Chapter 7

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We sat in awkward silence, not sharing a word to each other. Neither one of us wanted to be together, but the art teacher just loves to play with the strings.

I listened to the teacher as she spoke about our first drawing, and how we were allowed to do whatever we wanted. As long as we were comfortable with what we were drawing.

But having no memory of your past life sucks.

Especially if you had no clue how to draw.

I had wasted sheets of paper just trying to think of a basic thing to draw, and even A simple circle seemed like a million dollar painting.

Most people drew people or animals, but a few had drawn fancy plants or even cities in a matter of minutes. Even Mook had managed to make a sketch of a beautiful flower.

"Where'd ya see that flower? Does it grow around here?" I asked, trying to get rid of the tense silence between us. He glanced at my figure leaning on the table, then he looked back at his paper.

"I think I saw it somewhere in my past life, I just don't know quite where." He said. I gave him a questioning glance and looked around the class. I swear half the kids in here died as artist.

"Why don't you try drawing an animal? It doesn't have to be real." Mook suggested. I picked up my black mechanical pencil and tried to think of a mythical creature, something with wings, maybe horns. 

I ended up making a blob.

"What the, why? How does this even happen?" I was speechless, I couldn't do anything that remotely resembled anything. I set my pencil down and stared at my blob, disappointed with myself.

I then looked at Mook, and when our eyes met I pointed as the blob on my paper.

"Well?" I asked.

"It sucks." He said. He then went back to drawing his flower.

'Well, at least he's honest.' I thought. Patiently, I waited for class to be dismissed and left as fast as my legs could carry me. School was over, and now I could spend my time being a book worm in the library.

The place was packed, students tried to get books for school and the librarian struggled to sign out the books and help the students. Many of the books being signed out we're mathmatical or history, but I wasn't looking for anything remotly close to those.

I poked around the library and found the red covered book I had found earlier. I swiped the book from its place and sat at a table, far from the commotion of students.

I opened my black notebook and had my pencil in hand, I wanted to try and draw something good for art if I wanted to pass this year of school.

I scanned the book for something interesting, but only 1 thing really caught my attention.

I was stuck staring at a dragon, and boy, my hands itched to make a replica of the beautiful creature, so I let my hands fly, making lines and scribbles that actually turned into a drawing.

Multiple students tried to take the seat across from me, but I hissed like a cat and made them leave, but gaining multiple weird stares from them.

I was so focused that I didn't sense the looming presence over me.

"So you can draw?" A fimilliar voice said. I quickly crumpled up a spair sheet of paper and threw it at the mysterious person square in the face as they gave me a disappointed look.

"Whoops, sorry Mook." I apologized. "You just spooked me."

He took a deep breath in and walked past me, searching the rows of books for a specific title. He pulled out a golden covered book and walked over to me, taking a seat across from me. We locked eyes for a moment and then I went back to intensely drawing.

I don't know how long I went on for, but by the time I had finished the drawing Mook tapped me on the shoulder and told me that the library was closing.

I snapped my book closed, making sure he didn't see my drawing. He tilted his head in confusion but never the less We left the library. We walked out side-by-side and continued to walk through the maze-like halls.

Just as the path split we said our goodbyes and made our ways to were we slept, but just as I was about to enter I saw Mook make a change in direction.

He was heading to the teachers dorm.

I watched curiously as he made his way through the dark corners of the field and expertly made his way inside the teachers dorms. He entered the dorms like he owned the place and I stood at the female dorm rooms, my jaw wide open.

"Holy crap that kid is fast." I whispered to myself. I then made my way up the many pairs of steps, all window up to my room.

As expected, almost all the dust was gone from the room, and the window I had left open had let in a nice cool breeze.

I finally found the light switch, and the while room was lit in a golden glaze. Small lanterns hung from strings from the roof and small glowing stars were stuck on the ceiling.

The whole room was the shape of a dome, and I had realized it was the top of the while building because of all the Windows in the room.

I could see the night sky from all angles, although a few owl-cats perched on the window ledges, they just added to the beautiful scenery.

I set my books on the night stand from before and scanned the room. None of the furniture was dusty, and it looked Like multiple pieces of clothing were already tucked away in some of my dresser drawers. I smiled in content and changed into some pyjamas and layed on my bed, staring at the stars outside.

I couldn't pick out any constellations because the stars seemed to be moving. I tried to focus on one star but it seemed to vanish as soon as I layed my eyes on them.

So I just let my eyes sit and watch the sky, the stars indeed moving to form diffrent shapes.

I fell asleep to the stars seemingly making out a shape of the Dragon I drew earlier.

Bonus picture Done by me!

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