out from under Chloe, causing something to pop in my foot, but making her fall.

Once she was down on her stomach, I leaped on her back, avoiding Chloe's flailing arms trying to reach me. I couldn't walk on the one foot, the pain I felt shot up my whole leg and into my head as soon as I tried to put weight on it.

I stumbled, almost falling, but I quickly managed to slap the girls eyes, I must have looked stupid, because the crocidle girl shot up, letting out a whine of pain.

I limped away, grabbing my bag off of the bench and getting away as fast as I could. I didn't look back, I didn't want to see my possible fate. I was almost at the doors when I felt a giant hand clasp my sprained ankle.

"Shite!" I yelled. My bag tied aound my wrist, I was hung upside down, suspended by my leg. Pain was the only thing on my mind as I felt my nerves course through me, sending millions of messages to my brain.


'so much pain'

I wanted to cry, I really did, but I wouldn't give Chloe the satisfaction. Am I held my skirt up, Chloe laughed at me, her eyes clearly filled with hatred.

"Let me go." I stated. I looked down, staring at the ground. If she dropped me now, I could seriously damage my neck or head. Biting my tounge, I prayed she wouldn't do the action I told her too.

"Nah, I'd rather beat you up." Chloe said.

"Of course you do." I muttered. "Can't you get a better line? One that's not overused?"

The girl tsked, walking somewhere else with me still in her grasp.

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