Chapter 15

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I was in a dream.

It was mostly me surrounded by my favorite creatures, dragons. This must be my minds way of keeping me happy, cause I was surrounded by them. They all stood on there from legs, sitting as staring at me with disgust.

I looked down to see my hands on shiny, pure white shackles. The dragons varied in colour, and many had beautiful horns atop their heads.

I looked in the reflection of the white shackles, the strage material so polished it was a practical mirror.
I had horns of my own, pure white like the shackles A wore on my wrist. They looked like someone's I knew, a bit with white hair....

A voice called my name and my head shot up. A woman I once called mother stood beside the dragons, her eyes shining with disgust, but love and regret.

Was this a dream? Or a memory?

"(y/n) (l/n), you are here today for violating our most precious law we have had since the cold year, entering the human realm." A giant red dragon spoke. I kept my head held high, my pride not fading for whatever crime I comitted.

"In violation of this crime, that everyone knew, you will be sent down back the the place you love so much, the the human realm. You will have no contact with dragon life here, and you will be forever branded with a magic seal."

I said nothing as he stared at me, his red eyes digging holes into my head. I stated back at him with just as much hatred.

The dragon stomped his foot, and a small, black dragon came out from somewhere in the gathering crowd. The dragon sat in front of me, it's red eyes staring into my (e/c) ones.

It's mouth began to chant words I didn't I understand, but I felt magic being gathered into my chest, into a small ball.

I stumbled a bit, the feeling of magic growing weaker. My mother looked at me with sorrow, but only for a second before she looked away.

The black dragon stopped it's spell casting and looked back at the red dragon, getting an afermative before it could crawl back into the crowd.

"It was worth it." I whispered.

"What was that, traitor?" The red dragon grumbled. I looked up straight into his eyes, anger shining in them.

"I said it was worth it! Those people needed help and I did what I knew was right! It was just a little rain for their crops, nothing that could harm anyone!" I yelled.

A few dragons looked taken back, a few whispering things to each other.

"Besides, when we need help, we ask others, and someone just so happened to call upon us, and I answered the call. Not like any of you were going too." I huffed.

"Because of your actions you let a dragon traitor and their child live, and we don't need anyone telling the human realm about us." The dragon roared. I smiled, thinking about the mother and child I saw with their horns on top of their head.

They used to be apart of the dragon kingdom once too, but small crimes were punished severely here, in this 'perfect world'. They were such an amazing family too, but they were starving when I showed up, half the village was, so I did what I knew would not go unnoticed.

Rain was an easy thing for dragons like me to create, and that's what I did, magic infused water that grew the plants that were dead and dying.

I had no regrets.

"I would rather lose my horns then to stay here another day, at least those in the human realm have hearts, you cold-blooded lizard." I closed my eyes, waiting.

"As you wish."

The same dragon who was lecturing me stood up, his fire breath collecting in his neck. He aimed right for me, the fire burning not my skin, but rather my horns.

The once beautiful and graceful curves were now falling apart like ash, crumbling to the floor.

"Now you look like those humans too." My mother was now crying after the red dragon said those words, and she ran to me, hugging me.

"Oh (y/n)...I'm So sorry..." She whispered. She slid her hand up my shirt, keeping any suspicon from the other dragons non-existent. She planted her hand on my chest were the feeling of my condensed magic was, her palm glowing. She broke the spell that was cast in me, but put another one to replace it.

"Remember our story we used to read when you were younger?." She asked. I nodded, it was the one from an erlier memory, the one where the dragon gives up his glorious future for the love of a woman. Only his ability to love was lost, given to that woman to hold onto.

"Well, remember it, and then you can return to me, and show us the right way."

She slid off of me, her eyes now holding nothing but love. She gave me one last smile before I felt the ground from under me disappear.


"Mom!" I yelled. I shot up from the white bed I was sitting in. Someone was sitting in the chair next to it, getting startled and jumping up themselves.

I felt a sharp pain go up from by back and a groaned before falling back on my pillow. I used my aching arms to wipe the tears away from my eyes.

"What's with the suprising outbursts?" A cold but familliar voice asked. I looked to my side and saw Mook standing beside my bed with my black note book.

"Oh it's just you." I said bluntly. I stifled a laugh as his face grew to a slightly irritated one.

"Well since you awake now, I can I've you this," He handed me my notebook, but it felt heavier then the last time I held it.

"I wrote the notes from class inside it, so while your stuck in here study them for our next test."  He said, crossing his arms. I have him a nod and smiled.

"Thanks Mook~" I cheered. He just stared at me and waved his hand, leaving the room. I set my black book beside me on my bedside table, my mind ruining back to the memory I had.

Was I really in a dragon realm?

Did that mean dragons are real?!

I grew exited, I fist pumped the air, cheering quietly. They were real, and now I'm determined to do d them once again.

I took my book and looked through the pages, Mook's note scattered throughout the many pages I had drew on. I smiled as I read a few positive ones.

'Remember these, we need you to pass this grade so we can move on to the next.'

Well, they were kind of nice. I skipped to the last page, where a little note was there. A small flower with a gem in the middle was drawn on the back, with a little sentence written below it.

'remember to be happy'

Well dang, maybe he did have other emotions.

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