Chapter 45

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Half of the team left to find the other teams flag, while the other half defended and hid atop the trees, waiting for someone to come into their line of sight.

I was one of the dashers, keeping my presence unknown to the opposite teammates that lurked on the side. My eyes were wide open as I scanned for the flag, hiding behind trees and rocks as the teammates circled the wide area.

I heard a slight yelp, dashing over to my teammate. They had been tagged and left by the other person, frozen in place. I hid behind a tree and checked for any nearby people, making sure no one was around or close. Taking a deep breath, I tagged the person and ran, keeping an eye out on the I'm coming person who was now chasing me.

It was an even chase, my twists and turns never losing the person for more then a few seconds before they relocated me. I didn't have the chance to look backwards, not when a possible enemy could be waiting for me to put my guard down. I looked farther ahead and noticed a small river with poured rocks. If I could lose them here, then I could enter their circle head on and do a desprate search of the flag.

Speeding up, I felt my muscles begin to burn as I pushed myself, allowing the small body of water to enlarge faster. It wasn't long before the river was at the tip of my toes, the cold of its most spraying on my face. I had a half a second to embrace the cool most before plunging into the ice cold water, the temperature taking my breath away. I heard the dumping sound of my chaser hit the water, along with their frantic splashes to get back to the surface. I held in a laugh and followed the current a bit farther down the river. For a river, the water didn't hold much life.

When I came back up for air, I had surely lost my chaser a while ago. O crawled out of the water, my body's temperature regaining its heat quickly. I began to run again, the exercise addicting. Crossing a few paths of unsuspecting students, They saw me for a few seconds before losing me again, putting their nerves on edge. My eyes scanned the area for the yellow flag. Anywhere, it could be anywhere.

The teachers whistle blew twice, alarming the team's that someone was now out of the game, and one of The teams were winning. I hastened my search, desperate to find the flag. I heard the crunching of leaves before I sensed their eyes on my back and began to run, knowing that they were out to get me.

I wasn't fast enough, a felt the person's hand skim my back and I froze, tagged in an area alone. The chaser didn't bother to show their face to me as the quickly left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I slowly counted the seconds, nearing a minute. Ten seconds left.



A shuffling noise from behind


Probably an enemy making sure their flags was safe.


Wait, are they heading....


Right for me?


They're coming closer


Get ready to run.


Thank you....


Before the whistle could go off, a gentle he d grasped mine and dashed off with me, leading me away from the enemy infested zone. I didn't have the time to look at who saved me, my mind competitive and looking for the flag. My eyes widened as I spotted it, the flag tucked deep within a hollow with only a sliver of its golden fabric sticking out and visible. I wanted to reach for it, but the approaching enemy's made it hard to decide against getting caught again. I followed my saviour, leaping over logs and even across a small crack in the ground that lead to unimaginable depths. I followed my teammate until we had successfully lost our pursuers. We were both breathing heavily, leaning against a log as we hid.

"T-thank you for that, I was just about to be called off the field when you came- Mook?!" I shouted. I immediately covered my mouth and stood up, relocating hiding places with Mook just to be safe. I crawled up a tree and waited for Mook to join me, his long limbs climbing effortlessly along the branches that held out weight.

"Alright so, I saw their flag in a tree, but it's going to be difficult to get too because of the hill the tree is suspended on, and with all the people there, we need a distractio-"


"Pardon me?" I asked with a co fused face.

"If we go, then We will get caught, and I don't need you getting caught again." Mook said with a whisper.

We had a chance to get the bright yellow flag, and being the only possible people who knew where it was hidden, we might be the only ones who have our team a winning chance. I was about to continue my argument when Mook put his hand over my mouth, stopping me from talking, and making my face heat in a blush.

Aru ran past us, the oblivious girl keeping an eye out for our team. She looked around but never looked up in the trees before She ran out of sight. Mook still didn't move his hand, and I was growing impatient. I slid my tounge out and licked his hand, Mook jerking away instinctively. He looked at me with wide sea blue eyes, his irisis filled with suprise.

I smiled, making him look away and run his hand on his slightly dirty pants. With a thud I landed on the forest floor, taking one last look at Mook before moving to the flag. The faint thud behind me let me know that Mook had decided to join me in my hunt.

This was the final stretch.

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