Chapter 42

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I had somehow managed to fall asleep during to storm, despite the constant thunder. It was a dreamless sleep, but one that that lasted longer than I thought. I woke up on Mook's shoulder, his own eyes open and examining my face. I couldn't remember waking up when he returned to his human form, but I must have been to tired to notice at all. He looked away after a few seconds, and my eyes landed on the outside of the cave. It was still raining hard, the clouds let in some sunlight, but from the lack of noise and steady sleep, I guessed the thunder was over. Mook had been tending to a fire in which I had no idea how he made it. I didn't want to guess for my mind was tired enough as it was.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I asked with a gentle tone. Mook shuffled to a sit as he watched the fire burn, glancing at me occasionally. I felt the akward tension from the previous night's events, but that barrier that neither of us had known had broken.

"I slept well, although the storm some me up a few times. Along with a few other things." Mook said, looking at me. I was thankful that we had two days off instead of one, or else we would both be getting deduction points for skipping class. I could only imagine how the teachers were reacting to our missing presence. I just hoped that they weren't and dirty thoughts lingering in their minds.

I tilted my head back as I once again closed my eyes, listening to the caves sounds. If the rain outside that cave wasn't so loud, I probably would have been able to hear Mook approaching sooner. He shuffled closer to me so that our bodies touched. With the heat of the fire making a up for a nice source of warmth, I didn't know why Mook intended on making my face heat up.

"I'm suprised that Dicarius hasn't dropped by in his search. I would have half expected him to shown up by now." I said in a drowsy voice.

"He did, although he's waiting for the storm to pass before we can leave. Whenever that is, he's worried that the storm will last all day." Mook pointed to the storm outside. The rain was pouring, and that made me wonder how harsh the underworlds weather is.

A creature came tumbling in from the outside of the cave. It was like a small fox, but it's silver fur indicated that it was much different. Me and Mook stopped our small cuddling session and looked at the soaking wet creature, it's fur drenched from the hard pouring rain.

Its red eyes looked at us with distrust, something that most animals had in their eyes. They didn't trust most sentient beings, although I wasn't sure why.

"Hey there little guy, how are you doing?" I asked the small fox. Its head perked up in a friendly fasion, and Mook gave me a strange look of his own.

The fox looked at us, but didn't move. The small cave was a temporary stay for all of us, especially if a larger creature decided to waltz in here. "Hey (y/n), would you like some lunch?"

I have the sea serpent boy a wild look, glancing at the fox who wasmt paying attention. "You mean your going to eat our new visitor? Then I'll pass."

Mook let out a chuckle, one that made my heart jump from the sound. His laugh was so smooth lolenhis voice, yet full of hidden energy. "No,  it the fox, I mean these."

Mook pulled out a small bag of fruit from his shirt. I questioned where he got them for a second, but didn't think to much as my stomach let out its demonic cry for food.

"Jeeze can you call down for at least five minutes? I'll feed ya in time!" I said to my own stomach. I listened to Mook's chuckle as I talked to my self with an embarrass blush. I looked over my shoulder to look at the small pile of berries. The fruits were a mix of dried and fresh, adding to my slightly building theory that Mook was a secret survivalist in disguise.

"Where did the berries come from? If you don't mind me asking." I said with curiosity. I grabbed one of the fresh fruit and plopped it into my mouth, the sweet taste spreading in my mouth. Mook took a berry of his own before explaining.

"I tend to come here often when it rains, and when I get hungry in here, I tend to store snacks in the cave to snack on later. I didn't expect visitors at all, so I can't guarantee that you like everything I stored here."  I got up and began searching. I knew it was well past lunch, and my stomach wasn't calming down unless I fed the demanding baby.

"You can't really expect to much to go to plan with me around. I tend to mess things up and expose some bad sides of people." I said sadly. It was true too. I had only glances of my last life, but in most of them I had somehow managed to get myself kicked from a holy fricken kingdom, and murdured by an infernal spirit. I had done many things in my life, but I could hardly recollect anything good.

"Hey, look where you are now. You made me trust you, more than anyone else, even if it was by accident." Mook said with an attempt to try and cheer me up. I nodded,  it fully convinced.

"I said it was an accident-"

"And more than that, look at all the friends and chances you have now? You can correct yourself and lead a better life next time, starting here, (y/n), I believe in you."

My heart was. racing, beating faster then I could have ever made it with exercise. An and Mook were looking in each other's eyes, our faces inches apart.

"Mook, I think I have something to tell you."

"Then say it; I'll listen when no one else will, no matter what happens between us." We were leaning closer, and I felt the Fox's interested state in us.

"Mook, I think I l-"

Before I could finish, something came tumbling in the cave entrance.

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