Christmas Special

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Merry Christmas lovely readers


It was the day before christmas, the school and stores were packed with anxious and last minute shoppers. I was in that boat, my procrastiantion getting the better of me. I scrambled though the packed isles and quickly picked out some small gifts, placing them in the basket hanging off my shoulder. I got a small necklace for Aru, the same blue flame from her hair exactly the same as the charm hanging off the necklace. I snatched a small speaker for Sehui, the girl would be so happy to be able to sing along with her favorite songs. Mari was a hot head, one that I knew to well. I got her a pair of boxing gloves, the girl needing one way to let out her frustration. As for Sehui, I got an expensive water charm, the magic inside able to repel water from the object it was placed on. This would help her draw without disturbance.

As for Gunn, I got him a longboard cover, the amazing detail etched in the expensive material eye catching and amazing. I got my teachers all gifts too, the history teacher was one of the most tired people I knew, so I got him a soft feather pillow. As for Ms. Oh, I gave her a small stuffed animal, a cat to be exact. The white fluffy creature was constantly smiling, and for some reason, it gave off the same positive aura as Ms.Oh

My art teacher was easy, getting her am art kit was also expensive, but the look on her face would be priceless. And the gym teacher, I wasn't too sure what to get him, but I thought a guitar would work for him.

It was easy to get those gifts, but I was having trouble finding the perfect one for Mook. I had passed many cool items, but none of them screamed his name. I wanted to give him something special, but that was proving to be a very difficult task. I had only an hour left before the store was closing, and I was beginning to panic.

"Gosh, why does this have to be so hard?" I asked, leaning against the shelves. I had felt like I went though the whole store twice, but I still couldn't find anything. Undecided, I checked out my gifts and got them wrapped, my bank account drained of money. I left my room locked, wandering out of the teachers dorm and back into the packed halls of the school.

"Guess I'm surviving on noodles now." I grumbled, wandering out of my homeroom. Students were all over the place, exchanging gifts and laughter, all having a good time with each other. My eyes caught a small head of black hair, and a small cat on their shoulder. It was Dom, and he left as soon as I saw him. I decided to follow the small boy, his strange aura attracting me towards him. I followed through the halls of people, not caring about Dom or me wandering strangely.

Dom wandered upstairs, less people crowding these halls. I had an easier time avoiding their legs, nearly stepping on this tigers tail. I continued to watch Dom as he made diffrent twists and turns, the boy waiting for me when I took too long. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and I ran into a hard chest, falling on the ground.

"Shi- sorry about that, I wasn't looking." I said, looking up. Mook stared down at me, and I felt my face heat up.

"(y/n)? That's alright, here." He helped me up, his cold hand grasping my own. I felt a shock run down my spine, but I disguised it with a shiver. He piled my up effortlessly, and I don't let go of his hand. We looked at each other for a second, until my eyes landed on the gift in his other hand.

"Who's the gift for?" I asked him with an innocent smile. He looked at the gift then hid it behind him, a smirk on his face.

"It's for someone very special, why do you ask." He said, his face coming closer to mine to inspect my expression. I blushed at our closeness, and I froze out of shock. Stumbling backwards, I let out a small giggle.

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