Chapter 39

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After all that, I could have sworn I was in something. I went back to the dorm to change out of my old clothes. They stunk of magic and I had no intention to be caught with it. I changed into a black skirt and white t-shirt, slumping a grey sweater over top. Waking outside, I took a breath of the clear air. Maybe it was the air, maybe I was drunk on happiness. Whatever it was, I was not ready to embrace it. The strange cat was putting me on edge, so I decided to go to the forest, where the sun shone through the leaves.

Plants of all kinds roamed the forest floor, there beautiful colours lighting up the trees and sending beautiful aromas though the air. I walked through happily, the sounds of wild animals echoed though the trees that made up the dense forest.

It was a nice day, one with a fresh breeze that carried the winds from afar. I took a beep breath, feeling how clear the air was here. I continued to walk though the forest, small creatures danced around me in strange patterns. I thought at first I was alone, but the presence I sensed behind me proved my first thoughts wrong.

"Oh look at that, it's a wild (y/n) lurking in the woods." A voice called out. I spun around and saw a familiar figure leaning against a tall tree, there cool and calm nature showing all the time was broken by the rare smile he wore on his face. My body relaxed as he approached, joining me on my small walk.

"Nice to see you like nature walks antler boy." I said with a sly smile, waking slowly to continue my unknowing adventure. I didn't know where I was going, and that didn't matter anymore. Mook scoffed.

"Antler boy?! Since when was that my name?" Mook said with disbelief. I chuckled and lightly caressed Mook's antlers with my hand. The feeling of the antler was so smooth it was scary. Mook just watched with his calm expression, his muscles tense from my contact. I remembered the first day I saw him, his antlers in the way of my line of vision whenever I tried looking past him. And the day I had drawn a scaly Dragon with his horns. I tried to picture him without them, but it seemed alien.

"Ever since the day I saw you I called you that, I just never told you." I joked, causing Mook to look at me with disbelief. We walked side by side through the lean path pushing us together. My hand brushed up against Mook's, my face instantly blushing from the contact made with him. I closed my eyes and focused on the sounds of the forest, using Mook's footsteps to keep me on the trail covered in dense plants. I listened to the birds chirping, the sounds of their songs different than those of the birds on the surface. That lead me to humming the small melody that nature played in the trees, the ups and downs of each note entranced me in the song, almost like a lullaby trying to make a child sleep.

Mook on the other hand, was watching the trail in front of us, taking occasional glances of my entranced face. I could feel his curious eyes stare at me for some time before looking back to the trail that lead us to the unknown. We didn't talk much during the walk, and that might have been for the best because I heard the faint sounds of running water up ahead.

"Hey, watch out-" Mook pulled in my arm and gathered me close to him, stopping my walk. In front of me was an oddly familiar branch that had set itself in the dirt. I recognized this place and the trail I had taken with Aru the one night, the night the fallen branch decided to crush me. I shivered, partially from the awful memory, the other from Mook's touch. I didn't know why, but whenever I touched the male, a shock always ran up my spine. Stepping I've the branch, I have the piece of wood a death glare, like it actually felt the hatred in my gaze.

"You know, I never did figure out who saved my that night." I mumbled to myself. Mook kept his body close to mine in case I needed help watching for any more branches, but my face a heated mess from the slight contact.

"Do you have a clue what might have?" Mook asked. This raised a small question in the back of my mind, a small detail that I had seemed to miss in the most inconvenient time. Mook said what, not who, was it not a person? Did he know who? But this question, a small calling in the back of my mind, was pushed away when my ears picked up the small roaring of a river.

"I don't know, but it left the most crisp white feather behind, it was so magical. I have that feather in my room on my desk actually, just to remind myself that if I was to ever meet my savior, to thank them." I said with a smile. I pictured the one who has saved me, maybe a guy who was tall, maybe a bit lean, but not weak like most, his smile must have been perfect, but who was I kidding? I couldn't expect perfect when it was already right beside me-

My thought were cut off as my eyes spotted the river I heard earlier. It's shining blue water softly rolled down the path carved from many years of erosion. Excitedly, I ran towards the water that sprayed up mist the closer I got. I let my hand touch the surface of the water to test the temperature. It was cold, but nothing a bit of swimming couldn't handle.

A took off my sweater and revealed my white t-shirt that I wore underneath. Thankfully, under this crappy skirt I wore some shorts underneath that I could swim comfortably in. After placing my clothes on a tree nearby, I looked back to Mook, who was keeping a noticeable difference from the water.

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